Question Games

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Me: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the first annual, Questions Game!

Jada: Yay! 🙌

Jazmine: Yahoo! 😁

Huey: Yay 😐

Riley: Mane w.e 😒

Me: The rules are simple, questions will be given to all of you and all you have to do is answer honestly. Sound simple?

Cindy: More or less

Caesar: Yerp 👌

Jada: Let the questions begin!

Me: Excellent! First question comes from reader_423 and they ask, "Riley why do you suck at fighting so much?"

Riley: Nigga what? I don't suck at shit!

Jada: Weeeeellllllll 😓

Huey: That's debatable

Riley: Nahh ya'll asses just on that ninja type shit! 😒

Me: Still need a valid answer, Riley....

Riley: I don't suck! Jus Jada and Huey ninjas

Me: Okay? Next question is for Huey from poeticallycreative she asks, "Would you ever cheat on Jada?"

Huey: Why would I cheat on Jada? What type of incest shit does she think I'm on?

Me: Whoops! She meant Jazmine! Would you ever cheat on Jazmine?

Huey: No.

Jazmine: Awe!

Me: Why?

Huey: Because Jazmine completes me. She's the only person that I ever see myself with and I wouldn't trade her for the world.

Me: Awweee this is why I ship you two!! 😍 Juey forever!!

Jada: Me too!

Me: Next! Same person asks Riley, "Would you eva cheat on Cindy?"

Riley: Nah mane, that's my home girl right der!

Cindy: Awe thanks Reezy!

Me: Awe! And why?

Riley: Cause can't nobody match the my realness like Murph can.. She chill and lit and cool asf.. Can't nobody compare to my C-Murder

Me: Ya'll killing me here like fr!! Caesar, same person asks you the same thing.

Caesar: Thought nobody would ever ask me a question 😭

Jada: Would you ever cheat on me, babe? 🤔

Huey: You better answer carefully 😒

Riley: Yea nigga cause I'll kill yo ass 🗡🔫

Caesar: Damn, can I answer first before everybody and they mama start threatening me? 😥😤 No, I would never cheat on Jada because she's the type of girl you only come across once. She's a fighter and a very strong women that takes charge and I couldn't find myself loving anyone else but her.. 💯💯

Jada: I think my heart jumped out my chest 🤒

Jazmine: Caesar hands down is the sweetest kid ever, you're so lucky to have him 💯

Cindy: Bruhh Jay you lucky asf fr 💯💯💯

Huey and Riley: Wtf is that suppose to mean? 😒😒

Jazmine and Cindy: NOTHING!! 😅

Me: Okay? Moving on! Girls you were asked the same question by the same person as well.

Cindy: Who you wanna start wit?

Me: Let's go with Jazzy since Huey went first.

Jazmine: I would never cheat on Huey because he's smart, different, and hot asf 😩💯

Huey: Did you just say hot?

Jazmine: Maybe? 😅

Huey: I'll live with that

Riley: That's a whole lie! Huey ugly as fuck!! 😭😪

Jada: Riley, you and Huey look just alike 😐

Riley: Shut up!

Me: Okay? Cindy?

Cindy: I'm mean... 😓

Riley: Bitch what?! 😤

Cindy: I'm not gonna be too many more of yo bitches!! I was jus playin nigga damn!

Riley: Mhmm, whatever

Cindy: Reezy you know I love you and I would never cheat on you.. You made me who I am today and yo sexy ass could neva be replaced 💯💯

Me: Awwww 😍😍😍

Huey: You should've saw Riley when he was a baby.. Mane was he ugly 😪

Jada: Miss Author lady? Can we move on?

Me: Of course! It's actually your turn Jada

Jada: Well, I could never cheat on Caesar because he's the only other person aside from Huey and Riley that make me feel safe and he's very comforting and takes great care of me. I couldn't do anything without him! 🤗

Caesar: Awe, thanks baby! 😉

Me: Jaecar for life! Okay so the next question is by the same person

Riley: Mane this poetic whatever whatever asks a lot of damn questions 💯

Me: Riley, shut up! She is my favorite reader so stuff it! 😒🖕

Riley: W.e 😒

Me: She asks Huey, "Would you eva cut your afro off?"

Huey: That's a dumb ass question. 😐 Why would I ever do that? Cut off my afro and then look like pee wee herman? Yea, that's not even a no. That's a hell no.

Me: Is he always this...

Jada: Aggressive? Yes. 😓

Me: Alrighty.. Riley, same question, "Would you ever cut off them old cornrows?"

Riley: Bitch did you jus say old? My rows ain't old! They the freshest thing yo ass gone eva see! So no! I'm not! 😤

Me: I could beg to differ 🤐

Riley: Bitch hush

Cindy: Boy stop callin her a bitch damn! 😡

Jazmine: You are kind've bein a jerk, Riley. 😓

Riley: Ya'll can shut up too 😒

Cindy: Bitch who you talkin to?? 😤

Jada: Can ya'll act civil for once before a nigga moment happens? 😭

Riley: Jada you can get some too 💯🔫

Jada: Riley I'll stuff you in a freezer if you don't shut the hell up 😒💯

Me: Thank you for breaking that up Jada. Next question is for Caesar by the same person and it's the same question.

Caesar: I don't know actually. I don't think I would ever cut my dreads out and that's only because I've had them for so long and it traces back to my Jamaican roots.

Jada: Plus they make you look like a total god when you're naked 😍😩

Riley: Bitch what?! 😐

Huey: You've seen him naked? 😒

Jada: Did I say naked? I didn't mean that, I meant.. Um.. 😓

Me: Next question!! 😁

Jada: Oh thank goodness 😥

Me: I'm just gonna say for a while now the same person asks the questions so just like... Yea.. Anyways, she asks, "Would anyone of you ever go skydiving?"

Riley: Hell nah!! 😪

Cindy: Ha! That's only cuz yo punk ass afraid of heights 😂😂

Riley: C, stop tellin my damn business

Jada: I would go!

Huey: Eh, not the scariest thing I've done so I'd do it

Jazmine: Um, jumping from a plane doesn't really sound too safe 😔

Jada: You're afraid of heights too?

Jazmine: Yes and no?

Jada: Aww 😂

Cindy: My ass always wanted to jump off a plane! That shit look fun! 🙌

Me: I actually wanna go because it looks fun

Caesar: I've actually been before...

Jada: Really?

Caesar: Yea. I went with my cousins for my 16th birthday

Me: Awe lucky! 😩

Jada: Are there anymore questions?

Me: Yes ma'am.. Would any of you change your names?

Huey: Malcolm

Me: Actually Huey, you're not allowed to change it to that

Huey: There's restrictions?

Me: Yes sir. That's what I was told

Jada: I like that name Crimson

Jazmine: Hmm that's a tough one

Cindy: I like the name Tasha

Riley: My name would be Escobar

Jada: That's your middle name, idiot 😒

Riley: Nigga and?

Caesar: I don't even go by my actual name so I guess I would change my last name to my first name

Huey: I guess I've always liked the name Andre

Jada: Andre?

Me: That's not political at all

Huey: Who said it had to be? Or was that a rule too?

Jazmine: I think I'd change my name to Layla.

Me: "What are some things that sound like complements but are really insults to you?"

Jada: When people call me crazy. I find that as a huge complement.

Cindy: When people call me white. Like yea, I know I'm white, no need to remind me. Like I might be white, but I'm thick, fly, and the realest bitch around 💯

Huey: Debatable 😐

Jada: Huey! 😒

Riley: When niggas say anything cause there's always gon be a hater 💯

Jada: If they ain't hatin, you ain't doin sum right 💯💯

Riley: See! Jay know what I'm talkin about!

Caesar: I think when people call me slow

Jada: People call you slow?

Me: Wait, they do??

Caesar: Yea.. I may not act all smart but I actually am

Huey: I know this. This is why we're friends

Caesar: Exactly.

Jada: Jazzy?

Cindy: Ohh ya'll gon be surprised by this one

Huey: People call you names?

Riley: That Mariah Carey lookin ass hoe don't get called shit

Jada: You just called her Mariah Carey and a hoe.. Something you call her all the time

Jazmine: Actually, it's when people call me a bitch..

Everyone (except Cindy): People call you a bitch?

Jazmine: Yea, that's only because I get really bad mood swings and sometimes people get annoying and I can be really bitchy

Cindy: Jazmine got called that when we went to lunch cause some kid kept screaming behind us 😂😂

Jada: wow that's just.. Wow

Me: I think my life is a lie.. Anyways the next question is kind've a two parter. So to start, "What's the worst mistake that any of you have ever made?"

Jada: Hmmm the worst mistake I've ever made... 🤔🤔

Huey: Being friends with Cairo.

Caesar: Is that that nigga you used to be friends with in Chi-town?

Huey: yea

Jada: You really regret that?

Huey: Yea because he's just such a jerk now and e's crazy and I just wish I never associated myself with him.

Me: Interesting 🤔

Cindy: Staying wit my mama instead of my daddy

Me: Why?

Cindy: 'Cause my mama a drunk now and all she do is drink and yell and try and run me when that bitch now I'll stomp her shit 💯👊

Jada: Talking to Hiro 😒

Jazmine: I had a feeling you'd say that 😂😂

Jada: Really?

Jazmine: Yea.

Jada: He's just so weird and all he tries to do is get with me and it's just... Eww 😷😷

Jazmine: I guess my worse mistake is denying me being black 😔

Me: Omg everyone in my comments were blowing you up when you said that you only had black features 😭😭

Jazmine: I was just super insecure and I'm really sorry to those who got mad at that. I love being black and I love my history behind it..  😁😊

Me: Hopefully everyone will love you now

Jazmine: THEY DIDN'T LOVE ME?!?!?!? 😢😢😢😢

Me: Caesar?

Caesar: My worst mistake ever and I mean EVER is when I took a drink from Samantha at the party and kissed Jazmine and caused Jada to get hit by a car.. Worst nightmare ever!!! 💯💯💯

Jada: Babe I thought I told you that it wasn't your fault

Caesar: No matter how many times you can say that, I'll forever hold that against myself 😔😔

Huey: I don't think you should.. Jada's okay now and that made you guys a lot closer than you were before... 💯

Cindy: Look at Huey! Givin love advice an shit 😂😂

Huey: W.e 😒

Riley: Mane, I don't got no regrets! That shit's for the birds!

Jada: Umm why're we in Woodcrest again? 😒😒

Riley: nigga hush! 😒

Cindy: Wait! There's a story to that? 

Jada: There's a lot about us you guys don't know

Jazmine: Really?

Huey: Yep and it's gonna stay like that

Cindy: Nigga that ain't fair 😤😤

Riley: Actually it is cause that's apart of us we really don't talk about

Jada: Yea..

Cindy: mane w.e

Me: That's a lot of... suspicion... Anyways, what's the best decision you've made so far?

Jada: Dating Caesar 💯💞

Caesar: Dating Jada 💯❤

Huey: Meeting Jazmine 💯💟

Jazmine: Meeting Huey 💯💝

Cindy: Not buying those Jays last week

Riley: Not buying them Nikes last week

Jada: You guys totally ruined the couple trend 😒

Riley & Cindy: W.e

Me: You really did.. "What's the best and worst thing that has ever happened to any of you?"

Jazmine: When I was in kindergarten, there was this girl named Shauna who cut my hair and poured milk all over my favorite Dora dress 😭😭

Jada: Awe you poor thing 😢

Huey: I would've pushed her.. 💯

Riley: That bitch sound mean 💯

Cindy: She lucky my ass won't in the picture 👊💯

Caesar: Worst thing to happen to me was when my mama died

Jada: You're mom died?

Huey: You didn't know this?

Jada: No!! Caesar never told me 😭😭

Caesar: Yea, my ma died of cancer 3 years ago. I live with my Aunt Charlotte now 😔

Jada: Awww 😢😢

Cindy: Worst thing to happen to me was being an actual white girl for 16 years of my life 💯💯💯💯

Riley: HA! That has to be the funniest thing that I eva heard yo ass was a preppy white bitch 😂😂😂

Cindy: Watch it! 😒

Huey: Worst thing to happen to me was Riley 😒💯

Riley: Nigga damn! Way to hit a nigga in a soft spot

Jada: You care?

Riley: No 😒

Jazmine: Yes you do! Huey that was mean! 😔

Huey: It's not like he actually does care 😒

Riley: Nigga if I did?

Huey: You don't

Riley: I'm done 💯

Jada: Worst thing to happen to me is when I got into that car accident 😭💯

Riley: Yea, that beats mamma and granddad dyin.. Knowin my ass might lose you was hard enough 💯😭

Cindy: Jay you should've saw him.. Riley ain't talk to nobody and he ain't neva wanna leave yo side.. He was real hurt 💯💯😔

Jada: Awww 😭😭

Jazmine: Yea.. it was bad... 😔💯

Me: I cried during that 😭😭.. (I did frfr cry while writing those chapters.. Like fr, I was too into it)

Jada: The best thing to ever happen to me was when Riley and I roasted these twins back in middle school 😂😂

Riley: oh yeaaa I remember that!! They asses was trynna say we were wannabe twins and that our asses won't neva gon be as close as them 😂😂

Jada: They got roasted and got they asses beat.. That was fun 😂👊

Cindy: Best thing to eva happen to me was meeting Riley cause I'd still be a preppy bitch who followed the rules and ain't talk to nobody 💯💯

Riley: Ayyee 🙌😈

Caesar: Best thing to happen to me so far was Jada.. Ya'll have no idea how much she mean to me 💯💟💞

Jada: Awww 😍😍😍

Jazmine: Goals 💯😍

Me: Jaecar for life 😍😍😍😍

Huey: Best thing to happen to me was Jazmine 💯💟

Jazmine: Aww thanks baby!! You the best thing that's ever happened to me 😍😍


Jada: Are we done now?

Me: Nope! But we're almost done!! Just 3 more questions

Riley: Finally 😧

Huey: Thank goodness 😧

Cindy: I kinda like doin these

Jazmine: Me too! They're fun! 😁

Jada: Yea, it's cool answering questions.. Makes me feel special 😂

Caesar: Yea...

Me: Alrighty. "If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask??" and with this question, if it's asking any of you, you have to answer

Jazmine: Wait, was this really a question

Me: Yea ma'am!

*Everyone looks at Huey, Riley, and Jada*

Jada: Why do I have a bad idea about this?

Cindy: My question for the damn Freemans. What the hell happened before yall got here?

Huey: We can't answer that

Me: But you have to

Riley: We don't gotta do shit!

Jada: We'll answer it in the author's other story soon!

Cindy: Tf don't they gotta answer

Me: Technically that is a huge spoiler so you'll have to ask something else

Cindy: Fine! 😒😒😒

Jazmine: Jada, do you speak multiple languages like Huey?

Jada: Yep! I actually speak 2 more than he does because he refuses to learn them 😂

Huey: Jada, sarcasm and sign language don't count.. I speak sarcasm anyways 😒

Jazmine: You speak sign language??

Jada: Yep! One thing Huey refuses to learn 😂

Riley: Bro, why Trump become president???? 😤🤔😤🤔

Everyone: EXACTLYYYYY 😤😤😤😤

Me: Sorry to anyone the supports Trump but I cannot stand him!! 😤😤

Huey: He's worse than any other president in the world 💯

Cindy: Huey what's yo middle name??

Jazmine: Ohhh i know that!! 🙋🙋🙋

Jada: You told her?

Huey: No, she was looking through our stuff and found my birth certificate 😒.. But my middle name is Percy

Jada: Huey Percy Freeman! HPF lol that sounds like a computer chip 😂😂

Huey: 😒😒

Caesar: I got an intersting one that may cost me my life

Huey: Why do I know where you're going with this? 😒

Caesar: Jazmine..

Huey: Caesar I swear if you ask that 😒😒

Caesar: What's the farthest you and Huey have gotten to having sex 🤔

Jada: 🤐

Riley: 🤐

Cindy: 🤐

Jazmine: 🤐

Huey: Caesar. You're a dead man 💯💀

Jada: Wait, yall freaky?? Jazzy, you freaky??? 👀👀

Me: Ohhhhh plot twist! 😏😏

Jazmine: Well... Um.. 😓😓

Huey: She gave me head.. That's the farthest we've gone

Caesar: Lie

Jada: How do you know all this 🤔

Caesar: Huey becomes a real talker after he's done with Jazmine 😏

Jazmine: Okay so maybe we've had sex...

Jada: 🤐

Riley: 🤐

Cindy: 🤐

Caesar: There's the truth 😌

Cindy: Jazmine Elizabeth Dubois, you freak 😂

Riley: I knew you wasn't gay 😏

Huey: Can I leave?

Me: No

Jada: My life is a lie... I can't believe this.. Jazzy you not a virgin.. Huey.. you not either

Huey: Jada you can't talk! You're not one either! 😒

Jada: Yes I am. Caesar and I have never had sex

Jazmine: But you said you saw him naked

Jada: I've showered with Caesar and we've been in the same room getting dressed but we've never once had sex.

Huey: Then fine, here's my questions: What's the farthest you've gotten, Jada?

Jada: Easy, Caesar gave me head.. Farthest we gone 😏😌

Caesar: it's true 😏

Huey: 😒

Jazmine: 🤐

Cindy: Damn Reezy, we needa catch up

Riley: Fr

Jada: Wait, yall have never had sex??

Cindy: nah

Jada: But Riley text me not too long ago talkin bout you was gon let him hit!

Cindy: I lied for him just to come over

Riley: My ass never been so disappointed 😔😔

Me: Okay this went too far left! Next fuckin question before I push myself down a set of stairs...

Jazmine: Wait I didn't get to ask a question!

Me: Go ahead but it can't be a nasty one

Jazmine: it's not.. Author lady, what's your name.. I'm sick of talking to a complete stranger

Me: Oh.. My names Jade 😊

Jada: Wait.. Like the short version of my name

Me: NO! 😤 Two different names.. I hate when people think my name is just a nickname and my real name is Jada.. No! 😤😤

Jada: Okay.... 😓

Me: "This goes out to the guys, would any one of you ever sleep with a guy to save your life and/or your spouses which is Jada, Cindy, and Jazmine??

Huey: Define sleep

Me: You know what it means Huey 😒

Huey: Yea... I'm not doing that

Caesar: Sorry Jay.. 😔

Riley: That's a no..

Jada: Understandable

Jazmine: Yea I wouldn't do it with a girl either..

Cindy: Yea that shits gay

Me: Yea.. What an odd question but I found it funny.. Anyways last question was technically already answered so I think this concludes everything.

Huey: What was the question?

Me: Have any of you ever had sex and when?

Jada: Well the when part wasn't said...

Caesar: Yea Jazmine, when did this happen? 🤔

Jazmine: Why do you keep asking only me 😭😭

Caesar: Just answer

Jazmine: Ugh, it was when we were late picking up Jada and Riley from work that one time

Jada: There's been multiple occasions where Huey has picked us up late...

Huey: Can we end this??

Me: Yep! Well thank you for the questions and tell me what you think.. Say goodbye everyone

Jada: Bye! 👋

Jazmine: Ta-tah! 💋

Cindy: Peace out✌

Riley: ✌

Huey: Bye

Caesar: See ya! 🖖

Me: Comment below and tell me what ya think and should I do this again? 😊💞

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