The Wall Between Us

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This takes place in a kingdom. Huey is the prince and Jazmine is one of the servants. Like Royal Pains, the Freemans have powers.

They were in love. In such a love that made them love just about everything in each other. The sound of their voices, the touch of their skin, the smell of their clothes. Everything. 

But one day, after stumbling upon an old witch, all that changed. 

"You know, there's a band playing in the kingdom's square," Jazmine says, holding Huey's hand. He smirks, raising a brow. 

"I thought you didn't like going to those," the prince responds. 

"I didn't, but Jada got me to love them."

Huey chuckles.

"I'm sorry," an old woman says. "But did she just call the princess by just her first name?"

Huey scowled instantly,

"Why is that any business?"

"With all due respect, your highness, but it is against kingdom law to call any of the royals by first name."

"It's also against law to question the prince. Should I see to it that something is done?"

"Huey, don't-" Jazmine tried to plead but the old woman instantly looked at her. She then looked at their intertwined fingers.

"That's what it is. Love. You've fallen for your servant and now she can do whatever she wants. Well, maybe this will help you remember law."

The lady blew something at the two and they both coughed.

"Guards!" Huey calls, coughing. "Arrest her!"

The guards that were watching over the prince arrested the old woman as Jazmine and Prince Huey tried to regain their breaths.

"What do you think she did?" Jazmine asked. 

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to find out soon."

The two enjoyed the rest of their evening and eventually went back to the castle so Jazmine could fulfill her duties. 

"Another date with the prince, I see," Cindy chuckles, preparing food for the royal family.

"Yea," Jazmine smiles, "It was fun. But we stumbled upon a witch."

"A witch?"

"Yea. She got upset when I called Huey by his first name and not prince."

"Well it is law that you neglect to abide by," Cindy points out. "I get you and Huey are in love, but you still should follow the law."

"I know but he doesn't mind. Why is it such a bad thing?"

"Because, Prince Huey is the prince and your the royal families servant. For crying out loud, you're a maid Jazmine. Whether the prince loves you or not, you should follow the law and still call him prince."

Jazmine rolls her eyes,

"Whatever. I'm going to see if anyone needs anything before dinner. Try and hurry up."

Cindy sighs as she watches Jazmine storm out of the kitchen.

As Jazmine walked towards the dining hall, she stumbled a little, feeling weak.

"Jazmine?" Jada calls. She turned the corner to see the servant bent of, trying to regain her stance. "Jazmine, are you okay?"

"Princess? Oh, um, yes I-" Before she could finish, Jazmine fainted. Jada quickly turned into a lion and caught her before she could hit her head on the hard floor.

Changing back into her human form, Jada called out to the guards.

"Get Jazmine to her quarters. I'm going to inform my brothers about her condition. And call the doctor. Jazmine may be a servant but she is still family. I want to make sure she is alright."

"Yes, your highness," the guard says, carrying Jazmine to her room.

Jada makes it to the dining hall and Huey looks around.

"Where's Jazmine?" He asked. "It isn't like her to not show up before supper."

"Jazmine fainted on her way here," Jazmine tells her. "She is in her room now resting. I called the doctor to check up on her."

Huey quickly got up, about to head towards Jazmine's room.

"I would leave her," Riley tells him. "If she fainted she might needa rest."

Huey stops and sighs. 

"Fine. But I'm checking on her in the morning."

It was time for bed and Huey couldn't stop thinking about Jazmine. 

"She'll be fine, Huey," Riley tells him. "Don't worry about it."

Waking up early the next morning, Huey went to go see Jazmine. She slept peacefully in bed, her curly hair covering most of her face. Huey reached out to touch her but felt nothing. He blinked, and went to touch her face again but he felt nothing and saw a magical wall block him. 

"Jada!" Huey quickly ran out to find his sister. Still sleeping in bed, Huey wakes his sister, startling her. "Jada!"

"What?! What is it?!" Jada asks, startled.

"Something strange is happening with Jazmine!"

Jada follows Huey down to Jazmine's room and Huey shows Jada what had happened. 

"It looks like a magical wall," Jada says, observing it. She goes to touch Jazmine but the wall doesn't appear. "Weird. I'm able to feel her."

Jazmine wakes up, startled by the sudden touch and looks around.

"P-princess? Is everything okay?" Jazmine asks. Jada nods her head, but Huey's eyes had widened. "Huey? Is something wrong?"

Jada looks over at her brother and Huey backs away.

"Huey? What is it?"

"I-I can't hear her. I can't touch her and I can't hear her."

Jada looks back at Jazmine who had tears in her eyes.

"Don't tell me-"

"I can't hear him," She cried. She goes towards Huey and tries to touch him but a wall comes up. "I can't touch him either. Jada, what's happening?"

Jada took the two to her lab under the castle to analyze and see whatever magic was doing this to them.

"Riley," Jada calls, "You're a walking library. What's going on with them and what cases it?"

"What it is, is like a love spell. But the complete opposite."

"What do you mean?"

Riley goes to Jada's computer and types something. 

"There ain't a name for it, but it's a spell the blocks lovers from having any form of contact with each other. It normally goes through stages but throughout the night and day yesterday, it progressed fast and they on stage two of three."

"Three?" Jazmine questions.

"What's the first two stages?" Huey asks.

"Stage one is touch. You can't touch each other at all. Meaning no holding hands, no kissing, no hugging. None of that. Stage two is sound. Ya'll can't hear any noise ya'll make."

"So they can't hear each other talking?"


"T-then... That means..."

"Stage three is that you can't see each other. Just a glowing light."

"How long do you think we have until then?" Huey asked.

"There's no saying how long. It depends on when this started."

Jada walks over and looks at the analysis on her computer. 

"Do you have any idea of when this could've happened?"

The two thought until Jazmine finally spoke up,

"The old lady!" Jazmine finally speaks up.

"What she say?" Huey asked.

"The old lady?" Riley questions.

Huey's eyes widened.

"She's was arrested yesterday. An old woman, she blew some sorta powder on me and Jazmine and we inhaled it."

"When was this?"

"Yesterday afternoon?"

"Do you have a time?" Jada asked.

"The sun was up towards the east."

Jada goes over to Jazmine and puts her hands on her chest.

"Stay really still, okay?" Jazmine nods and Jada closes her eyes. Opening them, her eyes were grey. She moved her hand around Jazmine's chest until she reached her lungs. "There's a substance here."

"Can you get it out?" Riley asked.

"It's mixed with her blood stream. If I do, I could potentially kill her."

"Kill me?!"

Huey quickly leaves the room and goes to the dungeons where they keep prisoners. 

"Prince Huey," The old woman says, "I knew I'd see you today."

"What did you do?!" Huey questions. 

"Your true love with the servant girl is breaking laws, your highness. She need to realize her place."

"So you cut us off from seeing each other at all?!"

"It comes with the territory."

"How do you get rid of it."

"Don't know."

"You don't know?"

"I don't."

Huey growls.

"I would hurry and see your girl, your highness. Before you can't see her anymore."

Huey's eyes widened and he ran back to the lab. But it was already too late."

"Where's Jazmine?" he asked, looking around.

"You can't see her?" Jada asks. "Huey, she's sitting right here."

Huey looked over and saw a purple light glowing in place of Jazmine. 

His eyes watered as he looked at the bright light in front of him. 

"Jazmine, no!" Huey couldn't help but break down. The only girl he's ever fallen in love with he couldn't hear. He couldn't touch. He couldn't see.

Jazmine's began crying too. The dark black light was the only thing she could see he it tore her.

Jada and Riley watched, being able to see both of them as they both broke down. Both on their knees crying. 

It broke their hearts (yea that includes Riley's gay ass). Watching two people they really care about break down and cry because they can't see each other. 

As days went on, Huey and Jazmine weren't themselves. Jada took Jazmine off of work and had all the other servants treat her as if she was a royal herself.

"Jazmine is going through a lot. Even if she doesn't eat it, make sure you bring her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If she need anything get it to her. Same with the prince."

"Yes, your highness," the servants. 

"Riley, who is the old lady Huey was talking about before he stormed out the lab?" Jada asks him. She was changing her outfit, preparing for what she was about to do.

"Donetta James, she's the witch doctor in the kingdom that knows a lot about spells," Riley replies. "Wait! Whatchu finna do?"

"I'm going to visit, Ms. James."

"You need me to go?"

Jada thinks for a second before nodding.

The twins walk towards the prison ward and the guards stand in front.

"Your majesties?"

"Let us through," Jada orders. "Don't make me repeat myself."

The guard moves and the twins go to the back of the ward and see the old woman sitting there. Jada scowls at her and then bangs on the cell wall.

"What the hell did you do to my brother and head servant?" Jada questions.

"I just used a spell that helps them understand what they did wrong."

"And what they do wrong?" Riley asked.

"She doesn't call him prince," Donetta says. "You know as well as I do, your highness, that's against the law."

"It's different for Jazmine," Jada tells her, "And you have no right in making any punishments for that. You don't get to decide what they go through."

"Well, there's no changing anything now."

"Guard!" Jada calls. One appears. "What punishment has been set up for Ms. James?"

"Nothing at the moment."

"Well there's one now," Jada looks back at Donetta, "She will be hung in the gallows tomorrow at sunset."

Donette gasps. The smirk she once had disappeared. 

"Princess Jada, you can't be serious!"

"Unless you can change the effects of Jazmine and Huey, you will be hung tomorrow. Or maybe go through something worse," Jada inflames her hands. "It would suck to be burned alive."

"I-I-I-I'll think of something! Please!"

"Riley take her to the labs and keep a close eye on her. I'm going to check on Huey."

"Why the hell I gotta watch the old bitch!"

"Riley, I'll stab you! Watch her! I'll be back."

Riley groans,

"Take her ugly ass to the lab. Don't try nun either, nigga. You may know spells but I got powers and I will throw yo ass across the fuckin kingdom."

Jada walks to Huey's room where lied on the floor. Just about half of the things in the room were obliterated. Ashes lied scattered around Huey and he was on the verge of destroying something else. 


"You know, it's hard. Not seeing someone you love," Huey says. "Not being able to hear them. Touch them. It's like they exist but they don't. You know how hard it is to live like that."


"Can this be fixed?"

"We're working right now to get it fixed," Jada replied.

"Then why are you here? Why aren't you in there getting it fixed?"

Jada stared at her brother. She knew she was upset but at the same time he had no right to treat her like that.

"I get it," Jada says. "You're upset. You're angry. But I'm not the reason you're going through this. Riley and I didn't ask for this to happen. You have no right to be mad at us. If you would've honored the law then you wouldn't be in this mess!"

"So this is my fault!?"



"Huey, look at you," Jada now had tears in her eyes. "You look exactly like I did when Caesar died. Exactly like I did. Destroying everything in your path. But this isn't going to solve anything, Huey. You have do to something."

"I'm not going anywhere," Huey says. He sits back down. "I'm not going anywhere."

Jada sighs, and goes back downstairs. She goes to the lab and looks at Donetta.

"You better have found a way to cure them. 

"I'm sorry," Donetta says, "I don't know how to fix this."

Jada's eyes turn red and Riley quickly goes to stop her.

"Jada, no!" 

"You did this!" Jada yells, "YOU BROKE OUR BROTHER!"

"It takes time to fix! There's nothing I can-"

"I'm not waiting until tomorrow. Take her away."

"NO PLEASE!" Donetta yells. "I'LL FIX THIS! PLEASE!"

Jada watches as the guards takes Donetta to the gallows. 

"There's nothing more we can do," Jada tells Riley. "Just get ready for supper."

Time passed and it's been a year since Huey had seen Jazmine. He spent everyday of his life in his room, along with Jazmine. She went back to work but she never spoke unless spoken to. She never went outside. She did her work and went straight to her room. 

"Jazmine," The princess says. "Take this to Prince Huey."

Jazmine nods, grabbing the tray and going to Huey's room. She knocked on the door and heard nothing. She only opened the door and set the tray on Huey's nightstand.

"I told Jada to stop sending you guys to my room," Huey says. Jazmine's breathing had stopped. Did she really hear him? "Take the food and tell Jada's I'm not eating until supper."

"H-Huey?" Jazmine turns. Huey quickly looked up. The beautiful yellow face with emerald eyes Huey once fell in love with was looking straight at him. "Huey!"

Huey quickly gets up, hugging Jazmine. He held her close, being able to smell and feel her. 

"It's really you," Huey says. "It's really you."

Jazmine kissed Huey, not wanting to let go.

"Jazmine, what's taking you so-" Jada stops when she sees the two. Her eyes watered as a smile spread on her face. "You can see each other again. You can talk to each other, you can feel each other. Oh my gosh!"

Jazmine smiled, looking at Huey then Jada. 

"I'll give you two a moment," Jada says, leaving.

"Jazmine," Huey says, his look serious. "We can't go through this again. A year of not seeing each other. This can't happen again. We have to follow the law." Jazmine nods. "But I've never been a fan of you calling me that. So, Jazmine," Huey bends down on one knee, "Will you marry me?"

Jazmine gasps. She didn't know what to say.


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