Small Talk pt. 3

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Me: Jada!!

Jada: Jae!!

Me: How are you darling?

Jada: Quite swell 🙃❤ what's up?

Me: Well, I have a new short segment called Small Talk

Jada: Okay...

Me: And all I do is ask you questions 😊

Jada: Oh that's cool 🙃 let's do did

Me: Okay! Full name?

Jada: Jada Jeanette Freeman 👅

Me: Birthday?

Jada: September 11

Me: Awe my baby brother Az has a birthday that same day 😊❤

Jada: Where all my Virgos at? Gate of the Maiden bitch ♍

Me: Okay, so ik what that means but most readers dont

Jada: Oh.. You have to Watch Fairy Tail or know your horoscope history to get that 😅

Me: 😂😂 You watch Anime?

Jada: Kinda sorta.. I like cartoons

Me: What's you're favorite show?

Jada: Bob's Burgers 🍔🍟🙃

Me: Sammmmeeee 😍😍😍

Jada: That and Marlon.. Even though it just came out, that show is amazing

Me: What's your best quality?

Jada: My butt, eyes, mind, and fists

Me: Rewind.. Fists?

Jada:... Yea?

Me: Why are people so afraid of you?

Jada: Because I can kick anyones ass no matter the size or quantity 💯👊

Me: Are you a fighter or a lover?

Jada: Both.. I love a lot but when I need to fight I will

Me: Favorite color?

Jada: Black and Blue

Me: Reminds me of someone 🤔🤔

Jada: Hey! He stole that from me! 😭😭

Me: Best Friend?

Jada: Jessica Nicole Evans 😍❤

Me: Relationship status?

Jada: Taken by Michael Jackson Jordan Freeman 💯🔐❤

Me: Such an extra name

Jada: Ikr 😂😂 Caesar said his mom loved Michael Jackson and his dad was a Michael Jordan fan

Me: Makes sense 😂😂 one word to describe yourself?

Jada: Crazy 😊👅

Me: And you like that?

Jada: Yea.. I actually call my crazy side Jayjay ❤

Me: You have a name for it?

Jada: Mhmm 😊

Me: Okay 😓 Favorite sibling?

Jada: Don't have one

Me: So you love your brothers equally?

Jada: Yes and No.. I love Huey more than I do Riley but I dislike more things about Huey than I do Riley.. If that makes sense

Me: Give or take.. Favorite song?

Jada: Rude Boy by Rihanna 😩😍

Me: Worst fear?

Jada: Spiders

Me: That's it? Just spiders?

Jada: I've killed a person, Jae... Spiders are small and can disappear whenever tf they want 😖

Me: Okay? Any last words?

Jada: 1+1=3 without a condom

Me: 😂😂

Jada: Look both ways before you cross the street

Me: I think people know that

Jada: You always have the option to say no 🙃

Me: Wtf does that mean?? 😂😂

Jada: No means no 🙅

Me: Anything else?

Jada: Don't drop the soap 🙃👅

Me: Jada Freeman everyone!!

Jada: Byeeee 🙃👅❤

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