19. Path to Freedom

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One week later

The truck bumped along the rocky road. The trolls took Tekai's advice and came in a smaller group, if they were going to save Spirit they couldn't be in a big group and attract attention, they had to be almost unnoticeable to the snatchers, so it was just Branch, Iris, Poppy and Correy. They had also brought some helpful supplies with them such as ropes, Correy's staff and Tekai's spear, just in case. They were just hoping that Spirit was okay and strong enough. The truck stopped sharply, knocking the trolls off their feet. They were at the institute. They sneaked off the truck, trying to avoid the snatchers. Once off the truck, the trolls had to find the research center where Tekai was with Kyra. They kept their distance from the truck and the institute but Branch couldn't help but stare at the big gray building, the thought of Spirit struggling inside of there haunted his mind, he knew for a fact that he would never forgive Creek for this. Spirit didn't deserve this, no lykar deserved this.

They reached the research center just in time, there was a rainstorm right above their heads, they used their hair to knock on the large door, Kyra came out and opened it.

"Oh thank goodness you little guys are alright, we were worried about you. Come on in," Kyra greeted. They saw Tekai with Askar near the corner, she spotted them and went to see them.

"Glad you guys made it here in one piece," Tekai smiled.

"Barely," Branch moaned, "that truck ride was so rough." He complained, rubbing the small of his back. "How's Spirit doing?" Tekai and Kyra looked at each other, then back at Branch.

"She's not doing well," Tekai sighed, "she's been so inactive and it looks like she's losing hope." 

"Luckily, we have been able to find a way to get her out," Kyra stated. "And not just her, but all the lykars stuck in there." 

"I discovered that the snatchers leave the institute at nine in the evening, that's in half an hour, but they keep security cameras on everywhere which means we have to sneak through the vents and try to cover up the cameras to prevent them from seeing us," Tekai explained. "There's a large vent near where the lykars are kept in those pools, we'll have to get the lykars out through that vent, then lead them to the coast and make sure they follow down the island to all the way to the first cliff, we can keep them in the lagoon for safety until they can get back into the wild, Askar will lead them."

"Now, even though this plan is possible to work you have to be careful, we don't know how well this is going to go," Luke warned.

"And as soon as you get those lykars out you little guys need to get as far away from here as you can, got it?" Kyra said concerned.

"Thank you guys," Branch thanked, "I can't thank you enough." The three snatchers smiled down at him. Branch turned to the trolls. "Alright guys, let's rescue those lykars." They rushed to do the door with Askar following behind, trying to use him as a shelter from the rain.

Once they were near the coast by the lykar institute, the trolls started discussing how the plan was going to work out.

"Askar, you go down to the coast and when the lykars start escaping tell them to go to the first cliff," Branch stated, Askar nodded and ran to the coast. "Once we get in there Tekai and Correy, see if you can get that large vent open for the lykars to escape through and while you're at it, cover up as many security cameras as you can. Iris, Poppy and I will find Spirit and help the lykars."

"Got it!" Tekai and Correy both responded.

"Just remember, we need to be careful," Branch warned, "if there are any snatchers in there and they find us, we're in deep trouble." 

"We've got this," Tekai assured. The other trolls nodded back.

"Alright then, let's do this!" Branch said.

It had turned nine o'clock, if Tekai was right the snatchers would be gone by now. They found an old vent high up near the entrance of the building. Branch, Poppy and Iris used their hair to climb up to it, opened it up and they crawled in, while Tekai and Correy looked for the vent for the lykars to escape through. The inside of it was like a maze, the three trolls had to look through the vent grates to find the right room.

"No sight of any snatchers so far, thankfully," Branch whispered, being careful. Iris spotted a faint blue light coming from a vent grate to the left of them. 

"Guys, I think I found something," Iris whispered. They followed her to the vent grate. The blue light was coming from some underwater viewing windows, one each for each lykar pool. "We might be able to see Spirit from one of those." Iris suggested. They opened the vent grate gently and abseiled down using their hair. Now at ground level, the trolls looked through each glass window to try and find Spirit. Branch passed one specific window and peered inside, his heart sunk and his ears drooped. Inside was Spirit. She was just floating on the surface of the water, her eyes partially open, her ears drawn back, she had a muzzle tight around her snout. Her tail brace was missing and her tail hung low beneath her body. She was covered in scars from the tip of her ears to the end of her flukes, the sight was enough to make Branch tear up, he hardly recognized her. The hope and determination was drained from her body, this wasn't the Spirit that Branch had knew. Iris and Poppy caught up to him and noticed his pained expression. 

"Get her attention," Poppy said, "you can restore her." Branch obeyed Poppy and smacked the glass with his fist. Spirit's ear twitched and her eyes opened, her pupil locked in Branch's direction. She turned her head, almost not believing that Branch had come back for her. She slowly swam to the glass, looking deep into Branch's eyes. Branch smiled at her, tears filling his eyes.

"It's me girl," Branch assured, "we're getting you out of here." Iris pointed out a staircase leading to the surface of the pools. The three trolls stumbled up them, reaching the surface and went to find Spirit's pool. "You guys go check on the other lykars, see if they're alright. I'll get Spirit." Branch stated. Iris and Poppy nodded, they knew that he knew what he was doing. Branch eventually found Spirit's pool, he knelt down by the edge of the concrete pool, watching Spirit's face emerge from the water, looking at the blue troll. Branch reached to the back of her head and unbuckled the muzzle on her face, tossing it aside.

"You came back?" Spirit whispered.

"Of course I did," Branch smiled, "I promised I would get you free and I'm keeping that promise."  He couldn't help but notice Spirit's glum expression. "Spirit, what's wrong?" Branch looked around at the pools, then at one empty pool in particular right next to Spirit's. "Where's Kayla?" Spirit tensed noticeably.

"Everyday, we would raise our head above our pools to see each other and call out to each other, using squeaks and clicks," Spirit said sadly. "Until the other day, she stopped replying, I didn't hear a single word from her since then..." Branch knew what Spirit was talking about, he didn't want to admit it but Kayla was gone.

"Spirit, I'm so so sorry," Branch apologized. "It'll be okay, I promise. We're going to get you out of here, Tekai and Correy have found a way to get you all-"

"There no point," Spirit interrupted, "I can't put these lykars in anymore danger than I already got them in. If I had never escaped the marine institute in the first place after I attacked that trainer, the snatchers wouldn't have looked for me and they would have never found my pod, I even put you in danger." Branch couldn't believe what he was hearing, none of this was Spirit's fault. But all he knew is that these lykars needed her.

"You may have gotten the lykars in here, but now they need you to get them out. They need a leader, someone with determination, hope and someone who cares about their freedom and will do anything for them," Branch said, "and that someone is you Spirit. They need you." Spirit looked down for a moment, then back at Branch. She knew he was right, she had to get her pod out of here, she couldn't just give up.

"These snatchers have harmed my species for too long now and I'm going to make sure they leave us alone for good," Spirit said firmly. "I'm getting them out of here. All of them." Branch placed his hand of Spirit's head.

"That's the Spirit I know." He smiled. Poppy and Iris came running back to Branch.

"All the lykars seem to be alright. Ali, Corkscrew, they're all here," Iris stated. 

"Tekai and Correy are in the escape vent, they're just trying to get it open," Poppy announced. At that moment, Tekai managed to open up the vent grate on the other side of the large room but it landed on the floor with a loud clank! The sound echoing through the room.

"Hey!" A deep, angry voice called out. "Who's out there?"

"Tekai!" Correy loudly whispered, "I thought you said all the snatchers would be gone!"

"They were supposed to! I don't know what some are still doing here," Tekai responded. They heard the snatchers' footsteps coming towards them.

"What are we going to do?" Branch asked, distressed. The trolls thought desperately, trying to think of a way.

"I have an idea!" Spirit exclaimed. "Trolls, you guys just go to the vent and get ready."

"But Spirit wha-" Branch started.

"Just trust me!" Spirit said sternly, "Go!" Branch and the other trolls ran to the vent, keeping out of sight of the snatchers, who came into the room with flashlights in their grasps and forest lykars by their sides. Creek was perched on one of the snatcher's shoulders.

"Alright, we know someone's in here, so just come on out or we'll have to force you!" Creek demanded. Spirit suddenly let out a loud squeal, then sunk down to the bottom of her tank, lying down on her side with her eyes shut. The snatchers heard Spirit's sound and rushed to investigate. They pointed their flashlights at her body at the bottom of the shallow pool, she looked lifeless. "Pull her out of there!" Creek ordered, "if that animal dies I'll have you all fired!" One snatcher threw a rope in the pool, latching it around Spirit's tail and dragging her limp body out of the water. The snatcher pulled one of Spirit's eyes open and checked to see if she was breathing.

"Nothing," the snatcher stated. Spirit eyes opened sharply, her pupils slits. She kicked the snatcher in the face, knocking him over. She started to snarl at Creek and the snatchers, then squealed loudly at the sea lykars, commanding them to escape. Spirit was distracting the snatchers from the other lykars, she scratched them, bit them and even used the rope on her tail to whip them. The trolls guided the lykars out of the vent, rushing them outside. By this time, Spirit had knocked some of the snatchers unconscious, she took this opportunity to make a break for the vent. Outside, Branch and Poppy were waiting for Spirit to escape, hoping she would make it. Spirit burst through the vent and spotted Branch and Poppy, she ran straight towards them, lowering her head. She grabbed both trolls by the hair in her mouth, then allowed them to climb up her face and onto her back.

"We have to get away from them, do you guys have a plan?" Spirit asked, running as fast as she can.

"Yes, Askar is by the coast he's going to lead the lykars back to the lagoon!" Branch replied.

"Askar?" Spirit was surprised, but tried to focus on getting away from the few snatchers chasing them, they had forest lykars running alongside them. Spirit caught sight of the coast, sprinting towards it. It was at the bottom of some steep cliffs. They saw Askar commanding the lykars to swim down the island until they reach the first cliff, Corkscrew helping him and Ali was at the front leading the lykars. "We're almost there! almost there!" Spirit panted.

"Spirit! LOOK OUT!" Branch yelled at the top of his lungs. Before Spirit could react, a forest lykar rammed head-first into Spirit's side, knocking her to the ground and sending Poppy and Branch flying off of her back. Spirit started growling at the forest lykar. The two trolls spotted the others nearby. 

"Get to the coast!" Spirit cried to the trolls, still fighting back the forest lykar. The trolls obeyed and ran to the coast, following the sprinting lykars, being sure that none of them get left behind. Creek noticed the trolls going to the coast and smirked, he mounted a forest lykar wearing a saddle bag with large metal barbs inside. Creek smacked the lykar across the back of the neck causing it to yelp and start running.

The trolls were about to reach the coast when they were stopped. The coast was at the bottom of a large cliff, not as big as the third cliff but still very high and very steep. They tried to find a gentler slope to climb down, but soon caught sight of Creek running toward them with a metal barb wrapped in his hair.

"Run!" Tekai yelled. All the trolls sprinted along the cliff's edge, trying desperately to find a way down. Creek threw the barb in his hair at the trolls, Tekai noticed it quickly and used her spear to deflect it.

"Over there!" Poppy pointed out to a less steep part of the cliff. The trolls followed with Creek catching up to them. Creek took out another barb from the saddle bag, gripped it with his hair and threw it at the trolls. The barb hit the side of Iris' ankle, she yelped in pain and stumbled to the ground.

"Iris!" Branch cried, turning back to help her.

"No Branch!" Iris tried to stop him. She gripped her ankle, blood escaping through her fingers. "Go! I'll be fine!" But Branch didn't listen, he wrapped Iris' arm over his shoulder and helped her stand. Creek dismounted the lykar and threw another barb at them, narrowly missing but caused them to stumble back to the ground and nearly falling off the edge of the cliff!

"You've ruined everything!" Creek snapped, standing over Branch and Iris. "Those lykars were the source of completing my revenge! I was going to unleash them on troll village, that'll show you all for banishing me!"

"It wouldn't have worked; they would have never responded to you!" Branch barked through gritted teeth. "Especially not Spirit!"

"Oh no, that blue one was going to make me a fortune!" Creek corrected. "Do you know how rare double blue-eyed lykars are? People would pay thousands just to have one in their possession!"

"Lykars would never give in to you! You can try all you want but it will never work!" Iris snapped at Creek.

"Trust me, when I'm done with them they won't have a choice," Creek laughed, "and this time, I won't have anyone getting in the way and trying to stop me!" Creek grabbed another barb in his hair and was ready to strike Branch and Iris with it. Spirit noticed Creek about to harm her friends and pulled away from the forest lykar, she had never ran so fast, she wasn't letting anyone hurt her friends. She jumped from her hind legs and pounced on top of Creek, landing belly-first on him. "You!" Creek glared. He started to whip his hair at Spirit but she dodged it every time. Branch and Iris knew they had to get out of the way, they were in a dangerous position, but before they could move, Spirit's tail accidentally hit them, knocking them out of the way. Creek smacked Spirit around the face with his hair hard, it caused her to stumble to the edge of the cliff almost falling off of it. Spirit dug her front claws into the rocky cliff, hanging on for dear life. She looked up at Creek who was smirking at him, "it really is a shame, you could have been so helpful," Creek said, "but either way, you can be valuable dead or alive, I'll have you skinned if I have to!" He threw his hair at Spirit, trying to push her off, she grabbed his hair in her teeth and pulled him toward her. The two of them fell off the high cliff, landing in the rough waters below. Branch and Iris gasped in shock as they fell and rushed down to the shores, Branch helping Iris walk down the gentler slopes, they managed to find Poppy, Tekai and Correy waiting for them. 

"Oh thank goodness you're okay!" Poppy rammed into Branch and flung her arms around him, kissing his cheek. 

"Iris, your ankle!" Tekai pointed out. The purple skin around Iris' foot was stained red.

"I'm fine, really," Iris assured.

"Where's Spirit?" Branch asked worried. 

"Corky and Askar literally just went to where she fell to see if she's okay," Correy responded. Down the far side of the cliffs, the trolls spotted silhouettes of what looked like three lykar dorsal fins, one was bent unusually immediately indicating that it was Corkscrew.

"There they are! They're okay!" Poppy exclaimed, the trolls cheered and celebrated until Tekai made a chilling discovery.

"Was Spirit's dorsal fin always that lopsided?" Tekai asked suspiciously. They took another look at the silhouettes swimming towards them and noticed that Spirit was lying on her side with Corkscrew and Askar supporting either side of her. They had mistaken Spirit's flipper for her dorsal sin. They immediately knew that something was wrong.

"Oh no, Spirit!" Branch cried and ran to the edge of the shore to meet them. Askar and Corkscrew dragged Spirit into the shallow water, her eyes were partially open and she was panting hard. Branch stumbled to her, standing next to her head, stroking it up and down. He looked down Spirit's body and saw a metal barb embedded into her side, when Spirit pounced on top of Creek she must have landed on the sharp barb. Tekai examined Spirit's injury and the barb. "How does it look?" Branch asked.

"It looks like it's in really deep," Tekai stated, "trying to remove it may do her more harm than good." Tekai touched the end of the barb, causing Spirit to yelp in pain. Branch moved her snout onto his lap, trying to calm her down.

"It's okay girl. It'll be okay," Branch whimpered, he had noticeable tears starting to appear in his blue eyes. Askar squealed out in sadness then lay down beside Spirit, leaning his head on her neck. Branch rested his head against Spirit's and started to whimper softly. Poppy placed her hands on his shoulders, comforting him. Forest lykars who were previously under the snatchers control, sat on the edge of the cliff, watching sadly. Basil slid down the gentle slope and came to the trolls to see if Spirit was okay, his ears dropped in sadness when he saw Spirit struggling. Poppy suddenly perked up, realizing something.

"The research center!" Poppy exclaimed. Everyone turned their heads to face her. "Kyra and the others, they can help us!" 

"Tekai, take Basil and go to the research center and get them to come over here, see if they can do anything for Spirit." Iris commanded. Tekai mounted Basil, riding him up the gentle slope and running off to get help. Spirit's tired eyes looked up at Branch, she nuzzled her nose into his body, whining softly.

"Oh Spirit," Branch gently ran his hand down Spirit's snout. "Easy girl. Easy." 

"Come on Basil! Just a little further!" Tekai said. They reached the research center and Basil kicked the door with his back legs, getting the snatchers' attention. Kyra opened the door and looked down at Tekai.

"Tekai? What are you doing here?" Kyra knelt down to meet her eye level.

"It's Spirit, she's really badly injured," Tekai explained, "we need your help!" Kyra didn't hesitate.

"Luke! Mark!" Kyra called out in the building. "Get over here quick! And get the stretcher!"

Back at the coast, Spirit was struggling. The trolls were trying desperately to get her to stay awake. The forest lykars had ran off into the woods, now free from the snatchers' command. 

"I can't lose her, Iris," Branch sniffed, tears streaming down his cheeks. 

"It'll be okay, I'm sure Kyra and the others will do everything they can to save her." Iris hoped. At that moment, they noticed Tekai coming towards them with Kyra, Luke and Mark following behind. They ran the moment they saw Spirit lying on her side. Kyra knelt down by her side and checked her injury. 

"She's not good," Kyra admitted, "she needs to be taken to a professional lykar veterinarian."

"Well, why don't we take her to one?" Correy suggested.

"There are very little sea lykar veterinarians these days," Luke sighed, "I'd say the closest one is at the first cliff, not far from the marine institute. A few LPA members work there." 

"We can take our truck, we've got all the supplies," Kyra stated, "she needs to be taken there!" Branch nodded to them then turned to Askar and Corkscrew.

"You two catch up with the other lykars and make sure they get to the lagoon, we'll meet you down there!" Branch said. Askar and Corkscrew turned tail and swam away to find the pod. 

The snatchers set down the stretcher for Spirit, it was specially designed for carrying lykars and other marine animals. Kyra moved behind Spirit and pushed her by the dorsal fin and the base of her tail. Luke scooped his hand under Spirit's chest, putting her on top of the stretcher. When Spirit was secure in the stretcher, the three snatchers lifted either side and carried her back to the research center, the trolls followed behind with Basil.

The truck was parked outside the research center, it was a light blue color with silhouettes of sea lykars on either side of it. Luke unlatched the door and opened the back of the truck, inside there was equipment such as a water sprayer for keeping lykar patients damp and a first aid pack; not many resources but enough to keep Spirit stable. The snatchers lifted the stretcher into the truck and lay Spirit down on her front. Mark climbed to the driver's seat and got the truck started. Kyra closed and latched the back door and the truck started moving. Now that Spirit was in the truck, Kyra could get a better look at her injury.

"We need to get that barb out," Kyra stated. "But we don't know how deep it's in and it may be in an uncomfortable position." Branch sat down by Spirit's head, keeping her calm as Kyra tries to pull out the barb. She tugged gently on it making Spirit whimper slightly, Kyra started to pull on it and loosen it up, Spirit nuzzled into Branch as she did. "Okay, it's now or never." Kyra pulled at it harder and harder until the barb finally ripped free from Spirit's side. Spirit wailed loudly in pain. Kyra inspected the barb, judging by the blood stain the barb was dug really deep into Spirit's side.

"Is she going to be okay?" Branch asked, worried. He looked into Spirit's eyes which were struggling to stay open.

"I don't know," Kyra sighed. "But she needs to be taken to a vet quickly." Kyra took out a cloth from the first aid pack and pressed it against Spirit's wound. "Luke, come over here and keep pressure on the injury." Kyra stated. Luke took over Kyra and kept the cloth pressed on firmly. Kyra dug through the pack and took out a roll of bandages, she started wrapping it around Spirit's torso, keeping the cloth underneath. "Well, that should do for now. We just need to keep her wet and awake."

The hours ticked by, the journey just felt like a blur, nothing but bumping along the road and keeping Spirit conscious. Iris' ankle managed to get treated by Tekai who bandaged it for her. Mark was driving with Luke sitting next to him in the passenger's seat and Kyra stayed in the back of the truck to make sure Spirit was okay. The trolls curled up with Basil who was sleeping in the corner of the truck, all except Branch. He didn't leave Spirit's side for the whole journey, he just sat down next to her head with her snout in his lap, he occasionally let out small whimpers of sadness. Kyra decided to check up on him.

"Hey little guy, are you okay?" Kyra asked softly as she knelt down next to him.

"I'm just so worried about Spirit," Branch sighed, "I've known her for as long as I can remember, and I can't lose her."

"I know it's hard," Kyra responded, "I've known her for a long time too, and it does hurt to see her like this. But this veterinarian place we're taking her to is the best and if anyone can save Spirit, it's them." Branch looked up at Kyra and smiled slightly.

"We're nearly there, guys!" Mark called back, "get Spirit ready!" Kyra and Luke knelt either side of Spirit and lifted her up onto the stretcher. There was a problem, the veterinarian building was by the shore on the other side of the lagoon and nearer the troll villages. "Hang on everyone! This is going to be rough!" Mark drove the truck onto the sand, driving alongside the glass panels of the lagoon. The noise of it all caused the rivered and music trolls to come out and investigate. Mark skidded the truck to a stop then turned back to the others, "I can't get it to go any further, we're going to have to carry Spirit there ourselves." Mark informed. He jumped out of the truck and went to open the back of the truck.

"What is going on here?!" Clay boomed, catching up with the other trolls to see what they were looking at. Kyra and Luke carried Spirit on the stretcher and took her out of the truck. Branch and Poppy climbed onto the snatchers' shoulders and went with them to the vet while Tekai and Correy stayed at the village to take Iris to get her ankle checked.

"There it is! Just up ahead!" Kyra cried out. The veterinarians facility was a huge blue and white building with some medical pools for healing marine animals, not just lykars but also turtles and dolphins. Mark knocked on the huge gray door at the entrance, it was opened by a female snatcher wearing a blue t-shirt and leggings. She took one look at Spirit and gasped, she let them in and rushed them to find a vet.

"How long has she been out of water?" The snatcher asked.

"We came from the third cliff," Luke said, "we've tried to keep her damp during the truck ride but she hasn't been in water for a while." They managed to get the attention of a few other vets.

"We'll take her into the surgeons," one vet stated. Two other vets picked Spirit up in their arms and took her away. Branch watched sadly as they carried Spirit away, getting a last glimpse of her tail hanging limply over their arms. 

"We're going to take a look at her injury and see how it goes," one vet said to Kyra, "she may need some stitches or even a surgery." Kyra nodded to the vet, then she knelt down to the trolls. 

"The good thing is that we got Spirit to the right place," Kyra said, "now all we can do...is hope."

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