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"You have a lot of shit to explain," said Nicholas as he stormed into Humaid's study hall.

A perplexed Humaid glanced up, tired eyes meeting Nicholas's glacial ones. "Excuse me?" he asked.

Board exams were around the corner. For an American medical student, one would either pick up the slack and study till their eyes drew tears or they would fall behind and get kicked from whatever program they were in.

Humaid was learning that lesson through the endless diagrams of the human body and the four textbooks that he tediously flipped through. 

He seemed different. Purple bags bruised around his eyes like rings of fatigue. Humaid's usually tamed hair stuck up in all directions, a chaos of black strands drifting with the stress. His face was pale, sickly pale like hell had hit him over the last couple of nights.

Nicholas wondered if any of Humaid's troubles regarded his sister's marriage. 

Firmly slamming his hands on the desk, Nicholas glared directly into his eyes, gratefulness nothing but a foreign cloud among his flurry of emotions. Sure, Humaid and Haroon had helped him find Islam in his time of need, but Dina's tears and anguish begged to differ. He had to know what happened, what caused the abrupt decision, and who forced it.


"Why the hell is Dina getting married?"

Realization dawned upon his ambivalent eyes, dark as night like the secrets he tried to conceal from Nicholas. Humaid bit his lip, nervous about whether or not to tell his friend about his family's struggle. He knew something, but he wouldn't say.

"I'm serious," said Nicholas. "Why is Dina getting married?"

"How do you know about that?"

"Don't change the subject," he snapped. "She's in tears, completely distraught and lost. Why would your family force a girl like that into some other man's arms? Do you not care for your sister at all that you couldn't even fight for her freedom in choice?"

Humaid's eyes blazed with fury as he stood up, grabbing Nicholas's collar. "Don't you dare say that I don't care about my sister," he hissed like a serpent. "I would give my life for hers. I would defeat a thousand men for her safety. I would trade the world for her freedom, so don't stand there acting like I'm some cold-hearted ass who only cares about himself."

Nicholas didn't feel the tremors of fear this time. Instead, his rage expelled all doubts, fears, and inhibitions. Dina was more than just another girl to him. She was the love of his life, the pen to his writing, the angel to his demons. Like a queen without a crown, Dina would consume his thoughts everyday. 

He pushed Humaid off him, jaw clenched and eyes cold, freezing the room with his dark glare. "If you really cared as much as you claimed, then you would have resisted her marriage more," said Nicholas.

"Shut up!"

"You would have fought to keep her happy, Humaid!" yelled Nicholas, not caring if he made a scene. "She's crying, alone and scared. She's in complete agony over her life. Don't you understand? Dina is trapped in a marriage she never consented to, a type of union that Allah frowns upon."

"Why do you even care who she marries? Who made you her spokesperson?" Humaid harshly questioned, taking a couple threatening steps forward. "Stay away from my sister, Nick. She's not a toy to play with."

"Then maybe you should stop treating her like some pawn in chess and tell me the goddamn truth."

Humaid froze, guilt etching his soul like an ancient art piece. His muscles began to relax, fists unclenching and eyes losing their flare. Nicholas had been right. Whatever darkness possessed the Younes family had distraught them to a point of no return. They hid their troubles under a guise of a picture perfect wonderland, but something far crueler had slithered into their home.

Some outside force was pressuring the marriage. 

"I... I can't do anything," Humaid struggled through his words, squeezing his eyes shut as if he was in pain. "I couldn't... I tried so hard, but it wasn't enough."

"Who is forcing this marriage?" asked Nicholas. "I've met your family. I know you and Haroon. You guys wouldn't go against Islam and Allah's word like that."

Humaid opened his glazed eyes, sadly smiling as a teardrop fell down his cheeks. "I wish that alone were enough to save Dina."

"It is enough to help her," argued Nicholas. "You always told me that Allah gave those that he loved the toughest trials to the point where they were unbearable, but a believer doesn't abandon Allah when defeat curls around them. A believer stays true to their belief and asks Allah for guidance."

"I have, Nick, but I can't stop it. This family has threatened my parents with their jobs, their wealth, their connections, everything. Haroon and I tried to reason, but they wouldn't listen, especially when such a powerful man supported them."

A powerful man. 

Dread clawed at his stomach, drawing acidic refusal towards him in a blurry haze. The world spun around him, and Nicholas stumbled a couple steps backward. On the tip of his tongue, he knew the name of such an arrogant, distrusting, and vile man. He knew of a depraved villain who made his youth a living hell. 

Although Nicholas did not associate with the American elites, he was well aware of their obsession for control, their growling need for order. Like untamed beasts, they forced their preys into cages. 

It can't be him. He wouldn't go so far, would he? 

"Nick, are you alright?" asked Humaid, genuinely concerned. "Look, I'm sorry I overreacted. You were just trying to help, but I swear I would never hurt you like that. I got defensive because it's pretty embarrassing that my family is getting pushed around by some guy we never even met."

He has no idea of my connection to that man.

"Do you know the name of that unknown man?" 

Humaid looked confused. "Yes, I do."


"Scott Muller."

A new type of dread possessed his body, a new fear. Disowning Nicholas was not enough. Hating Nicholas was not enough. His father climbed to another level, another step towards torturing Nicholas. His father chose Dina as a pawn in his twisted games.

If you want a fight, Dad, you're going to get one.


What up, peeps? 

It's winter break, and I have a crap ton of AP work to get done, but yet again here I am writing my life away XD 

I was thinking of doing a Wattpad podcast sometime in the near future. I have no idea if anyone would listen to 5-10 minutes of me, but like I said I was only thinking. 

What do you think Nicholas is gonna do to his dad? He's so grown up. He used to keep to himself, now he's lecturing Humaid and fighting for Dina <3

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

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