Chapter 22 - Pain? No. Pleasure? Yes.

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Hunter let out a gasp as the lady landed on his chest, a spike of pain spiralling from his still healing ribs.

He gasped again when he felt her breast press into his neck.

But then, when he heard her let out a self conscious yet breathy giggle, he snapped out of it and shoved her away.

The moment she moved he scrambled away, trembling in fear and pulsing with anger. The class erupted in commotion.

Orion flew out of his chair and moved towards Hunter, who was trembling against the wall, breathing shallowly in quick gasps.

The teacher herself was being pulled up to her feet and then led away by Jade and a few of her friends.

Jade seemed pissed.

Hunter was unable to think about anything beside the fact that he needed to stop trembling. Yet he felt as if he had no control over himself

He was going to throw up.


Orion reached out tentatively to touch him on the shoulder, but when he saw the same look he'd seen first period., He knew Hunter couldn't see, hear or feel him.


Hunter panted in fear when he remembered the punishments he had endured for the past twelve years of his life.

This incident locked a cage over his lungs, a knife into his heart and a bullet through his head. It was a torrent of horrifying memories rushing into his mind.

These pathetic feelings transporting him back in time and back into the hostile embrace of those moments.

As he relived the nauseating experience through his mind's eye- had he not subconsciously known better, he would have thought he was physically there- a hand shook him.

He didn't feel anything but the hands in his mind.

Touching him. All over. Exploring hands. Pain. Fear. Feeling him. Whispering. Ropes holding him. Touching him. No escaping them. Wandering fingers—


A stinging sensation on his face cut off the movie in his mind with one swift swipe.

Trembling violently but no longer in the past, Hunter gazed hollowly at Orion. For a moment he was confused, then, he realized he'd been slapped.

Blinking away the remaining tendrils of his thoughts, he looked at Orion, then he realized the boy was talking.

"Hey-! Oh! you's is good now! Oh fuck yo I thought you was dyin fam! Shit!" Orion cried as he stared at him.

Then understanding flooded through him and his face flushed in both anger and humiliation. Glaring at Orion he shoved him away and got up.

Then he cleared his throat and focused on getting his trembling under control. Banishing the last tendrils of his memories he sneered at the people watching him.

But before he said anything rash, he realized nobody was mocking him or snickering, or even smiling at all. They all looked as pissed as he was.

And before he could say anything a bunch of them rushed forward and began fussing over whether he was okay or if he wanted to report this, blah blah.

Raising his eyebrows he stepped back, "Okay! Fuck.. Calm down, Yeah I'm fine and no I don't wanna report this yet.."

Then he faced Orion, who was sitting back in his own seat, a strange expression plastered on his face.

Way to fucking go Hunter! Look at you! You can't make friends for shit! It's only been one bloody day of knowing him and you've already gone fucked up!!

Pathetic as always.

Useless freak.. What made you think you deserved this huh? Friends are a luxury you know you don't fucking deserve.

Yet here we are.



Pushing through his still worried classmates, he walked over to the boy. His heart thumping a little in his chest.

Now, he did not appreciate this new feeling.

It felt like an emotion.. And those were rather useless and dangerous. Hence the reason he avoided most of them to the best of his ability.

So he was not pleased to be getting slightly worried that this boy was upset with him.

He was most definitely not used to caring whether he upset someone or not, he was mostly accustomed to hurting someone then walking away.

Shaking his head he stoned himself back to nonchalance., Then once he was in control, he plopped himself down on his own seat.

"Hey, Orion.." he called, getting the boys attention, "Listen, I—"

"You're still shaking really hard," the boy growled through grit teeth, "Stop acting like you're okay! and if you're worried I'm angry at you," He sighed.

Hunter blinked patiently.

"I am.. Or no, I was but that would have been selfish, I did slap you after all, sorry about that by the way., but please stop acting like you're okay.." Orion concluded.

Hunter stared at Orion dead in the eye and worked his magic on himself as the boy watched. He went from shaking as hard as a drill to slowly going still.

Orion reared back in surprise as Hunter shook his head and smiled, "See? I'm perfectly fine"

Before Orion could say anything Jade walked back in making a beeline straight to Hunter, "Are you okay?"

Hunter cocked a brow at her then leaned in, "Babe, Just being in your presence makes all my problems disappear.. You're just that intoxicating.."

Jade rolled her eyes but leaned in as well, "I know baby.. But lets ignore me for a moment, tell me if you're okay, seriously"

"Aw, are you worried?"


"Oh- Wait, well uh.. Wh.. Sure?"

"Did I just get you flustered? Now that's something to be proud of isn't it?"

"Oh, fuck off.."

"My pleasure! But take care yeah? As much as I hate you, that bitch beats you for first place, though I promise you're second."

Hunter laughed as she walked away, then he felt Orion's gaze bore into him so he turned to him and raised his brows expectantly.

Orion frowned suspiciously, then just shook his head and sighed. They both turned to face the front silently as another teacher walked in.

"Hunter could I talk to you please?" He said, practically growling.

Hunter masked his concern and surprise by a nonchalant shrug of shoulders then he got up and walked towards the seemingly pissed man.

Just as he passed the front seats a girl grabbed his arm making him scowl in distaste, he attempted to yank his arm away but she spoke, slowing him.

"Don't let them put words in your mouth. She will try, Don't let her!" Then she let go and went back to her work.

Hunter frowned but walked on anyways. When he reached the man they walked out of the class and closed the door behind them.


Hunter opened his mouth but the man beat him to it, "Really Hunter? First a fight on your first day of school.. Then harassment after leaving the hospital?"

Hunter frowned in surprise, "Harassment? When?"

"Ah so now we're playing dumb are we?" He snarled.

Hunter's heart beat raised its tempo slightly, "No sir, I genuinely don't understand"

The man studied his face then scoffed, "Let me give you a slight pointer, how about a name?" He smiled sarcastically, "Miss Muftasa.? Does that ring any bells?"

"Yes but what about he.. Wait you don't think.. You wouldn't think I would. She's a teacher! I wouldn't!? How could you—"

"So you do know! And of course you'd deny it!"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Miss Muftasa has informed me that you were trying to feel her up, and then when she refused your advances, you forced yourself onto her!"

Hunter's breath left him in one swift woosh. Quickly replaced by blinding rage. How dare she lie like that.! What a fucking wench!

Glaring at the man but keeping his voice even, he asked if he could talk to her. The man blatantly refused.

Which only made him angrier than he already was. So he shoved past the man, ignoring his cries of displeasure and the stream of threats.

I'll fucking kill her. That's it.

I'm not fourteen anymore, they have no right to make me look like a criminal..

They did it to me..

I did nothing..

Bitch I'll kill you!!

Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill you!

I'll fucking Kill you all!!

All of you die! DIE BITCH DIE!


His eyes pulsed savagely and he snapped out of it, faltering as bile rushed into his throat. Just as he was about to hurl he managed to get into a corner out of the hallway.

Once he had emptied his stomach, he took a shuddering breath, wincing at the smell and taste of sick..

He then realised he had a few problems; He didn't know where he was— he'd lost track— He smelt like vomit, didn't know where the bathrooms were...... The list went on.

Realizing he had no other option he pulled out his phone and messaged Orion on instagram, considering he didn't have his number or anything.


Five minutes later Orion found him, and Hunter was genuinely impressed.

Orion took one look at Hunter and covered his face.. He then proceeded to screech in frustration for a solid two minutes.

"Are you done?"

Orion glared but nodded.

"Good cause you sound like a tea kettle and I smell li—!" A sudden and ridiculously battering cough cut him off, "Sorry, as I was saying.. I smell like sick."

Orion glared again, then he sighed, "Okay.. Shit yeah, let's get you to the bathroom. And for your information.. You don't actually smell."


After he'd washed his face and dried up, he walked back to Orion who handed him a couple of mints and chewing gums.

Eyeing them suspiciously Hunter takes them and eats them all at once, "Thanks.. Now can you explain what..?"

Orion groaned in irritation but otherwise refused to talk.

Hunter grunted, "Fuck you then.."

Orion turned abruptly and Hunter was forced back in surprise.

"No! Fuck you okay? I've never met a guy that shakes like a drill, throws up and then acts like he's okay before!! And it sure as hells never happened IN ONE DAY!!" The boy snapped.

Hunter shut off. "Leave me alone then. Go, I don't need your help.. Forgive me for calling you for it."

Then he walked past the boy, "And I take it back.. What I said before? It was a mistake. A stupid, weak mistake.."

Orion gapped at the retreating boy until he found his voice, "Wait! Hunter! Wait man!! Please let me explain!"


He didn't want to stop. Let alone let him explain. He felt foolish for thinking that this time was a chance.. That maybe this time would be different.

But he did.

Orion stopped beside him and sighed, "I'm sorry.. Okay? I knew it was gonna be hard to be friends with you.. Just.. Didn't realize how hard.."

Hunter scoffed and started walking again, "Right, thanks."

"Wait no, that's not what I meant! I meant that I didn't realize you are— Look!, what I'm trying to say is that.. Please don't stop being my friend.."

Hunter gazed at the boy for a moment, opening his mind, then when he figured that the boy was being sincere, he sighed and said nothing. Then he gave a short nod and left.


The bell went.


"Where are you going?" Orion called sadly.

"To end it.." He replied dryly.

"Wh—!? WHAT!? NAH! Shi' Hunter! Please think bou—? Nah! You's not seriou.." Orion stopped when Hunter sighed.

"Sarcasm.. That was sarcasm."

"Aah.. Right.. I didn't realize sorry.." he cleared his throat, "But please don't say shit like that again.. So where are you actually going?"

"To think.." Hunter said, glancing at Orion. He clocked a look of unease, "I'll be fine. And safe, and I won't die either. Are you happy now?"

"Yeah.. Sure.. Will you be back?"

"Yeah. I'll be back." He said softly then walked away.


Getting to the back of the school proved to be easier than getting out. He remembered how difficult that had been when he'd tried to escape.

Now thinking of that day brought waves of pain through him so he shoved the memory down and capped it.

Leaning against the wall of a building he thought back to the blinding rage he had felt earlier..

He recalled that painful pulse in his eyes, wondering why they didn't change colour, that had been the angriest he had gotten in a while..

He ignored it, going back to the anger.

Every time he remembered what he'd been about to do, or had been wanting to do, to that lady, forced bile into his throat.

He felt like a monster.

Maybe he was.

Who was to say he wasn't going to do it next time? What if next time he didn't stop? What if next time he really did hurt someone.. What if next time..

He killed someone?


Slowly, a pain began blossoming in his head, spreading down into his chest. Constricting his throat and lungs as it did.

Pain pulsed in his body as oxygen leaked from the side of his mouth, as his life force dwindled and his legs collapsed.

He slowly crumpled onto the ground and a voice drifted through him.. Swimming through his veins like a poisonous gas.

'Soon.. Soon thee wilt taketh a life, and by then I wilt beest back'

It was back..

Yet as soon as it had said that, the tendrils of darkness withdrew from inside him, scraping against his bone and his flesh as it left.

The agony dragging a guttural cry out of his sore throat.. Until finally, it was gone.


Gasping back air to clear his head he forced himself to stand up.

He was going to have to cut when he got home. There was no room for backing out. No space for hesitation.

And he was going to control himself. He wasn't a murderer. A monster sure, but never a killer. Or at least he hoped he wasn't.

Brushing himself off he glanced around, checking for any witnesses.. None. It was quiet.

Relieved, he began to make his way back to the cafeteria. But after taking a step his whole body lit up with pain and he leaned into the wall, clutching his shirt, panting.

The feeling passed and he took another step, it came back. He moaned.

It felt good.

After it passed he took another step, expecting the pain, and when it came he forced himself through it and took a few more steps.

Every now and then, a fluttery moan escaped his mouth as the pain spiked. It felt so good. He'd rather this over the voice any day.

Because that pain was one of the only pains that didn't give him pleasure. It was one of the only pains that hurt.


Finally he made his way back into the school. Instantly his facade went up and he seemed completely fine.

Slowly he made his way to the cafeteria, making sure that any sound he made stayed inside his mouth.

But even then, the occasional gasp would escape, followed by a pleasure filled sigh. But he made sure it was quiet so no one noticed.

Then he got inside and clamped down on those sounds as well.

Locating Orion and Caddy, he made his way towards them. Orion visibly lit up at the sight of him and Caddy seemed equally as happy..

Ignoring them for the moment he focused on how he was going to sit down inconspicuously. His body was throbbing, and while he loved it, sitting was going to suck.

"Hey Hunter.. Are you, um are you okay?" Caddy asked when he remained standing.

Ignoring her again, he took a deep breath in through his nose and sat down. But the sudden movement sent a stronger wave of pain pulsing through his body.

It took all his self control not to moan from the rapture coursing through him.

Then almost as if someone had yanked a blanket from over his body, the pain and pleasure disappeared.

He did gasp then, but only this one was one of disappointment.

"Yeah I'm fine." He said with a smile.

Orion squinted skeptically at him but Caddy grinned happily.

"Okay so where do we meet after last period?" She asked.

Orion nodded, "Yeah.. Cause that's one'a the only classes I don't got with you."

"Ah.. You guys still remember that.."

"Yeah man!"

"Of course we do!"

"Well I didn't.."

"Awh come on Hunter! You can't do that..! I was really excited.."

"Yeah! Didn't you wanna pierce my ears?"

Hunter looked at the two beaming at him and rolled his eyes, "Meet me at the front of the school and we'll go from there.."

The two of them fist pumped and he surprised himself by laughing softly. After that the three of them made their way to get a snack.

Hunter looked around for Jade, but she wasn't there. Strange..

Shrugging to himself he sat back down and then conversation commenced. He input his opinion where necessary but otherwise remained quiet.

Soon after, the bell went and they parted ways, promising to meet after school ended.

Well, at least, they promised. He hadn't done anything of the sort. And he'd had every thought in mind to pretend he forgot.

But then the thought of being alone caved into his resolve and filled him with a sense of deadly fear.

A fear he'd never felt before, and never would have. But then he'd discovered how it felt to not be alone, to be surrounded by life.

And now being alone suddenly didn't feel normal—

No. Snap out of it. This is a one time thing. You've conditioned yourself to feeling safe in loneliness. This changes nothing.

Neither did Steve.

You are meant to be alone for your own safety and the safety of the people around you.


Okay.. Yeah you're right.


Thankfully he already knew where his english class was, so he hadn't needed a guide to get him there. Not that he was ecstatic or anything.

Walking into the classroom he made a beeline for the back. Avoiding eye contact with everyone around him until he was seated.

Letting out a breath he looked up, coming face to face with the teacher.

"Hello again Hunter" The man smirked.

Hunter smiled venomously but refused to indulge the man in goading him. He wouldn't give him the time of day he decided.

The teacher scowled when he got no other response and returned his attention to the rest of the class.

Once everyone had arrived, he marked the role and class began.

Again Hunter glanced around to locate Jade, but similar to lunch, she wasn't there. And now that he checked back, a handful of suspects had been missing.


"Hunter. Read the next sentence." The man said.

Hunter sighed but did as he was told, "'Everyone can master a grief but he that has it'"

The man gestured for him to read the next one. He sighed again, "'There is one pain, I often feel, which you will never know, It's caused by the absence of you—"

He teared his eyes from the paper and latched them onto the teachers. He saw the satisfaction and the laughter in them.

The man had chosen these specifically for him.

He hated him.

"Now can you explain what these mean to you?" the man asked innocently.

Hunter glared until the man was forced to busy himself with something else to escape the contact.

I'll.. Do it.. But only to prove him wrong..

"The first one.. It meant that.. Although anyone can pretend to feel grief, and can pretend to understand it.. The one that truly feels it can never be understood. And will not try to be.."

The class clapped and he shrugged, "The second.. The second one, to me, means that although everyone feels pain.. There will always be that one kind.."

He swallowed the lump in his throat, "That the people around you wont feel unless they go through it as well.."

He glared around the class, "And that is the feeling of being thrown out by the person you loved, and realizing that it was only you felt that grief, while they'd already moved on"

"Or I mean that's what it meant to me.. Don't know about everyone else.." He said with a shrug, and he made sure that the shrug took the emotions with it.

Looking back at the teacher he smirked at the look of embarrassment that was washing through it.

"I see. Very good." he said with a pained smile. Then he moved on to the next person. Like that they went around until finally class ended. 


He left before anyone could say anything and quickly made his way to the front of the school, where he was met by both Caddy and Orion, looking as excited as ever.

"Give me a sec and I'll call.. A thing.." He mumbled distractedly and dialed Alfreds number.

"Are you seriously calling a cab?!" Caddy laughed when he flipped her off, Orion just watched from the side, holding back his laughter.

"Êtes-vous en route?" he asked when the man picked up.

"Oui jeune maître, je suis à la porte. Je peux te voir alors je vais raccrocher maintenant." True to his word the man hung up before he could say a word.

Hunter glanced up and saw the phantom rolling in. He gestured for the two of them to follow him and they made their way to it.

Orion stared gap mouthed as Alfred got out and opened the door to allow them inside. And Caddy practically fainted when the man held her hand as she sat down.

"Welcome to my cab.."

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