Overly Protective

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Once again, another slight spoiler. Just adds the kids names.

"Mane, no!" Riley yells.

"Why the fuck not?" Jada questions.

"Cause, yo ass not about to go!"

"Its my wedding you idiot! I have to go!"

Riley and Jada had been arguing for the past 20 minutes. Riley knew Jada had to go but he wouldn't let her. He didn't wanna let his baby sister go.

"Riley, we've been through this 8 times! I'm getting married and that's that. I'm almost 24 years old, you can't keep babying me."

Riley stared at her, a scowl on his face.

"She's right," Huey says. "She has to grow up sometime."

Riley sighed. He didn't know whether or not he could do it.

"LET ME GO!" Riley orders moments later. Jazmine, Cindy, Huey, and Donte were pulling Riley out of Jada's dressing room so she could finished getting dressed.

Jada sighed in relief as they finally got him out. She looked at herself in the mirror, smiling at herself.

Caesar has proposed to her a year ago and to her, it was the most special way ever.


Jada came home late from a show she had. The house was completely empty and there was a rose on her kitchen table.

"Follow the peddles," a note said. She looked on the floor and roses were lined up, going out the door.

Jada followed, hearing music as she followed the roses.

"It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you!" Candice, Jackson, and Jordan sang.

Jada teared up, she loved hearing her kids sing.

"Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice? Who care baby? I think I wanna marry you!"

Her twin boys grabbed her hands as Candice skipped in front.

"Well, I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go," Candice sang, "No one will know. Oh, come on, girl!"

"Who cares if we're trashed, got a pocket full of cash we can blow," Jackson sang.

"Shots of patron, and it's on girl!" Jordan finished. All the kids ran in front of her, continuing,

"Don't say no, no, no, no, no! Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! And we'll go, go, go, go, go! If you're ready, like I'm ready!"

"Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you," Charlotte, Jada's other daughter, sang as she appeared with Jada's adoptive son August.

"Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice? Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you, oh!"

Candice, Jackson, and Jordan stayed behind as Charlotte and August led the way.

"I'll go get a ring, let the choir bells sing, like ooh!" Charlotte sang, "So what you wanna do? Let's just run girl!"

"If we wake up and you wanna break up, that's cool. No, I don't blame you, it was fun, girl!"

All the kids continued singing as they started walking slower,

"Don't say no, no, no, no, no! Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! And we'll go, go, go, go, go! If you're ready, like I'm ready!"

"Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you. Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice? Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you."

Charlotte and Candice sang as the boys harmonized,

"Just say, "I do..." Tell me right now baby, tell me right now baby, baby. Just say, "I do..." Tell me right now baby, tell me right now baby, baby."

Jada gasped as Caesar stood where all the roses were scattered around him. He held a box in his hand and a smile on his face.

"It's a beautiful night. We're lookin for something dumb to do," Caesar sang, "Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you. Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice? Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you."

Jada gasped as Caesar got on one knee.

"Jada Jeanette Freeman," He begins. "Will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?"

Jada covers her mouth, nodding.

"Of course."

~A week later~


"Excuse me?"

"Bitch, you heard me! No!" Riley snapped, "You too young to get married."

"Riley I'm almost 24 years old. I'm past the point of you and Huey telling me what to do," Jada snapped.

"So? You still my younger sister and while I'm on this earth, you not getting married till you 45."

"45?!" Caesar almost choked on his water.

"While you're on this earth?" Jada asks. "We can change that!"

Jada pounced on Riley, going for his neck.

"Get.. Off.. Me," Riley gagged as his sister started choking him.

"Jada, no!" Jazmine tries to pull Jada off but Jada was a lot stronger than her.

"Mama! You're gonna kill Uncle Reezy!" Jordan yells, helping his aunt.

"That's the point!" Jada tries to apply more pressure but Huey picks her up, getting her off Riley.

"You can't just kill him," Huey says.

"Why the hell not?" Jada questioned.

"Too many witnesses."

"Hey!" Riley snapped, rubbing his throat. "Yo ass would've let her kill me?"

Huey only shrugs.

Riley stared at his brother in disbelief.

"Jada's old enough to make her own decisions. If she wants to marry Caesar then so be it. Not like she'd listen to us anyways."

Jada sticks her tongue out at Riley while he gives her the finger.

"Ya'll niggas always fightin," Cindy face palms.

~Present Day~

Jada POV~

Here I am, looking myself in the mirror.

"You look beautiful," someone says. I look over to see Riley leaning up against the doorway. I smile, looking at him through the mirror.

"Thank you."

"You know, I didn't want you to get married because I didn't wanna lose you."

"Lose me?" I ask.

"It's always been the two of us. Jay and Reezy. Us against them all. Ion want Caesar taking that away from me."

"Awe," I frown, going over to my brother who had his hands in his pockets. "Even if I'm married, it'll always be Jay and Reezy. You're my brother, Riley, you'll never lose me."

Riley smiles, pulling me into a hug.

"And you call me gay," I hear someone mumble. We both look back and see Huey smirking at us. "You look stunning."

"Thanks, Hue."

"This is it. The day you'll go on and be with another man."

"Ew, you make it sound like we were together." 

Huey rolls his eyes,

"What I mean is, you're not gonna need us anymore. What do you need your brothers for when you have a husband?"

I could tell Huey was a bit upset too. He was my oldest brother and he was the main father figure I had after losing Granddaddy. He raised me and taught me everything I knew and now I was gonna have a new main man in my life.

"Listen," I pull both my brothers to the sides of me. "I know I'm getting married and "moving on to another man" but I'm still going to be your little sister. I'll still need you for things that only you guys will understand. Even though I'm getting married, I'll always be a Freeman, and that'll never change."

Huey and Riley pull me close, tears silently falling from their faces.

"Now let's go before you guys make my mascara run."

As I wait to walk down the aisle, my nieces Rylee and Jadea were waiting to walk out after Jazmine and Cindy. 

"Auntie Jada, you look like the prettiest princess ever!" Jadea gushes.

"Yea! You look so dope, Aunt Jay!" Rylee agrees.

"Thank you, girls. You both look beautiful too!"

It was finally my turn to walk down the aisle and I was started to get nervous.

"You know, if you wanna back out, you can," Riley whispers. Huey gives him a look. 

"Everything is gonna be fine," Huey says. "We'll be right here with ya."

I take a deep breath and nod. A small smile spreading on my face. Through everything, my brothers have been by my side since I was born. I will forever be grateful for them.

My brothers walk me down the aisle. Friends and a bit of family sat in chairs on the sides, watching as I walked down with my head high. Jessica, Cindy, and Jazmine stood, gushing silently with my two nieces and my daughters at the side of them. Caesar, his cousin Arfenne, Jackson, Jordan, and my nephews stood on the other side, smiling at me.

"Mama! You look so pretty!" Jordan blurts, making everyone laugh. Before Huey and Riley release me, they look Caesar up and down, scowling.

"We're leaving you with our pride and joy," Huey says.

"Hurt her, and get hurt," Riley adds.

Caesar nods, rolling his eyes bit. He was used to their threats about hurting me and at this point, he wasn't scared. He knew he would rather die than to ever hurt me.

I was finally allowed to stand in front of Caesar and the wedding officially began.

We had finally got to the part where we said our vows and Caesar went first.

"Jada Jeanette Freeman. It was so many years ago that you moved into my neighborhood with your brothers and had an instant crush on me. Even though you were 7 while I was 10, I knew there was something about you that was different. As time went on, I fell head over heels for you. You became my morning thought and my dreams late at night. The day you agreed to be my girl, I had never been happier. You made my only wish come true and I could finally live life knowing I had the one thing I've always wanted. You became my first everything. My first love, the first girl I lost my virginity to, the first girl that could kick ass and not break a sweat," everyone laughed, "you just became the sun that shined bright, even on the rainiest days. I love you so much, Jada. I can't say that enough. I vow to always be your best friend, and stay by your side forever."

I hadn't noticed the tears that went down my cheeks as he finished his vow. My heart was beating so fast and everything in the room began to feel hot.

"And you, Miss?" Everyone looked at me. It was my turn.

"Oh, yea, right," I say. Everyone laughs. "Michael Jackson Jordan Caesar-"

"Hey, that's my name!" The twins say. I giggle.

"You were the first boy I had ever had a crush on. Just at 7 years old, I grew to love everything you did. The way you walked, the way you talked, your laugh, your smile, just... Everything. As years went on, I fell for you more and more and surprisingly, you never knew. I guess guys really are oblivious to the most obvious things. Anyways, you've been there for me through the toughest times. When my grandfather died, when Cairo was trying to kill us all, when Huey and Riley were trying to kill both of us because we dated. You've just been my rock since day one. I vow to be the girl you've always wanted, even though I scare the living shit outta you."

"Girl, you scare everyone," Jessica says.

"I vow to love you and take care of you until my eternal slumber. I love you, Ceez."

After the rest of the ceremony, Caesar and I shared a kiss, sealing the deal.

The reception was amazing. Charlotte, Holland, and Jadea sang a song while Rylee rapped and Candice did a cute little dance. The boys made a mess and cut the cake before we even could but honestly, I didn't care. As long as everyone was happy, so was I. 

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