Spy (Part 2)

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The Wuncler Agency squad woke up an hour later. They were tied in chairs in a small room. 

"Oh great," A voice says, "You're awake."

Huey looked up, his vision blurred. He couldn't make out the people standing before him, but after a few blinks, he realized where he was.

"Was it necessary to blow up our ship?" The squad leader questioned.

"You entered our base," The small girl replies, "I was only ensuring the safety of my agents."

"Cut the crap, Jada. You were trying to kill us!"

"Maybe, but if I really wanted to," Jada pushed his chair back, making him lean back with it, "You'd be dead by now."

Huey growled, knowing the girl before him knew they didn't want trouble.

"So," Jada says, "What are you idiots doing on my base?"

"We need your help."

"Need my help? Ha! That's cute."

"I'm serious, Jada. We wouldn't be here if we didn't."

"Need my help with what?"

"The Long-Dou agency plans on attacking every agency imaginable, including yours and ours. We need you and your team's help stopping them."

Jada let go of Huey's chair, making him yank forward. Long-Dou. A name she hadn't heard in a while. They were the Chinese Agency they wanted America gone. The only force Jada couldn't get her hands on because they always changed location. 

"With your help," Huey continues, "We can stop them."

Jada looked over at the teen, scowling.

"I'm not helping you."

"What?!" The Alpha Squad question.

"I refuse to help the likes of you. No matter what the circumstance, I am not going out my way to help you idiots do anything. You're big and bad, remember? Do it yourselves."

Huey couldn't believe it. His only way of completing this mission was refusing to cooperate.

"Bitch if you don't-" Riley began, but was interrupted by someone hitting him in the back of the head. 

"Watch the way you talk to the chief," A white girl with blonde hair says. She wore a white shirt that was tucked into camouflage army pants. She also wore black army boots and a beanie over her hair that had two braids.

Riley growled, not liking a female hitting him. 

"You two of all people should know why I'm not helping you," Jada says, plainly. She looks at her team, "I want them off this base within the next 20 minutes. Jazmine, was their ship repaired?" 

"Yes, chief," A girl with strawberry blonde hair says. She wore the same uniform as the blonde haired girl.

"Good. You have 20 minutes to be off our base or I won't hesitate to shoot you out the sky," Jada warns. "And this time, you won't live through it."

The boys had no choice but to cooperate with the small chief's orders. Huey ordered his squad onto the ship and they left before their time was up. As Jada watched them leave, a girl came up behind her.

"Who were they, Chief?" The girls asks. She had dark brown curly hair, also wearing the same uniform as her teammates.

"They were from Wuncler Agency," Jada says.

"And you know them?" 

"I wish I didn't."

"Why aren't we helping them?" The girl asks.

"Because we aren't. I refuse to work with anyone from Wuncler Agency. Especially Huey and Riley."

"Chief! The boss called you and the Beta's to her chambers," Another Boondocks Agent says. Jada groans, assembling her team. They all go to their main boss of Boondocks, standing at the door.

"You called, boss?" Jada asks, her and her team standing at attention.

"For the thousandth time, you don't have to call me boss," The older woman says. 

"Sorry, Grandmama," Jada gives a sheepish laugh.

"I hear the Alpha Squad from Wuncler Agency made an appearance?" 

"Yes ma'am."

"What did they want."


"Help? Help with what?"

"Apparently the Long-Dou Agency is trying to destroy every single agency ever created. They wanted our help stopping them."

"And what did you say?" The Boss asks.

"N-no?" Jada already knew what was about to come. Her grandmother's facial expression changed. She sat up in her seat.

"You said no? Why?"

"Because we can stop the Long-Dou Agency ourselves! We don't need their help stopping them."

Camilla, Jada's grandmother, held the bridge of her nose. 

"Jada, we can't stop the Long-Dou Agency on our own. They have more agents than both us and Wuncler agency does combined. Honestly, we'd need more than just Wuncler Agency to stop them."

"But Grandmama-"

"Jada, stop letting your emotions cloud your judgement. I know, you don't want to work with your brothers after what they did to you. But this is your only option. You need to swallow your pride and be a leader. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am," Jada says sadly.

"Now, call Wuncler Agency and let them know you've changed your mind."



"I'm going now," Jada was getting ready to leave but Camilla stopped her.

"Call them here. I want to make sure you follow my instructions without any issues."

Jada internally groaned as she clicked a button on the watch she had. A giant screen popped up and Jada called Wuncler Agency. After a few seconds, it went straight to voice mail.

"What the f-"

"Language," Camilla warns. Jada mentally curses and tries again. Huey was purposely not answering.

"Who's that trynna call you?" Riley asks his brother as he walks into Alpha Squad's portion of the agency. 

"Jada," Huey says. "I have no time to talk to her now. I need to come up with a plan to stop Long-Dou."

Jada calls again, Huey declining it.

After a second, her face popped up on the large screen.

"Decline another call and I'm blowing you up," The small teen growls. Huey scowls getting ready to end the call but notices he can't. "I had to hack your system, dumb ass. You have to stay on this call until I hang up."

"What do you want Jada?" Huey questions.

"I've.... Changed my mind."

"Changed your mind? That isn't like you."

"It's not but I had no choice."

"What made you changed your mind?" Huey questioned.

"I did," Camilla appears on the screen and Huey and Riley, along with the rest of the Alpha Squad, take a knee. 

"H-Hi, Grandmama," The boys greet.

"You may stand," Camilla says, the boy does so. "Boondocks agrees to help you in your attempt to stop Long-Dou Agency."

"Thank you," was all Huey says. 

"However," Camilla continues, "The personal issues you three have needs to come to end an now."

Huey, Riley, and Jada all growl. Even though they weren't all in the same room, you could feel the tension they all had. 

"Fuck that," Riley says, "I ain't working wit that bitch to save my damn life- OW!"

"Watch your mouth, boy," Robert orders, "You're in the presence of your grandmother."

Camilla smiles, looking over at her husband.

"Hello, Robert," she says.

"H-hi Cammie," he replies with a blush. The teens around them groan. Love. They didn't have time for it. Robert looks at his granddaughter, "Hi Jada."

"Grandfather," was all she said. He could tell she wasn't too happy to see him.

"As I was saying," Camilla says, "You three will get along. Meaning no fighting, no trying to kill each other, and no trying to dominate the other. You don't have to be friends but you will be cordial. Do I make myself clear."

"Yes ma'am," Jada says. 

"Yes," Riley and Huey say.

"Yes what?"

"Yes ma'am."

Camilla smiles.

"Great! Your team will come back and meet the Betas. We will discuss a plan and move from their. I am expecting to see the Alpha Squad tomorrow."

"Yes ma'am!" The Alpha Squad replies.

"You as well, Robert," Camilla says, "A plan needs to come in order and as the boss of the Alpha Squad, I expect you to attend."

"Wouldn't miss it," Robert replies. 

"Good. See you all tomorrow at 1300." (That's military time for 1:00pm)

Jada hung up the call and Riley groaned.

"We gotta go back? Mane, we just left!"

"It was an order," Huey replies, taking his gloves off, "We have no choice."

"But she ain't the boss of us!" Riley says. Robert hits him again,

"Different agency or not, she's still your grandmother and you will listen to her. You all will be ready to leave tomorrow an hour before take off. Make sure you bring everything you need in case you're leaving for the mission from their base."

"Yes sir!"

"That's all," Robert leaves, allowing the teens to get ready for bed.

"You think this gon go smoothly?" Donte asks.

"Working with Jada?" Huey questions. "Probably not."

"Maybe she'll put everything behind her and work well," Caesar says.

"I don't give a fuck," Riley says, "After all this done, I'm beating that white bitch ass."

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