Against Us

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*gasp* Y/N sat up from her bed as she woke up from what seems like a dream. She looked around and saw the was in a glass cell. The same one Fury used with Loki, except with more upgrades, didn't want to do that mistake again.

"so.... Your his daughter " Y/N looked left and saw a man with some kind of pirate theme for his outfit. An eye patch and everything.

"so...  You're Nick Fury. My dad told me about you " she stood up and went closer to the glass. She was about to touch it but Fury stopped her.

" you might not want to do that, one tap you'd be electrified. One scratch you'll fall to your death. " he pulled a lever in the control panel which opened a latch from the bottom of the cell. Now from the air that's being sucked out, you can tell this is way high for you to use teleportation. You actually need your gem.

Oh wait.......  You do have your gem with you.

"don't even Think about using your magic in here, these are enchanted by Strange, blocking all of your magic from releasing "

"Well, that's a bummer" you thought. But you still can scare them

"so what, you think this cage can hold me? Oh please. " you rolled your eyes as you tap the the glass sending bolts of electricity in your veins but you actually didn't mind since you absorb power with the help of your ring, Lightning. Though, that's the only thing that It can do, but you need to intimidate them and not show weakness

Fury looked at your hand and saw the ring. His eyes widen when he left the room. Little did you know, the avengers saw you from the other side. Including Peter.

Once Fury went inside he sighed,
"this bitch got a f*****g mandarins ring, thought we lost that " cap was about to scold Fury for Peter is in there but Tony cut him off

"mandarin? " Tony asked, remembering the ten rings that kidnapped him.

" yes, but i believe she can help us stop WICKED since it seems she was part of it. " Natasha says as she looks at Thor

"and from evidence, it seems she is against the gang cuz there are a couple of meet ups where she saves people from WICKED " she continues

"but that doesn't change the fact that she's Loki's daughter and from her attacks, she's definitely more powerful than him " Tony stated

" but like Loki, she can change! We just need to give her a chance! " Thor boomed as they all started to argue

But little did they know, Peter Parker snuck into you cell room. You were currently sitting cross legged, humming a song till you heard your name being called by him

You widened your eyes as you didn't expect him to see you like this

"Peter? " you whispered, as you finally show weakness. You look down the thinking of what he thinks of you. There were silent tears but you made them disappear and smiled.

You stood up, and put both your hands on your back.

" so what do you think of me now? I know, I'm the horrible spawn of the man who took over New York, who brought terror and fear in the hearts of citizens, but your opinions don't matter to me " you lied, his opinion was the only thing you cared

" what? No I-i don't think of you like that! I still think of you as my friend, i know your not a bad person, maybe we can help you find your dad if you help us defeat WICKED , '' he stammers 

''WE? you think the avengers would help me, a villain, they dont understand me'' 

''i do........ '' there was a moment of silence between you two, and you stared at each him in confusion. Could he really understand you?

meanwhile putside the building,  Black cat, Medusa and Power Man sneak into the tower to find you. 

'' remember, our plan is to help yn escape then convince her while Cat fights off the avengers, distracting the '' 

''thats too easy, giving them bad luck would be my pleasure '' she purred as she headed where the avengers were''

'' and if she disagrees? '' Luke asks, Medusa hoped that wouldnt happen but if she does

"then she is against us....... "


with the avengers, they discussed that they shall helped yn but if she shows any signs of betrayal, they will no doubt go against her. Then they heard a light chuckle from behind and saw a girl with white hair in a cat theme suit. ''hey, its your lucky day avengers''  then she pounce at them. Fury set the alarm 

Meanwhile you and Peter, heard the alarm. you already know who it is but peter quickly suit up and went to help the avengers. You were panicking in the inside on seeing WICKED again. 

''i need to get out of here quick, ''  you whispered as you try to chant spells but none of it work. 'damn it strange'   

you were about to push the door by a run till it suddenly open making you fall. ''well that was embarrassing'' you look up to see Luke who grinned. You smiled and stood up as you conjured a spear, ''still working for WICKED i see'' Luke prepared himself in a fighting stance ready for an attack   ''sorry yn, but i owe them my life, so do you'' you felt sorry for him for not knowing what WICKED has planned 

'' then your life they will take '' you say as you swing your spear and attack him while he keeps on defending himself with punching and kicks. as you were about to strike him down, 

your hand was wrap with bright red hair as you look behind to see Medusa. ''im sorry yn but you leave us no choice, you are now an enemy to WICKED '' she says as she sweep you off your feet making you fall. you groaned as your body hit the  ground. Medusa grab your spear as she was about to stab you with  it till 


''two out of one, well thats just playing unfair, lets make it even shall we '' spiderman says, he landed perfectly from where he was, which was the ceiling. he pulled the spear from Medusa and started fighting Power Man.

You smirk as you kick medusa in the stomach and got up, green smoke appeared in your hands as you send it to her but she dodged it all. She send all her hair to attack you but you already have teleported from behind her and cast a spell to make her hair tie into a knot. 

'' why you little shit!'' she says but you already blew sleeping sand to her face which made her pass out. You smirk as you ran to help Peter with Power Man, who were actually having a nice conversation

.... While trying to kill each other. 

''wow so your unbreakable!'' peter says  as he backflip from luke's  attacks 

''and let me guess, you came in contact with a radioactive spider or something?'' he asks as he pulls the web pulling peter to the ground, '' well yeah'' he answers as he quickly stood up.

Luke caught him by surprise by punching him in the stomach which made Peter kneel down. 

''Luke, leave him alone!'' you say as you made Luke float and threw him to the wall. 

''retreat your mission now, cuz i am never going back to that place ever again... please '' Luke looks at you and saw a bit of tears in your eyes. He now understands why you didnt want to come back. He nods as he carry Medusa out and called Black Cat 

you made your way to peter '' im sorry'' you say but he just come to hug you. it was awkward at first but you melted into the hug. 

then the avengers came in

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