141. A short lesson of 'Right Wattpad Communication' for the Youngest Users

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... - cause some of them seem not to know 'quite obvious' things like this:

1. Be kind to Other Users - It's 'Social Network' - we're here to Read, Write, Make Friends, Inspire Others & 'Coexist Peacefully' - remember that

2. Care about your Wattpad Friends - don't forget to answer their messages as Soon as You can when they want to talk to you ( - & if you happen to forget about this, or something they told you - keep this info to yourself... - cause telling them that 'you forgot' doesn't sound good - & may upset them. Cause they may feel 'not cared enough'. Don't do that to them ) 

3. Don't be mean in commenting other user's books

- just because you're in a bad mood 

- or because you're jealous that they are 'better writers than you'

- you can tell them that 'they did something wrong' only if their books break social norms or wattpad rules ( hardly anyone read anyway ) - if they didn't break it - don't criticize them 'just to criticize something' 

- If you don't like someone's book - don't comment 'I don't like/hate that book' - because it's Rude. Just stop reading it :) 

- & check your Inbox if it works, please ( to see if your friends answered you & you can continue the conversation with them )

4. And Don't Complain All The Time in Your Random Books ( - I know that Everyone can Have a Bad Day Sometimes - but don't exaggerate with 'making tragedies out of little things you should forget about in 5 minutes & enjoy your life Again!  ^_^  - you think that the others would like to Read Your 'Book Of Complaints' you turn it into without anything positive in it?... well, tbh I don't think so. So don't forget about mentioning Some Positivity in your Randomness as well ! 😁👍 )

*Thank You! 🙏

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