Spy (Part 1)

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"You tellin me we gotta work with bitches?"

The Alpha Squad of Wuncler's Spy Agency weren't too keen on working with another organization. Especially an all female one.

"They're your only way in successfully completing this mission," Robert Freeman, a veteran spy, tells him. His two grandsons were in the Alpha Squad. One being the leader.

"Isn't there another option?" Michael Caesar, one of the members of the squad, asks.

"I'm afraid not. There's power in these girls that you don't have. That you need."

"We don't need shit from them bitches," Riley Freeman, one of Robert's grandsons, says. "We can do shit ourselves."

"Don't get cocky, Riley," Donte Johnson says, "If Granddad said we need them, then we do."

Now Robert wasn't his grandfather, however, they all referred to him as Granddad.

"Let's just get this over with," Their leader, Huey Freeman (and Robert's oldest grandson), says. "We leave in 10."

Wuncler Spy Agency was an organization that spied on other organizations for information they used to infiltrate them. They were one of the top agencies in the world. One of them. The other was Boondocks Agency. It was an organization ran by all girls. They were the strongest, baddest, and smartest girls you'll ever find. And it wasn't many of them. 

The only reason Wuncler Agency hadn't surpassed them was because of one member on Boondocks that could easily take them down.

"Huey, you know you don't wanna do this," Riley says, "So why we goin?"

"Granddad said we need them for our mission, I'm only listening to him," Huey tells his brother. Riley huffs,

"I don't wanna go there."

"Neither do I. But we both no, there's no escaping this."

Huey get's his squad together, going over the plan.

"We're only there to talk. There will be no fighting under any circumstance. Do I make myself clear?" Huey glanced at his brother who scowled.

"Why the hell you lookin at me?!"

"How exactly do you expect us to approach them?" Caesar asks. 

"I'll do all the talking. We'll just ask to speak with the leader of their agency and hope it goes well from there."

"And if it doesn't?" Donte asks.

"We'll just come back."

"That's it?" Riley questions, "Just come back? I'm trynna kick some ass! Since when we start retreating like bitches?"

"Riley, settle down," Huey warns, "You know as well as I do, fighting isn't an option when we need them on our sides."

Riley crosses his arms,

"I still wanna kick those bitches asses."

"Ya'll ready?" Huey asks his squad. 

"Yes sir!" They all say, and they take off in their airship.

Flying the ship was Donte, their main pilot. He was good with souring through the air and dodging any bullets that was likely to hit them.

Caesar was control. He was manned with operating the controls to make sure the air ship was going the right way and to read any damages the ship may have taken.

Riley was shot gun. He was tasked with firing at any enemy that was a threat to the ship and taking them down. 

Huey was in the captain's seat. He was the one who called all the shots and made sure everything was going smoothly.

"How far are we, Caesar?" Huey asked.

"We're a good 15 minutes away," Caesar reports. Huey nodded.

"Remember team, this is a peaceful meeting. We are not to make ourselves look like a threat at any costs."

"Yes sir!" The team reply. 

An alarm blares, Caesar pressing buttons on the control panel.

"What's going on, Caesar?" Huey questions.

"We have multiple missiles heading our way!" The dread head reports. Huey's eyes widen.

"Donte, get ready!" He orders. 

"Got it!" Donte accelerates the ships speed, seeing the missiles headed towards the ships.

"Can you stop them, Riley?" Huey asks.

"Them shits too close!" Riley says, "If I try to shoot at it, we'll get caught in the explosion too!"

Huey curses, this was one reason why he didn't want to make this trip.

"Donte, get us the hell out of here!"

"Yes sir!" Donte starts spinning the ship and turning, dodging missiles that were getting ready to his them.

When they thought they were safe, shot started hitting the ship's left wing.

"We've been hit!" Caesar reports. Huey grips the arm of his chair, "Multiple shots fired at the left wing."

"What's the damage looking like?" 

"We're at 27% damage!"

Donte tries to dodge the gun fire, but it was starting to hit the right wing too.

"Whoever is firing at us has a good shot," Donte says. The right wing flies completely off, an alarm sounding in the ship.


The air ship starts diving downwards at top speed. Both wings were now on fire. 

"Brace for impact!" Huey orders, and before they knew it. The ship crashed into the ground.

All 4 teens that were on the ship lost consciousness. Huey slowly started to regain his but it wasn't much. He tries to crawl out but was met with 4 other figures.

"Nice to see you again, Huey," one of the figures says, kneeling down in front of him.

"Fuck you..... Jada..." and soon, everything went black.

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