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His jaw dropped.

Nicholas could not believe his eyes as he continued to read the article. He had always known that Muslims were very advanced in sciences and mathematics, but he never imagined that they had a long history of it, a history that put the Scientific Revolution to shame. It seemed almost too surreal, too startling, too remarkable.

It seemed impossible.

He exhaled a long breath, leaning his head against the leather cushion of his chair as he allowed his mind to drink in the new information like a man without water.

His thirst for knowledge was unquenchable, and he seeked more. Indeed, everything that Haroon and Humaid told him was true, all the biological information such as fertilization and the development of a fetus were all valid.

Even more surprising would be all the astronomical discoveries that the Muslims were told. He remembered from his high school history classes that when news of the sun-centered solar system hit the Ottoman Empire, they were unphased and returned to their perfunctory lives.

Now, he wondered, could it have possibly been because the Muslims already knew?

Suddenly, a harsh cough ripped through his chest, constricting his lungs together as he viciously tried to breathe. He sniffled. The frosty storm roared outside his window, a blanket of ice covering the bustling city. Small flakes coated the corner of his window, creating a fog to cover the sleet on the crystal surface, a city in deep silence from admiration of the winter.

He felt his body enervating under the frigid temperatures, deteriorating his sane mind from thinking too hard, much to his dismay. Nicholas shivered. He pulled his blanket around his body tighter, forcing warmth to erupt from the cotton, but not without some blonde hair sticking up from the static.

Nicholas cursed under his breath.

"Nick!" Elijah yelled, barging into his room.

"There's a door for a reason, man."

Elijah smiled sheepishly. "But I was so excited to tell you the good news."

"Which is?"

"My girlfriend is coming over!"

Nicholas rolled his eyes. "Doesn't she always?"

"I mean, yeah, but- Nick! That's not the point here," scoffed Elijah, although he seemed rather flustered, considering the circumstances.

Nicholas peered through his lashes, tilting his head at his friend. The man was as good as a lost puppy, trying to find his owner, whenever his girlfriend was around. He could not function properly without her, and by this time, Nicholas was just waiting for the wedding.

"Just propose already," he stated.

Elijah sighed. "I need a stable job first, preferably after graduation."

Nicholas felt a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, but he tried to suppress it. He knew it was only a matter of time before the lovebirds tied the knot. Shaking his head, he stretched against the chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

"So, what's the other good news?"

"I stopped by the library and I saw Dina," he paused, eyebrows furrowed, "or at least I think that's her name."

"It is."

Elijah took a minute to examine his best friend, noticing the way his blue eyes sparkled at the mere mention of her name, the way his lips quirked into a smile, and the way his leg bounced in anticipation. Nicholas knew that Elijah could read him like an open book, but he couldn't contain his excitement.

"And?" Nicholas pressed.

"Isn't someone eager?"

Nicholas glared, wishing his gaze was as cold as the wintry air outside that threatened to shoot him with hypothermia, maybe even the fist of an ice ifrit would do Elijah some justice.

Elijah chuckled. "Relax, she asked me about you," he said, taking a seat on Nicholas's bed. "She told me to give you this book."

He eagerly took the book from Elijah's hand, curious about the reason why Dina would send him such a thing.

On the cover, two silhouettes, a woman and a man held onto each other on top of a massive dark heart, their names contrasting with the darkened shadows. The background was even more splendid, an illusion of lace embroidery, no doubt if real would be from the finest French tailors in the eighteenth century, perhaps before the revolution.

His fingers traced the pink gradient that covered the book, tracing the names written. Alex & Eliza, he read, a love story. Nicholas's blue eyes widened as he realized who those two historical figures were. It was the romance that began during the American Revolution, the story of an immigrant, a Founding Father, an American hero, a devil with a quill.

It was the story of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler.

When Nicholas gazed up, his bright blue eyes met brown ones that gleamed with jest as Elijah smirked at his best friend.

"What?" asked Nicholas, suspicious.

Elijah shrugged, innocently. "It seems like she was trying to send you a message."

He cocked his head to the side. "Like what?"

"Dear God, you cannot be that obtuse," muttered Elijah, disappointed at his best friend's lack of a romantic bone. "Read the note that's attached to it."

It was only then that Nicholas noticed the pink card, poking from beneath the heavy pages. He gently pulled it out, smelling Dina's comforting scent that seemed to drive him to insanity at times, and he found himself missing her more than ever. Her handwriting was as clear as a sunny day.


I hope you don't mind the book. I hoped that we could finish Percy Jackson together, but I heard you got sick and didn't want to disturb you. I know you're a really practical guy, not to mention a history buff, so I thought this book suited you.

You remind me of Alex in the story, actually, you're a lot like him. Probably not the eagerness to talk all the time like me (sorry not sorry), but mentality wise, you two share a lot in common. You have a drive to be more than who everyone deems you to be, and even if no one else believes in you, I do.

I believe in you as much as you believe in me.

Lots of love,


P.S. you better read it! I will pulverize you if you don't.

Nicholas smiled. He gazed back at the book in his hand and then at Elijah's cheeky grin. His heart fluttered as he glanced back at the note. A familiar heat crawled up his neck and to his cheeks, burning his pale skin and replacing it with a crimson tint, making Elijah know about his inner turmoil.

"I assume you now understand, yes?"

Nicholas didn't bother answering, opening the book to the first page, and preparing himself for the remarkable love story of two people that America had long forgotten. There was a purpose to this gift, a purpose that he was dying to find out.

Jingle bells, taking L's, hit me with a sleigh. I'm so done, this isn't fun, there goes my GPA. Yay.

Pray for my math grade y'all. My A depends on tomorrow's test.

Anyway what do you guys think was Dina's secret message? Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!

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