A Friend in Riley

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This is up to date with Baby Freemans but just a lil B story... 

Donte POV~

My mom had been begging for me to visit her and I knew, I couldn't avoid her forever. It wasn't that I was avoiding her, more so Angelo. Ever since I'd made a name for myself and became one of the biggest stars in America, Angel's been having bitch fits every chance he gets. I honestly don't have time for it. 

"Can you please just stay for a week?" My mother begs over the phone. "I miss seeing you, baby, and ever since you've become this big star, we haven't talked."

My heart broke hearing that. My mom really missed me and all because my crybaby cousin, I kept making excuses not to go.

"I'll go, mom," I tell her. I could hear her squeal. "I'll fly in tomorrow and I'll stay for a week."

My mother told me how excited she was to see me before she hung up the phone. 

"Who was dat?" Riley asked. He was the only person in the house at the time. 

"My mom. She wants me to come to Woodcrest to see her."

"That don't sound like a bad idea," Riley says. "When you goin?"

"Tomorrow. But I don't really wanna go alone and be around Angelo."

Riley scoffed. He wasn't too fond of my cousin either.

"Does that bitch still cry about you bein famous?"

"Everyday," I reply. Riley chuckles.

"I'll go wit you if you want," Riley says.


"Yea. We don't be doin nun anyways and I'd love to get out this house!"

"What about Carter?" 

"His mama live in Woodcrest," Riley says. "And I know she wanna see him."

I nodded. Riley and I packed that night to get ready to leave in the morning.

"Where you going?" Jessica asks me, coming home from singing at JEC.

"My mom wants me to visit," I tell her. "So Riley and I are gonna fly to Woodcrest for the week and stay with her."

"You're taking Riley?"

"He offered to go. And he said it would be a good opportunity for Cindy to see Carter."

Jessica nodded.

"Well, okay. I'll miss you," Jessica says, hugging me. I put my head on top of hers and smiled. 

"I'll miss you more."

Jada walks past our room and gags,

"Eww, what's wit all the gay shit? she questions. She notices my packed suitcase. "Where the hell you goin? You just got back."

"I'm going to Woodcrest to visit my mama," I replied. 

"Awe! I know she misses you a lot. That should be fun."

"He's taking Riley with him," Jessica tells her.

"That's good too. Cindy can see her son and stop calling Jazmine to call Riley to see Carter."

We all laughed.

"Well, have fun," Jada tells me. "And keep Riley outta trouble."

"Nigga I'm grown!" Riley yells from his room. We all laugh again and I finish packing.

The next morning Riley and I wake up early and head to the airport with Carter. He cooed, looking at a plane fly high above us.

"You see the plane, lil man?" Riley asks. "We gon ride in one of them in a few."

I smiled, happy to see Riley and Carter and their father/son bond. It made me think of how it might be with me and Jessica's upcoming child.

We checked in and my phone went off.


"Hi baby," my mom greets.

"Hey ma, what's up?"

"I was just checking on you. Are you on your way?"

"Yes mom, me and my friend Riley are at the airport now."

"You're bringing a friend?" She asks. I could tell she had a bit of an attitude cause I was bringing someone.

"Yea. His baby mama lives in Woodcrest so he gon take his son to see her."

"Oh okay. How come you didn't bring Jessica?"

"She sings for JEC now. She has performances all week."

"Oh okay. I guess I'll see her next time then."

"Boarding flight 698."

"We're about to start boarding the plane, mama. I'll see you in a few."

"Okay baby. Fly safe and I love you."

"Love you too, ma."

We board the plane, Carter resting in Riley's lap getting ready to go to sleep.

"He sleeps a lot," I chuckled.

"Yea, this lil nigga lazy as hell. But I be forgetting he got 6 kids, 3 jobs, and stresses about bills," Riley says sarcastically. I chuckled. "Yo mama seem excited to see you."

"Yea, it's been a few years since I've seen her."

"You should try and see her more often." I looked over at Riley. He wasn't looking at me, but his face was serious. "You never know when the last time you gon see her. So see her as much as you can before it's too late."

Riley must've been referring to how he can never see his mother again. None of the Freemans talked about her, and Jessica always said it was a really touchy subject to them.

"I will," I tell him. There was a silence. The only noise was the buzz from the plane's air conditioner. The flight attendant came by with the little food cart and started passing food and drinks around. 

"Peanuts?" She asked and handed Riley two bags of peanuts. He handed one to me and I gave him a look.


"I hate peanuts."

"Really?" Riley asked.

"Peanuts are disgusting. Salty bastards. Them shits taste like nut sacks."

"How you know what balls taste like?" Riley raises a brow.

"Ask Cindy," I smirked and Riley punched my arm.

"Shut yo dumb ass up."

We both laughed.

"You know what's weird?" I asked. 


"Jessica and Jada are best friends and you and I are best friends."

"How's that weird?" I knew Riley's slow ass wouldn't get it.

"That's yo sister. Jessica is my girlfriend...." My voice trailed, hoping Riley caught what I was saying. After a few seconds, Riley finally went,

"Ohhhhhhh. Nigga you lame."

I rolled my eyes. Why did I fuck with this dude?

We landed not too long after and Riley picked up Carter who was now up and we got off the plane. I grabbed our stuff while Riley called Cindy to let her know he was dropping off Carter.

"Donte?" I hear and turn to see my mom waiting for us. I smiled, happy to have seen her after so many years.

"Hey ma," I greet, going over and hugging her. I held her close. I had grown taller than she was and I could tell she had lost a lot of weight. "How you been, mama?"

"I've been good. I'm so happy to see you," She looked me up and down, "look at you. You've grown up so much. And you're so handsome now. How does Jessica keep the ladies off you?"

I chuckled,

"She makes this face that says 'back off or I'll kill you.' You've gotta see it."

"Cindy ain't home yet, but she on her way," Riley says, walkin towards us. "Oh shit, this yo mama?"

I scowl. Why did he have to cuss?

"I am," My mom says.

"My bad, I didn't mean to cuss. It's just damn you fine."

My mother was appealing to the eye. Even though she was in her forties, she only looked like she was in her twenties.

Mama chuckled, blushing a bit.

"And this handsome young man is your friend Riley?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am," Riley stretches out his free hand to shake my mother's. 

"And who is this?" My mom kneels a bit, putting her finger out to Carter. He giggles, grabbing it and trying to put it in his mouth.

"Real smooth, Esco," Riley rolls his eyes, "This my son, Carter."

"I love his name. And he's so cute with his blue eyes."

Riley chuckled, holding Carter out more so she could see him.

"We heading to the house?" I asked my mom. She nods,

"Your Aunt Layla even flew back in early just to see you."

"Aunt Lay was outta town?" We started walking out. 

"She went to Miami for two weeks for a little vacation by herself. She came back early though so she could see you."

I smiled. 

"However," My mom started, I could tell something was up. "Angelo is at the house too. And he's extraaa.. What's that word you kids use nowadays? Salty?"

I groaned as I put my things in my mother's trunk. 

"If he start sum, I got yo back," Riley says. I nodded. We drove back to my house and Riley got out first,

"I'm gonna walk him over to Cindy house since it's not that far from here. I'll be back inna few."

"Call me if she start actin crazy," I said.

"She ain't that stupid. Ion care if she a female, my hands ain't gender bias."

I laughed, waving at Riley and Carter as they started walking to Cindy house. I walk into my own and am greeted by my Aunt Layla. 

"Donnie!" She squeezes me, rocking me from side to side. "I missed you so much!" 

"I missed you too. How are you?" I asked. 

"I'm great. And you?"

"I'm good. Glad to be home and not on tour."

"How's that girlfriend of yours? Jessica, right?"

I chuckled,

"Jessica is fine. She's home now. I actually have news about her."

"News?" I hear someone say. I look over and see Angelo standing against the wall. I rolled my eyes, "Don't tell me she finally dumped you."

"Nothing close to that," I replied. "She's actually expecting."

"Expecting?" My mom repeats. I nodded. She instantly smiles, squealing. "That's great! Oh my gosh! I'm gonna be a grandma!"

I couldn't help but smile. My mom was more than thrilled about the news and my aunt Layla was happy as well.

"Congrats on being a teen dad," Angel scoffs. 

"Aye nigga, ain't nun wrong wit bein a teen dad," Riley says, walking in the room. Angelo scowls, not being happy to see his ex girlfriends brother.

"Oh, and who is this handsome young man?" My aunt Layla asks. Riley chuckles,

"Riley," He answers, shaking her hand.

"This is Donte's friend. Isn't he handsome?" My mom asks her. I groan, not wanting to her my mom and aunt fangirl over my best friend.

"You dropped off Carter?" I asked him.

"Yea, but Cindy punk as-" Riley stops looking at my mom and aunt. "Self, tried to start sum. I know she only wanted me to stay longer and entertain her ass- I mean butt!"

My aunt and mom laughed. 

"Well, you boys make yourselves at home," his mom said. "I'm going to be in the kitchen starting on dinner."

I showed Riley to my room which we'd be sharing and he set his stuff down.

"Yo house nice as hell," He says. "Kind've old school, but I like it."

I chuckled,

"Yea, even though my mom isn't that old, she's always been very old school."

"It's crazy though, I ain't neva been to ya crib until now and we've known each other for years."

That was true, but right when we all got really close, we moved to Woodcrest away from our families. 

While mom cooked dinner, I went into the kitchen and washed my hands.

"What're you doing, Donnie?" She asks.

"I'm helping," I said, putting on my old kitchen apron I used to wear when I helped my mom cook. 

"Awe, you don't have to do that, my love. I've got it."

"I know, but we haven't cooked together in a while."

My mom smiles. She was making gumbo but without all the shrimp and crab. I was allergic.

"Did you already chop up the sausage?" I asked. She shook her head,

"It's in the fridge," she says. "And the cutting board is in its usual spot."

I nodded, going over and grabbing both items. As I began cutting up sausage mom asks,

"How's living in Chicago?" 

"It's nice," I replied. "We're all one big family and have a lot of fun. It's honestly never a dull moment."

My mom smiles but then frowns.

"I miss you living here. It's not the same."

I frowned as well,

"I know, ma. But it's best if I lived there. Plus, I'm barely at home now anyways."

"Right, you are a famous singer now."

"Even though that should be me," Angelo says, appearing in the room. I rolled my eyes,

"Here we go, talking about you again," I groan. 

"I'm just saying. I'm way more talented than you and I was the lead singer of our group. I don't see why you're the big man in the music industry."

"Because he ain't make an ass out of himself and get cussed out by one of the most respected singers out here," Riley chimes in, leaning against the doorway. "Not to cuss, Ms. Johnson, but stop dick riding, Angelo."

Angelo scowled,

"Who asked you?"

"Nobody. But ain't nobody ask yo ass nun either."

I chuckled. 

"Alright," my mom finally says. "Angelo, I think the table needs to be cleaned off. Go get started on that before dinner is done."

Angelo doesn't say anything, just glares at Riley and walks out.

"You got some mouth on you," My mom says later on to Riley during dinner. 

"My bad. Grew up in the hood and neva really got out of talkin like this," Riley replies.

"The hood? I thought you grew up here."

"Nah," Riley chuckled, "I grew up in Chicago wit my brother and sister. We was livin in a bad neighborhood and basically was raised by the streets."

"Where were your parents?" 

"Ma died after my lil sis was born and my dad was neva present. Our granddad was the only one around."

"Where is he now?"

"He passed a few years ago while we was livin here. He was old though.. It was only a matter of time."

"No wonder you act the way you do," Angelo mumbled.

"The fuck that supposed to mean?" Riley questions.

"Don't start," I tell them. 

"Please," My mother begs. My aunt Layla looks at her son and Riley,

"Well, Riley," Aunt Layla begins, "You seem to have lived quite a life."

"Haven't we all?" Riley asks. "We all go through things in life and get raised different. But at the end of the day, we all human and we all gotta purpose."

I couldn't help but smile. For Riley being such a goofy and obnoxious person he was really mature.

"And that means," Riley continues looking over at Angelo, "Lettin go of the past and movin on to the future."

Angelo rolls his eyes as my mom smiles,

"Who wants dessert?"

Later that night, while Riley and I were in my room, we laid in darkness.

"Aye, Riley?" I asked.

"Yea?" Riley answers.

"Thanks for coming, man. And stickin up for me."

"You my dawg. That's what I'm suppose to do."

If there was anything I knew, I would always have a friend in Riley.

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