A Ciley Wedding

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So like this is kinda a spoiler.. Just reveals the kids names but ig read at your own risk.. I don't see as much of a risk but, ya know.
Riley POV ~

Was I nervous? Hell the fuck yes I was! My ass was not ready for this.

I guess Huey bitch ass noticed cause he chuckled, tightening his tie.

"The fuck is so funny?" I question.

"You're more nervous than I thought you'd be," he replies. I roll my eyes.

"Don't worry," Caesar says, "its gonna be nice an smooth."

"Mane, easy for you to say," I mumble, "Yo ass been to weddings before."

I was the first to get married outta everyone. Huey was too much of a bitch to ask Jazmine to marry him and Ceez ass knew he'd catch hands for proposing to Jay.

"Riley?" Jada knocks on the dressin room door, coming in. "Ceremony starts in 5 minute. You look good by the way."

"Thanks sis."

She looks at my face, smiling.

"What?" I questions, eyebrow raised.

"I just can't believe my twin is gettin married," she replies, "You're leaving me."

I smile, pulling her in a hug.

"You know its always gon be Jay And Reezy," I tell her. She smiles.

"Ready to go?" Huey asked. I nodded.

We were in our 20's. Murph was 23 while I was 21.

I smirk to myself as I'm walking out the dressing room towards the aisle, remembering the night I proposed to her.


It was Mid June. C-Murph been busy with Jay and Jazzy, them still be singers and all that. We had missed our anniversary and I had planned sum really big.


"Come on, Huey, please!" I begged. "This the last time I need you!"

"You said that 3 times ago," my hating ass brother replies.

I needed a sitter since Murph and I couldn't leave the kids no where.

"Huey, this is big. Please."

Huey stared at me, trying to make sure I won't lying.


"Thank you!" I couldn't help but hug the nigga.

Huey pushed me away, a deep scowl on his face.

"You got 2 hours. And I want money."

"Damn nigga, you act like you dont wanna see yo niece and nephews."

Huey just walked away. Bitch.

I go home, getting my kids ready.

"Where we goin, daddy?" Carter, my older son, asks.

"To yo gay ass uncle house."

"Yay, Uncle Huey," Jadea and Blaise, my twins, cheer. They actually liked Huey.

"Why can't we go to Aunt Jada's?" Carter pouts. Jada was his favorite.

"Cause, Aunt Jada got a lot goin on right now. Plus you get to spend time with Holly. Isn't that good?"

Carter nodded a lil, liking the idea of seeing his older cousin.

"See, there we go."

I got the three ready, getting them in the car. Carter was 4 while the twins were 3.

I pull up to Huey house, Jazmine opening the door.


"Hi Auntie Jazz!" They all smile. Jazmine kisses them all on the cheek.

"Carter!" a tiny voice cheers. Running to my oldest son was a small girl that had curly strawberry blonde hair and giant jade eyes.

The cousins hug, Holland leading Carter to her room to do whatever those two do.

"Hi Uncle Riley," Andre, my nephew greets plainly. He looked and sounded just like his daddy.

"What's good, lil Huey?"

"Uncle Reezy!" Rylee, Huey's youngest, runs to me, hugging me. I smiled.

"Aye, Reez! How you been?"

The small girl gave me dap before going to Jadea.

"How you been?" Jazmine asks, kissing my cheek.

"Pretty good. Busy but good."

Jazmine nods.

"Well, I don't wanna hold you up. You have a lot going on," Jazz says. "You don't have to worry about them. They're good here and whatever Huey said to you about paying, don't worry. You know you don't need to pay us."

I chuckle, I knew Jazzy would come through.

"Good looks, sis. But imma be back to get them in 2 hours. Bye Esco (Carter's nickname), bye Blaise, bye Jade!"

"Bye daddy!" They all say, waving.

"Bye sis," I peck Jazzy on the cheek. "I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it! Have fun!"

I leave, going back home to change.

If Cindy won't singing then she worked as a kick boxing trainer for women's self defense.

She wasn't home yet which was good. I set a note on our kitchen table to tell her to meet me at my warehouse.

I worked as a painter who painted portraits and junk for celebrities and rich people. I made enough money to have my own warehouse.

I quickly got dressed, putting on a white button up shirt and a dark blue dress... Coat... Thing.. Them shits niggas wear with suits. The jacket part. Whatever.

Anyway fucking way, I go to the warehouse which was decorated for her with different paintings of memories we had.

A small table sat in the middle of the large building with a white table cloth on it.

I looked at my watch, hearing a car door shut.

I instantly panic. I thought I was ready but I guess the fuck not.

I took a deep breath, I've been avoiding this too much and I ain't a bitch like Huey. I can do this.

"Reezy? Babe, you here?" Cindy asks, walking in. She wore a tight black dress with black heels. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she wore dark red lipstick.

Her eyes widened at all the paintings around her.

"Reezy-" her voice cracked. She looked around, looking at the paintings.

The first one was of us when we did the Fundraiser.

I remember that day. The day Murph and I got closer.

Another picture was with Murph hugging up behind me. It was our first date and we was on our way to the fair.

She looked at a few more before looking at me, gasp comimg out her mouth.

"Cynthia Simone McPhearson, will you make me the happiest nigga on earth and be my gurl for life?"

Tears spilled from her eyes as she admired the giant diamond I held in a red velvet box.

"You a gay!" She giggled, hugging me. "Of course I will!"

~End of Flashback~

And here I am. A year later, trying not to pass the fuck out.

I stood at the alter, Huey and Caesar to my left. I watched as (IDK the order of who comes out first so just bare with me 😂) Charlotte and Candice (Jada's twins) threw flowers down the aisle. Rylee and Andre held a small pillow, two rings on them. My kids then walked down, a single tear slipping down my eye. Jadea was in the middle while Blaise and Carter held her hands.

Then Jada and Jazmine walked down the aisle, holding a bouquets of flowers.

I hold my breath when I see Cindy, walking down the aisle. She wore a black dress, saying a white one makes her look too white.. Whatever the fuck that means.

Anyway, her hair was pinned up in a bun and she wore a light touch of make up, the way I liked it.

She looked stunning. Like words couldn't even describe the amount of beauty she had.

She reaches me, her crystal blue eyes shining and looking into mine.

The priest said whatever he was supposed to say and asked us for our vows. Cindy and I looked at him, confusion on our faces.

"Thats gay," we said, "just get to the kissing part, nigga."

The priest looked apalled but he won't getting paid to state his opinion.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," He says, a bit irritated. "You may now kiss the bride."

"That's more like it!" I smirk, pulling C-Murph into a whole make out session.

"Ew!" All the kids gag, covering their eyes.

I smirk at C-Murph,

"You mine forever."

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