-Chapter Eleven-

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy! I'm sorry for the broken hearts. Just plain o'l sorry. 

The Saturday daylight makes me stir awake. 

Next to me-no, mostly like on top of me, Viktor keeps snoring. I place his head carefully from my chest to his pillow. I yawn and stretch my arms, don't bother to change from my pajama and go down to the kitchen. On usual Saturday's,  I'm the first one awake and Anna is the last. Today, Anna is the first. She's sitting on the couch scrolling down her phone. 

I scare her from behind and she gasps, then jumps into my arms laughing. I sit her down and put my serious face. As much as I love Anna, I need to know if she's hiding something from me. What would she need to hide with the makeup? And why take it from Mari? If she wanted makeup so much we could've easily bought her some. 

She could've just asked.  

"Honey, yesterday I had an interesting chat with Mari and she told me her foundation was running out quickly." I say, my voice steady and serious. "Would you know anything about that?"

Anna shakes her head and frowns. "Why would I still makeup? I don't even know how to put it on!"

"It wasn't me and it can't be Viktor." I say. Viktor rarely wore any makeup in competitions. "Mari was using them...because she's a grown up and she wears makeup, but she claims someone else is using it. Anna, you can always talk to me. I'm your daddy."

Anna shrugs, then looks at me. "I didn't do it."

I lean in closer. "Are you sure?"

Anna nods again and scoots away from me. "Why would you think I would steal makeup? I'm not that low! I'd steal something cool like a golden necklace or a diamond ring Auntie Mari holds every night around midnight and cries herself to sleep."

I nod, then my body freezes. I turn around and face Anna. "How would you know your Aunt grabs that ring and cries with it at midnight? What were you doing in her bedroom at midnight?" 

Anna's faces goes whiter than snow and she stands up, her whole body shaking. "I don't know-I-I just thought-"

"Anna, why were you stealing Mari's makeup?" I ask, rising to my feet with her.

Anna has tears spilling down her cheeks. I've rarely seen Anna cry too, I think it's a family thing. Well, Anna and Viktor. I cry all the goddamn time. I stretch my arms to grab Anna into a hug and tell her I wasn't mad, I want to scream that at her face that I'm not anger, just curious. What was she hiding? Why didn't she tell us? We could've helped with whatever she needed! 

Anna shakes her head and throws a pillow at my direction instead of jumping into my arms like she always did. She's crying too loud and too much our house might turn into an ocean. Anna throws me another pillow and I catch it in mid-air. She runs towards the door and my heart stops.

She wasn't wearing her pajamas like I thought she was. Anna is wearing a blue blouse, ripped jeans and her neon sneakers. She flashes me a worriedly look and then opens the front door open. Time slows down. I hear my heartbeat pound like drum rolls. I race after Anna, not caring if I'm wearing my pajamas and half of Hasetsu could see me.

She's slipping away, Yuri, DO SOMETHING!

"Viktor!" I scream as Anna races out of the door. I curse. I call then after Anna, both of us are open to the streets of Hasetsu. I scream Anna's name over and over again but she keeps running, her hair flying behind her and ignores me. My heart leaps. I can't loose her. She needs to come back. What would Viktor do to me? What would I do to myself?

"Anna, please-please don't go! Anna! Anna!" I say, my sore belly starting to increase. I have tears spilling down my cheeks and my  hands shake like I'm about to throw myself out of a building. Her image blurs in the corner of my vision and I run even faster. Run until my legs disappear, goddammit. I scream her name over and over again until Anna blends into the crowd traffic.


"Anna!" I cry and pull out my phone immediately. I tap on people and as if they've seen my daughter. They all shake their heads and murmur their pity with a sorry. Some don't even to take off their headphones and help me. My hands shake like I'm hundred degrees below zero. I try to clear my mind with all worries, but I can't help but to think one thing.

She's gone and I let her slip away. 

I return home to first, change clothes and then call the cops and search for Anna until my eyes bleed. I do return home, my tear filled with cheeks and I tear up more when I see some of Anna's stuffed animals lying nimbly around the house.

I kick open the door to my bedroom and rush to Viktor's arms. He catches me and pulls me closer, hugging me like I haven't just ruined his life. He cradles me in his arms when his real baby is long gone. I try to tell him what's wrong but my tears clog all sound. We stay there until light shines no more, water doesn't wet and fire doesn't burn. We pull away and I look into Viktor's eyes, just looking and how heartbroken he'll be when I tell him makes my eyes water.

I pull my phone and I'm immediately greeted by Anna's smiling picture. I tear up. "She's gone, Viktor. She ran away."

He takes the phone calmly away from me and calls the cops in less than ten minutes. Once the cops arrive and ask for more detail,I spill it all. I tell them about Mari's oddly running out of makeup phase and tell them superficially her backstory with her ex-husband. She confirms them and shows them the text, one problem solved at least. They ask for friends of us and I tell them some of them are around the world.

"Doesn't matter." Cop 1 says, the one jotting down. "I need every person that knows her."

So I tell him. Phichit. Yurio. Otabek. Yuuko. Mari. Takeshi. All of the people that ever met Anna. I tell the cops a couple of her friends. Akari. Fumika. Kaho. 

"She'll be fine." Cop 2 assures me as they walk out, Mari clinging to my arm and I clinging on Viktor. He doesn't seem worried at all, it's like he knows where Anna is hiding. Once the cops are out, Viktor sinks into the couch and I nimbly fall next to him. Mari sticks to my side and does the same. All of us stare at the blank wall but were lost in our own train of thoughts.

"I'm sorry." I say after the silence nearly kills me.

"It's not your fault." Viktor says through gritted teeth. "It was all of us for not waking up early. If I was up I could've ran after Anna, she'd be here-"

"You can't blame yourself." Mari says and sighs. "What was the reason Anna left, Yuri? Has she ever done something like that?"

"No," I say, new tears starting to rise. "I was talking to her about the...stupid makeup and she started getting all defensive. She then leaked out she was using the makeup. I didn't know you cried with the diamond ring that bastard gave to you."

Mari remains quiet. 

"Then I wanted to hug her, tell her I wasn't mad but she'd need to apologize to Mari and then she started throwing pillows at me and while I tried to catch them she sprinted out of the door and then I chased her but my stomach started to get sore and then a crowd came and I lost her and-and-"

"Don't do this to yourself." Viktor says, hugging me. I hug him back and Mari joins with the group hug. Just then, a telephone rings that jumps all of us. I race towards the telephone and put my ear towards it. I immediately recognize Yuuko's number and accept the call.

"Yuri!" She says over a panicking surrounding. I hear Takeshi scream over the phone and their little three daughters which are now teenagers screeching and being scared to death. "Where is Anna?"

"Not with me." I reply, my heart pounding hard I can feel it through my fingertips. "Do you know where she is?" More panicked screams and Yuuko's voice goes blurry. "Yuuko! What is happening? Why are you asking about Anna?"

"I found her," Yuuko breathes over the line and I'm already grabbing my coat and pulling Viktor and Mari out.

It's raining suddenly but I don't stop. I push past every person I find, Viktor and Mari trailing after me under the pouring rain. My hair gets immediately damped and my clothes stick to my skin like glue. I didn't even bring shoes. My socks touch wet cement and I don't stop when I wince as I step over a rock. 

"Are you in Ice Castle right now?" I scream to the phone, the rain pouring hardly, the drops almost hurting. "Yuuko, where are you?"

"I'm at the Ice Castle, yes!" Yuuko says and I wave at Viktor and Mari to keep going. I won't lose Anna. After everything Viktor and I did to have a daughter we'd both love, I'm not loosing her. "There's a problem-Yuri, call a doctor while you're at it!"

"What's happening?" I ask, then frantically shake the phone as if that was Yuuko. "Yuuko, talk to me! Why would I call a doctor!"

"I was about to close Ice Castle over the storm when Anna collapsed into the floor" Yuuko replies. "And I don't think she's breathing."


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