Double Date

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Jazmine and Jada skipped to the door as Huey and Caesar walked behind them. They were having a double date since Taiya and Riley went on their own date.

Jada wore a pink dress with a green coat and black heels. She also wore gold hoops and a tanish pink lipstick.

Jazmine wore a red sweater dress with a black coat, black heels, with red heart earrings and burgundy lipstick.

Huey wore a dark blue sweater and blue jeans with a silver watch and black converse.

Caesar wore a tan sweater with blue jeans and a gold chain with tan Timberland boots.

They all rode in the car together, driving into downtown Chicago and parked on the curb. They started walking.

"Where should we go?" Jazmine asks, her arm linked with Huey's.

"Dinner?" Caesar suggests.

"Yea but I feel like singing," Jada says.

"There's that karaoke spot not too far from here," Huey says. "They have food too."

Everyone agreed, walking in.

"What do you think Taiya and Riley are up to?" Jada asked.

"Probably making out somewhere," Huey replies.

"You say it like its all they do," Jazmine giggles.

"I would agree if it was him and Cindy," Caesar says. "Riley doesn't do all that with Taiya."

"We're all no different, anyways," Jada adds. "We do the same thing."

"But that's not what we do 24/7," Huey interjects.

"Well," Jazmine says with a high pitched voice.

"Dont start," Huey glares.

They make it to the karaoke place and get a table.

"Will you guys be singing tonight?" The waitress asks.

"They will," Huey replies.

"No," Jada corrected, "We all will."

They get a list of songs to sing and Jazmine looks through it.

"You're singing tonight, Huey P. Freeman," Jada snaps. "We did not go on this double date for you to act like a Grinch."

"You're lucky I promised Jazmine to participate, Jada J. Freeman. Or your ass would be grass," the domestic terrorist replies.

Jada only smiles.

"Ohh, this one!" Jazmine signs them up, giving it to their waitress.

"What song?" Caesar asked.

"You'll see!"

They order drinks and an appetizer, Caesar picking spinach and artichoke since everyone was basically a vegetarian.

"Attention everyone!" The DJ says, "But we've got a couple superstars in the building. Ladies and Gentlemen, up next, The Crybabies!"

Jazmine, Jada, Huey, and Caesar walk up.

"Well," Jada says.

"Not all of us are here but our super talented boyfriends are!" Jazmine finished.

Huey and Caesar waves while everyone applauds.

"The order goes Caesar, Jada, Me, Huey, Caesar, then Caesar again, Jada and then Jada again," Jazmine instructs.

Everyone agreed.

Jazmine nods at the DJ who starts the song.

Once the beat hit, the other three glared at her.

"Climax? Really?" Jada questions

Jazmine shrugged.

Caesar: Going nowhere fast, we've reached the climax. We're together, now 

All: We're undone

Caesar: Won't commit, so we 

All: Choose to 

Caesar: Runaway. Do we separate?

All: Don't wanna give in, so we both gave up

Caesar: Can't take it back

All: It's too late, we've reached the climax

Caesar: Climax

Jada: I've fallen somehow. Feet off the ground. Love is the cloud, that keeps raining down. Where are you now, when I need you around? I'm on my knees, but it seems we're

Jazmine: Going nowhere fast, we've reached the climax. 

All: We're together, now we're undone. Won't commit, so we choose to 

Jazmine: Runaway. Do we separate? Oh-

All: Don't wanna give in, so we both gave up

Caesar: Can't take it back

All: It's too late, we've reached the climax- Climax

Huey: I gave my best, it wasn't enough. You get upset, we argue too much. We made a mess of what used to be love, so why do I care, I care at all. At all. At all. At all

Jada: Going nowhere fast, we've reached the climax.

All: We're together, now we're undone. Won't commit, so we choose to

Jada: Runaway. Do we separate? Oh-

All: Don't wanna give in, so we both gave up

Caesar: You say it's better if we, love each other separately. I just need you one more time. I can't get what we had out my mind. Where are you now? When I need you around, I'm on my knees, but it seems we're going-

Huey: Going nowhere fast, we've reached the climax.

All: We're together, now we're undone. Won't commit, so we choose to

Huey: Runaway. Do we separate? Oh-

All: Don't wanna give in, so we both gave up

Everyone got a huge applause from their audience and the group sat down. Their food was ready and the quartet sat and ate their meals.

"That was fun," Jazmine says. 

"It was," agreed Caesar. 

"Huey," Jada turns to her brother, "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Yea, yea," Huey swats her away with a small smirk. "It was alright."

"You guys must feel that thrill everyday," Caesar says.

"Every performance," Jada smiles. "It's all the same sensational feeling. That's why we love to perform so much."

As they ate, they watched other people perform. Some trying too hard to impress the girls.

"I don't know why people try and overthink singing," Jazmine says. 

"You can tell too," Caesar points out. 

"Sounding like a screeching hyena," Jada mumbles. Jazmine bumps her arm, laughing.

"It's sounds like she's pushing out a baby while trying to sing," Huey says. That caused their whole table to laugh.

"I'm ready to blow this popsicle stand," Caesar says. He looks at Jada. "You ready to go?"

"Yea, I've heard enough terrible singing for one day."

The group pay for their meal and leave, walking around downtown.

"It's so beautiful here at night," Jazmine says, her arm linked with Huey's.

"It is," Jada agrees. "This used to be something we all loved to do as kids. Remember when Granddad used to take us downtown for hot chocolate in the winter and we would go see the lights?"

Huey smiled,

"Yea. That was back when life was simple. Granddad always knew how to make us forget about all the bad that was going on around us."

Jazmine smiles, looking up at Huey. It was rare to see a genuine smile out of Huey and seeing it always made her heart jump.

"How does hot chocolate sound now?" Caesar asks.

"I'm down," Jada says.

"Me too," agreed Jazmine. Huey nods in approval as they all went to a cafe to get some hot chocolate and walk around.

The guys stood outside while the girls went in and stood in line.

"I remember when you were against me dating Jada," Caesar states randomly. He wasn't looking at Huey but he had a smirk on his face. "You and Riley both tried to fight me and did everything in your power to keep me away from her."

Huey chuckled,

"Yea. It wasn't you I was mad at though," Huey tells him.

"Then why'd you do it all?"

Huey looks at his little sister through the glass, a sad smile on his face.

"I didn't want her growing up," Huey says. "I knew that once she started seriously dating, she'd be growing up faster and I was scared to lose my little sister. I was scared she'd go through her first heartbreak and I wouldn't know what to do."

Caesar finally looks at Huey before glancing at his girlfriend. She was laughing at something Jazmine was saying.

"I'm happy you were the one to be her first though," Huey says. "You treat her right and make her happy. Thank you."

Caesar smiles.

"You don't even have to thank me," Caesar says. "Jada's my world. I wouldn't want it any other way."

The girls walk out, raising a brow at the vibe the guys were giving.

"Ya'll niggas out here being gay?" Jada asks.

"Yea," Caesar grabs his hot chocolate from Jada and kisses her on her forehead.

"Ew," She giggles.

The rest of their night went really well. By the end of it, they all drove home in a comfortable silence. Jada was in the back with Caesar sleep while Jazmine looked out the window at the starry sky.

"You had fun?" Huey asks. Jazmine looks over, a small smile on her face.

"Yea, it's nice being able to spend time with you guys outside of being at home."

Huey nodded.

"Did you?" She asks.

"I did. I never thought I'd have a double date with my little sister. But she's fun to be around so I don't mind it."

Jazmine giggles.

Pulling up to the house, Riley and Taiya were in the parking lot in his car making out.

"I told you," Huey says. Jazmine rolls her eyes, pulling Huey into a kiss. Huey closes his eyes, deepening it. 

"Really?" Jada groans, rubbing her eyes, "In front of my salad?"

Jazmine couldn't help but laugh. Jada gets out the car, gagging when she sees Riley and Taiya.

"All ya'll niggas gay as hell!"

Caesar scoops Jada up,

"You actin like we not about to be doin more in a minute," He says.

"Excuse me?!" Huey and Riley both seemed to say from separate cars. 

"Why do you say the things you do?" Jada groans.

Caesar quickly carries Jada in the house, closing the door behind them.

"He's lucky you got me in the mood," Huey says, pulling Jazmine back in for another kiss.

"His ass lucky you got me horny," Riley growls, kissing Taiya's neck. 

Both girls giggled. This was going to be a long night.

What's crazy about this chapter is that I actually wrote this almost a year ago and never finished it.... Like ever. Until now XD

Hope you guys enjoyed!

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