When you get "tagged" shortly after being tagged

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Welp great, I was sent this from my friend who shall not be named, welp better get it over with.

1. Do you like someone?
Heck naw

2. Do they like you

3. Middle name (This ones obvious)

4. Ya like space

5. Last person you texted
My friend Caden on Discord

6. Last song you listened to?
Asrielovania, I'm still listening to it

7. Battery %
Power level is 100%

8. Best friend
Flow- wait, wrong one, derp

9. Favorite ship
Error 404, ship has been sank

10. Why'd you make your current account
I was reading a story and it was getting annoying trying to find where I left of at and my safari bookmarks were getting cluttered

11. Current lock and home screen

Home screen:

Lock screen;

(I'm Undertale trash, actually my homescreen is SCP-079 with Flowey's face on it)

12: Fandoms/Communities you are in :
HTTYD, UnderTale (Fite me), My little pony (Yes, deal with it), SCP foundation, Elite:Dangerous, KSP

13. Favorite games
Rodina, SCP:CB, UnderTale, E:D, KSP, ERROR 404, too many to list

14. Favorite fictional character

15. Ya like jazz (To be honest I don't i know what my friend was thinking when they made this)

Now since this was sent to me by a good friend of mine, I will actually tag people for once

1. KittyCatGamer98 (Payback)
2. elmartir55 (remember me?)
3. eclypsys (Hoi)
4. hiccupplushastrid (if you are still alive)
5. Uhhhh...

Thanks friend for sending me a tag that wasn't that bad

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