Bored to death

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I am easy : when you're given a choice and you don't mind which option is chosen.

- I can't be bothered: when you don't want to do something cause you're feeling too lazy or you don't care.

- Please yourself: when you tell someone they ca

n do what they like cause you don't care.

- You bet !: when you are sure something will happen or that something is true .

- Be my guest :when somebody asks you for permission to do something and you are happy for them to do so.

- You can't have it both ways: when you tell someone they have to decide on one thing or the other.

- I'm all ears!:when you give someone your undivided attention 

eat into your savings = spend some of your savings

'We can't afford a new car, unless we eat into our savings.'

eating for two = be pregnant and so eating more

'Good news, darling. The doctor says I'm eating for two now.'

eat your heart out! = telling someone they should be jealous of you

'I'm going on holiday to Jamaica - eat your heart out!'

not your cup of tea = something that you don't l

ike much

'Football isn't my cup of tea.'

a square meal = a filling meal

'You need a square meal after all that exercise.'

it smells fishy = something that is suspicious

'He wants to do all the housework for you? That smells fishy to me!'

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