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I stared at the bodies in surprise. The way the blood seemed to have a light glint as it dripped to the floor. I was mesmerized. Amazed. I ran up to the bodies and started cleaning the bags of the blood. My new owner simply watched in shock as I did her job for her.

"Oi oi oi! What're you doing?!" She yelped as she ran up to me. I simply continued to lap up the blood, after quite a while getting the room clean. If the bodies weren't there, you wouldn't have been able to tell anything went down. She gazed at me in amaze. I smiled at her, satisfied with my little dinner. At the time, I knew what I did wasn't normal or okay, but I didn't care, as she gave me cuddles and pets in gratitude. From then on, I knew my new life was gonna get a hell of a lot easier. Better. More fun. DEADLY. And I was perfectly happy with that.

I soon learned my new owner's name was Akuma. Kaida Akuma. Her name amused me, as it described her perfectly. Kaida, meaning little dragon, and Akuma, meaning fire devil. Little did I know I'd be back with the Akumas even after my death and remain for the rest of my existence.

Fast forward to when things get serious, I now lived life as a murder accomplice. However, Kaida and I got our earnings from the victims. Not from stealing, but from offering our services. See, Kaida worked as one of those old-fashioned fortune tellers. She had granted me my own crystal ball so I could mirror her and do my own fortune reading in the basement. At first, I was a little sloppy with my killings. I hadn't yet understood how I could do things, but I found my own way.

One day, a human walked into the shop with his own dog. Kaida, as usual, explained his dog could explore the place while she read him, as there was a little playmate in the basement for him. He obliged and let his dog go downstairs, where I awaited his arrival.

"Are you the supposed playmate of mine the cloaked one spoke of?" He would say with a strong irish accent. I chuckled, nodding my head.

"I could read your fortune while you wait for your owner if you wish?" I suggested. He smiled at me and nodded, padding up to me. I pulled out my crystal ball, placing it on the pillow in between us and I raised my paws, starting the game.

"Will we ever become rich and famous?" He asked me. I scoffed at his question.

"I tell the future, I don't give out freebies or luck. I'm not a damn leprechaun." He quickly hushed at my harsh words. I continued examining the ball, which then showed how he'd die. "Hmm... it's telling me you die of a strange death..."

"Sorry?" He blinked in surprise.

"Yes... I see you... blood is trickling down your corpse as it appears your body is completely split in half, minus the spine."

"W-WHAT?" He flinched, now covering his chest and stomach with his paws in fear. I gave him a worried look, a look of sorrow.


"W-well, who-who did it...?" He stuttered.

"You sure you wanna know...?" I asked, wincing softly at the 'sight' I was reading.

"Y-yes... I wish to know my killer before it's too late..." I looked back up at him, lowering my ears. I sighed.

"Fine, then... The one who causes this... horrid death of yours... is someone you already know... but not enough to name them..." I slowly rose to my paws.

"O-oh..?" He looked down at the ball, relaxing a bit, but still anxious. I smirked, my ears perking up.

"Yeah, sorry, bro, it's me." I said simply before launching at him, teeth bared and claws out.

"WHAT??" He barked before I tackled him and grabbed the exacta knife, stabbing his chest and dragging it forcefully down his midsection until his blood was everywhere and his guts were exposed for the world to see. His strangled cries as he choked on his own blood soothed me as adrenaline took over my bloodstream. Something about this felt so good to me, and I knew it was wrong, but I knew Kaida would be proud... and that's all I ever needed.

"Vexona~! You all done here?" I heard Kaida coming downstairs as I finished up tying his back legs to the ceiling so he could 'dry'. I barked when she arrived, quickly running up to her to show her what I did. She laughed and looked up to see the open ribcage and dripping organs of the dog I'd just brutally murdered. She smirked, instantly making my mood better. "As am I. Good girl..." She purred as she scratched under my chin, my tail lashing. She walked over to the body and noticed the exacta knife on the floor. She chuckled. "However, I recommend doing a better clean up job, girlie. No evidence left behind. Remember that. No pawprints, no bits of fur, nothing." She instructed. I smiled and nodded in understanding. I always took every bit of advice she gave me seriously as if I would die without them, which would have happened anyway had I not done so.

 After an hour or so of cleaning the scene and hiding the bodies for me to take care of later, we went upstairs to see other people outside. Including officials. We both gave each other a slightly surprised look before smirking and nodding. We quickly changed our demeanor to charming as people started entering our workplace, meaning not just more moo-lah, but more for my dinner...

A/n: Slightly shorter this time, sorry!

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