131. I had an 'Energy Tickling & Warm Tummy Day' yesterday...

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... ( on July 17th 2018 ) - because My Energy Overload is still working, so My Energy woke me up Tickling My Ribs in the morning ( - I liked it! :) - I woke up Smiling! 😊👍 ) 

Then it was tickling me from time to time Making Me Feel Like Laughing ( or Even Laugh :D ) during the Day  ( most often my Left Side, Tummy, & both Armpits, also Left Foot once :) ) 

- & I felt Nice Warmth inside My Tummy for a few Hours since Afternoon till Evening ( - it was comparable to the Feeling you have when you drink Some warm Tea - & you feel it Spreading inside your tummy after taking a sip... - But there was no tea, just My Energy working like This!  ^_~  - it has already happened before, & I also described it in one of my 'Facts about me' books, & you can ask my friend @JuliaSpight - if you don't belive me, because I told her that I felt this 'Tummy Warmth' yesterday, exactly when it took place - cause it happened in RL :) )

( Moreover She also started feeling 'Energy Tickles' just like I always feel during my Energy overload 2 days after I shared my Energy with her :) - & she also 'woke up with a Smile' thanks to it - let's see how long it will stay with Her!  ^_^ ✨👍 - because I've never managed to 'spread it to someone else' before :) - & My Receivers felt some tingling only at the moment of Sharing Energy with them... - not after. She must be 'The Best Reacting Energy Receiver I've Ever Had!' :D 👌 )

🔷 As I was starting writing this chapter

- My Energy tickled My Both Armpits at the Same Moment! 😂

- Now it tickles my Left side... - & I felt Nice Warmth & Tingling On My Back! :D

( this back warmth is 'Something New' again - it hasn't happened before :) - but I like That! :) ... - It makes me feel Calm & Relaxed Right Now :) )

*& Yesterday I also Started Sweating So Much that I could 'Add Something to Branch's supply'! ( but I don't store sweat, lol ! 😉 ) - Not only because 'It's Summer' - but because My Energy is Keeping me Warmer than Anyone Else

- & I was 'less hungry that usual' as well :)

( but those are 'typical symptoms' then!  ^_~ ) 


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