1. A Message to My Underaged Followers' Parents

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My Dear Young Followers' Parents,

- I know that most of you 'don't even Know that something like Wattpad exists' ( I asked your Kids - & they told me this ) That's why Someone Has to Support them Here. - And this 'Someone' is Me! 😊

I'm Here for Them to Support Them, to Cheer Them Up with My Books & Talking to Them Every Single Day - They Know they Can Always Message me - 'not only when Something Bad Happens' or 'When They are Bored' - but Anytime They Want :) also just to say 'Hello' or If they Want to Share Their Joys! :) - and the 'Longest Time to Wait for My Answer' is Till the Next Day - if we have different Time Zones & they Happen to Message Me When I Sleep. 

But I will Always check My Inbox & Answer their Messages as soon as I Log in! :) - & give them Good Advice when They Need it, Trolls RP with Them - or talk to them about Any Appropriate Topic they want - cause this account is - & will always be 100% Appropriate!  ^_^

That's Right! :) 

- I Promise you that there is No Violence, No Swearing, No 18 + Books - or Absolutely Nothing 'You Wouldn't Like Your Kids to Read' on My Account ( - and There will Never Be! )

*It's One of the Safest, Most Positive & Kids Friendly Accounts on Wattpad - & It will Always Stay Like That!  ^_^

- Because My Goal is to Spread Kindness & Positivity - & That's Why I am Here! :)

Cause That's how I can make Their Lives 'A Little Bit Better' by Making Them smile! :)

🔷 The Rest Belongs to You - in RL

💠 Before I finish This Letter - I would like to Congratulate Some Of You - because Some of Your Children are Surprisingly Creative, Compassionate, Understanding & Intelligent Far Above their Age!  ^_^  - I'm Sure You're Very Proud of Them! :) - & telling you 'that You Raised Them Well' wouldn't be Enough to Express what I am Trying To Say! :) 

*I'm not going to mention any usernames - but The Parents of those few 'Amazing Wattpad Pearls' obviously Know that 'I'm talking about Their Children' - because they Know them The Best in RL ! :) & Your Children also Know that I'm talking about Them because I noticed their Helpfulness, Kindness & Talents before writing This - & told them about it! :)  ( - Another Point for You: They're Still Staying MODEST being as Awesome & Outstanding As That!  ^_^ )

Thank You So Much for Them! :)

🌏 That's All I would like to Tell You 

( - If Any of You were Here - & Read This!  ^_~ )

*Keep up the Good Work in RL - to Let Your Amazing Kids always Stay Like That - & Never Lose Their Awesomeness!!! 😁👍

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