Back when we were young

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Kinda like an extra scene to Royal Pains

"Look at them!" Holland cooes, adoring her 3 babies. "Aren't they just the cutest!"

Most beautiful babies I've ever seen," Robert agrees.

Huey (4), Riley (2), and Jada (2) were just playing in the living room enjoying their time with each other.

"You know, these three are gonna be unstoppable," Holland tells her father. "Just you wait, my babies are gonna rule the world. Them against all! And no one will stop them!"

"They'll be great!" Robert tells his daughter. "They'll have each other to look upon."

Holland watches as Huey fiddles with Riley's toy that was currently floating in the air.

"You know," Holland began, "even at such a young age, they're really good at controlling their powers."

"I was starting to think that too," Robert agrees.

"I'm telling you, father, my babies will be the greatest rulers of all time!"

"Just like their mother and father."

Jada's eyes turned a dark maroon before she sneezed fire.

"Jada will need some training but she's still very young."

"Ah, the princess," Robert goes and picks up his youngest grandchild. "She's such a beautiful child. Princes will drop at her feet to marry her."

"That indeed," Holland agrees. "But she's a Freeman. Her heart will always be hardened and her only love will be her brothers and her kingdom."

"You already think so?"

"Well look at Her," Robert looks to see Jada's attention at her older and twin brother, "She's gonna be a brothers girl for sure. All she ever does is follow the boys around."

"True. But all hearts change."

"Oh nothing will change their bond. You know I can feel energy of others. Theirs is strong and impactful. My babies will forever have each others backs."

Robert puts Jada back down and proceeds to talk with his daughter,

"The boys love their sister dearly. I can tell that for sure. But will they fair when others come around?"


"Well," Robert says, "We both know Riley is already a ladies man. He loves the attention of women and he loves being around them. When he gets older, he'll want to find love too, no?"

"Well of course he will!" Holland says, glancing at her son who continued to make things float in the air. "But not only is Huey is older brother but Jada is his twin sister. I doubt he'd put any female before her."

"Let's not speak too soon," Robert says. "Don't forget about the prophesy."

Holland stiffened.

"Enough of this negative talk. My children are still my children and I know what's best for them. I know how they'll be."

"Whatever you see fit, darling," Robert replies with a sigh.

"Mama," Huey calls.

"Yes dear?"

"I wanna play with lion!"

"Lion, lion!" Jada and Riley giggle, clapping their hands.

"Alright!" The queen stand up from her throne and transforms into a gold lion.

"Pretty!" Riley cooed, wobbling over to his mother. Jada follows, petting Holland's mane.

"I wanna be lion too!" Jada giggles. After saying so, she transforms into a small purple cub.

Holland looks in surprise and quickly turns back into her normal form.

"Jada can animal morph too?" She asks, amazed.

"Now isn't that something," Robert states.

"My baby is taking after me!"

Jada turns back and smiles.

"I lion! Rawr!"

Riley and Huey sit next to her and hug her.

"Jada can be a lion too, Mommy!" Huey tells her.

"Yes she can!"

"Good job, Jada!" Riley says, kissing his twin sister on the cheek.

"Good job, Jay!" Huey mimicked, copying his brothers actions.

"Like I said," Holland states. "They'll always love each other."

"If only that were so," Robert says sadly to himself.

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