A little Family Reunion

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1 year after

A year has passed after everyone who got dusted away returns to their loved ones arms

Because of the avengers (A/N Tony will not be dead like they said in avengers 4 neither will steve)  when Y/N received the news she was in search for her father but there was no trace of him.

You stand at the edge of your apartments rooftop silently crying. As you look around, you see children with their parents. You closed your eyes and thought of your father; holding his hand, being in his arms and then you opened them and see he isn't there, it was just your imagination. You opened your eyes to see others get to see their beloved.

You grip your fist then a lamp post suddenly fell heading to a family. But before it hits them, spider Man swing in and lifted the lamp post "everyone gathered around him and thanking him. Your just happy that no one got hurt, you may be a villain but your not that merciless

As Spider Man swung home, you turned around and headed to your room. You opened your closet then held out a key from your pocket then move aside your clothes hanging to see a keyhole at the back

You unlocked it then you saw your green dress and a golden mask at the side is a scepter.

You grab it and grinned "I think its time for a little family reunion "

Avengers tower

The avengers (including the newly recruited)  celebrated their victory of the new recruits. Peter with Scott, t'chala with Stephen and Tony, the badass ladies (okoye, black widow and scarlet witch)

and the Two captains while Thor is just sitting there eating pop tarts. "how are you doing? " Thor looked up to see Vision with two beers in his hands then took one and drank it all up but it just magically refill itself

"Strange enchanted it " the two looked at strange who was with T'chala with a ' I'm-so-done-with-this-sh*t ' face while Tony was laughing.

"should we-"
"nah, they'll survive his boring story about himself " Vision then sat beside Thor. "any luck with Loki or your niece? " Thor shook his head. "I just hope Loki and Y/N are reunited "

"speaking of being reunited! " a voice boomed

The all looked around but to see no one, Thor stood knowing who this intruder was.

"sorry to intrude " a girl in green and black dress similar to Loki's with a golden mask appeared a few feet behind  Thor. Everyone was now in a Fighting position ready for an attack

"excuse me who are you? Also, The costume shop is right around the corner, why dress up like Loki? " Tony asked, already in his suit. He also received a glare from the girl

" what do you want?" T'chala interrupt before Tony could blurt nonsense again

" to get revenge, of course. You avengers don't do your job properly " the girl shrugged

"well, you may surrender Now, cause you can't fight all of us " demand black window "I'm not here to fight, oh no no no, I'll be doing that tomorrow or next day maybe. Anyways I'm just here to meet.......... Family, my uncle to be precise although he has never been my uncle anyway" the girl grinned mischievously, the avengers exactly knew who she was talking about. Mischievous grin, all green, scepter, mask with a statement.

" Y/N? Is that really you? " Thor asked reaching out to her. You turned to him smiling softly. "yes " he looked relieved for a while till

"but that Y/N you knew is no longer here "

Author here!  I hoped you liked it!

I have a question,

I am trying to group the avengers like who will be their best bud in team. Who will also have a feud. you decide!

Please answer

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