Chapter 3 - The Sad Truth

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"You. Are. Bloody. Heartless." The girl hissed from her place near the front of the class, "Can't you see that he's actually, I don't know.. Upset!?" she added angrily. 

Mr. Kober continued to write on the board, taking his time intentionally, then when he'd finished that particular sentence, he finally looked at her. 

"I am so sorry I hurt your friends feelings.! Ah, but why not go tell him to cry into your shoulder when you sit down.." he said offhandedly.

She stubbornly stayed where she was. 

"..So, go sit down, now." With that he sighed and turned his attention back to the class.. Which by then, was mocking Hunter quietly, calling him things like crybaby or mamas boy. 

What are you guys? Fucking FIVE??


Looking at the girl properly, he realised it was that girl Jade. The same idiot that had gotten him in trouble the first time. 

She happened to looked at him at the same moment and when their eye's met, all Hunter saw was pity and shame. 

Instantly all the mockery swarming around him intensified in his ears..

Now he was pissed because before seeing that he had only been slightly irked.. But now? He was thoroughly pissed, which only made him glare sharply into her eyes. 

She didn't look away, but a soft blush began riding up her neck. 

Not gonna lie.. That's kinda cute 


Excuse me? What the FUCK are you thinking you idiot?!  

Just the fact that he'd thought that, even for a second, made him even more angry. 

Grabbing his bag and putting his music on again but quietly, he rose from his seat. Making sure he got up in a way that forced it to let out a loud grating noise. 

Everyone looked at him, giggling and smirking and he was grateful for the white noise of the music.


After such a tiring morning Hunter didn't want to use up any extra energy, so he just grinned venomously at everyone, "Shut. The fuck. Up.." 

It was cliché, but everybody complied, even the teacher's ears perked.

Now that it was quiet he strode to the front of the class, pausing at the stubborn girl. "Thanks a lot estúpida.." he hissed.

For a moment she seemed confused, then the confusion turned to shock, "You know how to speak Spanish!" she mumbled back.

Ah, adding dimwitted to the list as well. 


I mean., Come on.. Estúpida is one word anybody could know.. Spanish speaking or not.

"Si, puedo hablar español mujer... y francamente puedo decirte que eres una perra" he paused letting that sink in.

Let's see how she reacts to that.. Considering the wording..

Hmh., Doesn't everyone hate being called bitch?


But, so far that's all she's been.. Even this kind gesture thwarted by her true intentions. A tragedy really.

"..and also a few other languages.. heaps actually" he finished, turning and walking to the door.

 He heard her gasp then curse at him, as the meaning of what he said hit her, and smiled.


But of course the bastard teacher chose that moment to actually remember why he was supposed to actually be a goddamn teacher.

"Where do you think you are going Hunter? Sit down this instant! You too, Jade!" he snapped.

Hunter paid him no attention and walked out anyways. 

But to leave without commotion like that— being laughed at didn't count as commotion— would be very...... Not Hunter. 

So as the door closed, he flipped off the already furious teacher. 


Now it was his turn to laugh,  "..I'm just going to the bathroom.." he said to the door after his short bout ended. 


Now I can leave this shit hole behind and go To get my bags.. Yeah just that.. 

His decision made, he strolled casually to the front door. 

Thankfully any occasional students still milling about minded their own business.. Save for a few glances at him every now and then, along with some murmuring or whispering. 

Relax...... Don't get pissed..... Ignore them all, they're all just  insignificant lil' brats.. 

So he did just that, instead turning his music louder again so it blocked out the sounds outside. He had tried slipping back to his safe place but couldn't. 

It was full so he resorted to sighing instead.

At first he continued listening to 'It's You' but then after a moment, decided against it, considering he really didn't need anymore 'sad' then he'd already acquired.

All of which was stupidly piled up inside him, so much so that it filled his safe space.. 

Emotions... Such..... Pathetic things. Such..... Useless things.

Instead he decided to change it to his most random pop song, which happened to be 'Sunflower' 

'Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy (ooh)

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh (ooh)

Ayy, ayy

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Needless to say, I keep her in check

She was all bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah)

Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck)

Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck)'..,

Walking out the school gates made him feel free, almost happy.. But even that 'almost happiness' was short sighted. 

The moment he looked at the parking lot, all his thoughts came rushing back into his head. The ones he had pushed away before they'd really surfaced.

Yet, no matter how loud Hunter put his music, the thoughts kept flooding in. So in the end he pulled out his air pods and threw them as hard as he could.. 


The few students in the lot stared at him in surprise, but one guy in particular stared at a car. So of course Hunter looked at the car as well... 

Oh Shit there's a dent!.. 


Oh, well.. A real tragedy.

He didn't care enough so he started to walk away. 

Although the guy standing near the car wasn't taking any of that, "Hey! Asswoip! Come back ere' roight naow!" 


Slowly Hunter turned around, gazing coolly at the guy.

Then he smirked, "Oooh I am, like, soo scared right now, like, oh my god!" he squealed in a high-pitched voice, making him angrier.

"If you, like want the air pods you can like, have them I have like, heaps.." he pretended to flip his hair "But like, if that's not what you, like want then like, sure, I'll come like 'Roight naow'...

He laughed harder.

Then in his normal voice he continued, "Seriously though, what accent's that?"

A tiny group had already started forming around the two, but Hunter didn't care, he really just wanted to hit something. 

Maybe its his lucky day?.. 

So he walked up to the dude and stopped a little in front of him. 

Let the test begin!

"Lets start over?.. Ahem.. Hi! my name is Hunter Sen and yours is?" he asked mockingly, extending his hand for a shake.

Which the guy ignored— Haha looks like someone failed— So Hunter pouted and dropped his hand.

"You're mean" he whined.

"You. Are. An. Ass" the boy growled.

"Why?" Hunter asked innocently.

"Why..? WHY?! lil' brat, lookit my damn Cor! You focken ruined it!!"

"Ooh! That..., Well. Accidents happen!.... Get it? Acci-dents.?... No? Okay. Anyways— By the way you can keep the air pods I'm serious, or I'll just pay for the den—"


The boy threw a violent punch that hit Hunter square in the stomach, he yelped in surprise.. 

I wasn't done talking dickhead!

Recovering from the shock, Hunter quickly leapt back, laughing. 

"You're going to have to do better than that man.." Feigning deep thought he continued "that is, if you can land another blow of course."


Before anyone could blink, Hunter sprang forward, hooking the guy in the stomach, forcing the stupid boy to pitch forward. 

But before he could make a sound, Hunters fist connected with his face. 


As he punched, all his anger came out, and his toxic, black and insultingly truthful sludge of thoughts washed back into his head;

I didn't ask to be this way!  


I love my mom don't I!?  


Who the fuck asked her to give birth to me?



By that time, Hunter had lost it. 

He was going all out. 

That is, until his head numbed, and he'd punched out his immediate bout of anger. It was only then that he looked at the boy in front of him. 

Oh dang... I messed up big time! 

He thought distantly as he took in the sight; the boy's face was bleeding, his arms were bruised and one was bent in an odd angle.. 

Why don't I feel bad? Shouldn't I be feeling guilty or something? 

..Should I though?


..Nah.. Fuck emotions.


Cause damn it felt good.. 

"Aw, down already huh?.." he goaded at the boy, who just groaned in reply and then coughed out specks of blood.. 

Hunter watched and smirked. "Pff— Dude! Where's the fight now huh?" 

A sudden voice crawled through his head.. 

Does your 'mom' even love you..? 

She threw you out didn't she? 

Does she even care whether you live or die?

..Does anyone? 

..Probably not right..? 

"Right" he answered aloud. Then he punched the car's door.. 


With that he walked away. 

But after taking roughly 5 steps, he was stopped by a growling voice, "Hun. Ter. Sen.! Come. Here. This instant!!" 

Damn it! Why can't I just leave?! I mean, No harm done.. Right? like.. I totally didn't just beat the shit out of a dude.. 

Psh! I'd never...


That was a lie...

When Hunter turned around he saw a seething principle. Except next to him, there was a smaller but well built man... 

Logically speaking, that would have to be the deputy principal.. 

But then again, he could be wrong. 

Seeing that Hunter wasn't moving towards them, the two burly men grumbled and strode to him. 

Here we go again. He thought as he waited for the two of them to reach him. 

When they did, Hunter realised how tall the principle was, both their eye level was nearly the same.

Although Hunter was still slightly taller. 

But on the other hand, the well built man next to the principal was a whole head shorter than both of them. 

Hah!  He thought, but his thought accidently came out aloud instead. 

Realizing his mistake he quickly covered it with a hysterically dramatic fit of coughing. 

"Sorry I was choking on my saliva please continue your rant— I mean ah continue sir's.." He muttered, clearing his throat. 


Now the principal was more irritated than before, while the 'Deputy' principal— he'd already decided that's who he was— seemed to be hiding a smile. 

..Trying at least..

As Hunter stood there in the silence he began feeling more and more restless, so he did something only he would do. 

He started walking away. 

"Tschüss! I don't know about you both, but I don't have the time to stand around and listen to the air.." after his smart-ass remark, he turned and began striding away.. 

..Or tried to at least. 

Because a second later he was grabbed by the back of his hoodie, making him stumble backwards and gasp for air.

Yanking himself away, he slowly turned, rubbing his neck. 

Say your fucking prayers cunt.. Your death's come earl the sound of chuckling cut his imaginary stream of threats. 

Hunter first glared at the Deputy then he glared even harder at the Principal. Until he realised the principal was glaring at the Deputy as well.

Oh!? Hoho! Does he not like him?  


Slightly curious he asked, "Is there shit goin on between you both..? Or what? cause if you both are gonna keep glaring or laughing.." he shot a look at the D.P "..then can I go?"

"Not a chance! You aren't going anywhere!" hissed the Principle

Hunter mock gasped and replied, "Really? but last time I checked, you're weren't my mom..? Anyways, I have things to do and places to be. So, imma leave now.." 

He turned to walk away but was stopped, again but this time less forcefully. 

Now Hunter was getting irritated, so he yanked his hand back and whirled around to face the two men again. 

"What.. Do you.. Want?!!" he snarled, causing both men to flinch.

Getting the feeling that his eyes were about to change color, he pulled his hoodie lower. The two men were shocked silent for a moment while he seethed. 


After a few more moments, Hunter felt the red eye color receding so he readjusted his hoodie and looked at them.

Now that his anger had mostly dissolved, tiredness took over, therefore he wasn't bothered to glare, instead he repeated, "Seriously.. what do you want ?"

The principal opened his mouth to speak but the D.P beat him to it, he grabbed Hunters hand.. Again. 

Suddenly alarmed, Hunter unintentionally growl, making the Deputy flinch and let go of his hand.

"H-Hunter.. Relax, it was just a h-handshake.. No need to.. Uh.. growl..?" The Deputy stammered in concern.

Going over the past 5 seconds in his head the growl made him blush.. 

Ah estúpida what even was that?!  

The D.P noticed the blush but ignored it, "Ahem.. So we got off on a rough start, lets try again hm?" he asked instead.

"Whatever," Hunter replied.

"Alright, well my name is Stuart-"

"AHAHA Stuart.. STUART what even- Ahem continue, Stuart"

Now Stuart was slightly irked but he force-laughed and continued "Yes as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, my name is.. anyways.. and I am the schools Dep--"

"Deputy principal! Fuck! I knew it! I was right!" Hunter whistled.

Now Stuart was irritated so he glanced at the principal for help, but the principal just gave him the 'Your problem not mine. So deal with it' look. 

Sighing, Stuart turned back to Hunter "No sonny I was going to say 'Depressed soul'.."

He laughed at his own joke, then when he realised Hunter wasn't joining in., He proceeded to awkwardly clear his throat. 

He then continued, "No you're right, I'm the Deputy principal. And now also your guidance.. thingo.." The man had realized his mistake but ploughed on anyways.

" one that helps kids with mental... health... probleeeems?" Hunter watched in amusement as he struggled.

"ah-ahem not saying you have any off course but just tha--"

But at that point he'd had enough.

"Echt niet.. Dutch for, 'No way'. No te necesito a ti ni a tu estúpida 'guía' which  is Spanish for.." 

He sucked in a breath, "I don't need you or your stupid 'guidance' now adiós bichos raros! also Spanish for Bye you weirdos!" Hunter yelled at the two men.

Both of which were now thoroughly disoriented by the use of different languages. 

Then he sprinted away leaving the stream of threats- all from the principal- behind. 


Now that he was completely far away from the school gates he slowed to a jog. 

That sprint had cleared his head and lifted his mood. And considering the circumstances, he could definitely use a little mood lift.


He pulled off his hoodie and pulled his headphones to his neck, which truthfully he couldn't recall wearing- then he tied the hoodie around his waist. 

Damn it's hot today.. Or., Is it just me?  Glancing around he saw people pulling on hoodies and jackets. 


"Huh.." he said, raising his eyebrows. Then slowly lifted his eyes to the sky. 

*Plink* a raindrop landed in his eyes, "AH FUCK?! OUCH! Wait! Not now! I don't even have my umbrella!.." 

And then, as if mother nature was taunting him, it started to pour. Literally pour  like cats and dogs pour. 

"..Argh!! AHH! God dammit!" he cried out. 

By then he was already kinda drenched so he ran- normal speed- to his house. While doing a bit of parkour here and there cause... Why not? 


15min later he reached the house. 

His previously light mood had already dampened from the rain, as well as by a "AH SHIT MY HEADPHONES GOT ALL WET!.. Ugh I'll just buy a new one" moment.. 

But seeing all his stuff sitting outside just crushed any fragile slivers of joy... As well as hope.  Hope that she'd just been angry. Not serious. 

"What should I-- Whatever I'm too tired for this shit..." He whispered hoarsely.

Instead he rang the bell and sat on the porch. Since he was sopping wet, he was soon sitting in a puddle. 


Gazing out, he saw people walking under umbrellas; some alone, some together, some holding hands and others not... 

Then there was him, a loner with no love life to talk about.. Or friends for that matter., or a home.


"pathetic..." he mumbled his eyebrows pinching together as he rubbed his eyes.

He picked up the sound of footsteps so he turned around, and sure enough the door opened half way to reveal his mom.. 

But she looked weird.. Blurry? 

He shook his head and then realised what it was.. 

Tears.. I'm going to cry..? The fuck..? Nope.. Not happening. She'd get pissed too.

Determined not to, he blinked rapidly a few times till his eyes cleared. Then looked away from his mom. 

"Hey mom.. Uh asked me to collect the money from you..?" he said carefully. 

His mom was taking too long to reply, so he looked back at her., She was fidgeting, her face was pale and her skin was glowing with a sheen of sweat.

Plus she kept on glancing back into the house. He forced himself not to read her but did it by mistake..


Huh? What that can't be.. No I probably saw something wrong. Yeah.. That probably it. She'd never do that.

"Mom..? What's wrong? You okay?" he asked softly. 

She drew out of her disheveled state, "A-ah! Hunter you came early! come?" she said nervously.

"Nothing, school's out early.. Why?, is that a problem?" he questioned.

"Off course not!! Hahaha.. Why would that be a proble-!" she cut herself off as she turned to slam the door shut. 

Blocking out what Hunter assumed were three other people. At least that was what it sounded like. Two little and one big.

A queasy feeling grew in the pit of his stomach.

She came surprisingly close to closing it when it burst open, revealing two curious little kids and then, a few beats later, a man. 

The three strangers stared at Hunter, perplexed. Then at his frozen mother, who looked as if she was about to faint. 

Hunter's heart dropped to his stomach, his mind refusing to comprehend, Who are these people? Why are they here? 


She couldn't have right? Yeah she wouldn't.. I'm just jumping to conclusions.


Just as he opened his mouth to speak, the man beat him to it, "Steffany who the hell is this boy? Why is he calling you mom? does he know you.. Do you know him?" he questioned. 

No no she wouldn't. She loves me. She's always kept me like a treasured secret every now and then. Its fine. 

Yet Hunter was still taken aback and hurt by the man's words. Biting his lip, he dragged his gaze to his mom. 

Their eyes met for a split second, then she looked away. Avoiding his searching eyes. 

No.. No!

Noticing this he drove over the pain with anger, instead turning to the man. 

"No! I should be the one asking, Who the hell, are you!." He snarled at the man with a grin. Although he had a painful feeling he knew who he was. "Oh and to your first question."

He gulped a pain filled breath, "YES I fucking know her! She's my mother.!" He took another shuddering breath to stop the tremble in his voice. 

"Now back to my question.. Answer it! Tell me! J-Just who the HELL are you guys!?" Hunter cried out in hurt anger.

There was a beat of silence and he swallowed against the lump in his throat.


The children quickly backed away and hid behind the man, who had become visibly pissed off, opening his mouth to lash out at him. 

Hunters mother interfered. She looked at Hunter, who was shaking violently from the cold, then sighed. 

Hunter instantly notice that, not only did she look tired, she seemed to have aged ten years in the five minutes she'd been standing there.

Why? Why mom? Why would you do this.? 

Then, as if she'd heard him, she began to speak. 

"H-Hunter, there's something you need t-to know, a-and you too Brandon.." she whispered shakily.

"What is it?!"they growled in unison. One growling from misdirected anger. The other from an anger that disguised despair.

"F-Firstly, H-Hunter, is not my son.. He's actually a-adopted.." She sobbed for a breath.

You didn't even directly say that to me.? 


Why are you crying? When I'm the one that feels like I just got trampled by death. When I'm the one that feels like dying?

 "S-Secondly Brandon, is my husband and these two are my r-real children" she ended, her lips trembling.

And she directs this at me?

Again his mind refused to believe it.

"Wha..what do you mean!? W-what about my father? You said.. You said he.. Died...." then he flinched "You.. You.. You l-lied to me. Didn't you." he gasped in pained disgust.

Do not CRY! PUSSY! DON'T FUCKING CRY.. GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF..! Or face a punishment..

"So.. So all this time, I've never had a mother or a father..?" his voice had become overcome with vulnerability and the sound of tears.


Questions spawned in his mind and he asked her in defeat "When did you get married, and when did you have these two..? When..? ..When..?" 

She stayed silent and so did the other three.

"ANSWER ME GODDAMNIT!!" He roared masking his pain with the comfort of blind anger.

"Business Trips.. That's when it all happened-- But I only got married 7 years ago and had them two a year later!.." She cried out as as tears flowed. 

"So you're saying that, those three very important  trips were these three?!" Hunter asked through clenched teeth.

She just nodded pathetically. 

"Haha.. Wow I should've guessed huh?.. You always wanted me out and about, even put me into a damn twenty-four-hour job.." he shook his head refusing to show his tears.

"All of that so you could see them, and hide, this.." he pointed to himself "..useless.. Thing."  He smiled through the ache in his heart..

"Well okay.. this really really hurt.." his voice cracked but he spoke through it..

"But, what I said to you then, I meant it all. So I'll be going.." he cleared his throat to rid it of its emotions.. He was good at that..

 "Ah.., But before I go.." 


Quickly he squatted down and beckoned to the two kids 

"..I'm Hunter, by the way, and I'm sorry for scaring you both." He took wavering breath "and I'm also sorry for keeping your  mom away from you.." 

Then he stood up and looked at Brandon, "..and you too sir, I sincerely apologize."


As he turned he remembered the money, so he stuck his hand out without facing her, "A-ah right here.. Here you go!" 

She tried placing it into his hand. He snatched it out of hers instead. 


Three sharp honks drew everyone's attention to a white limousine purring in the drive way.

"That's my queue.." He said.

Then he faced his ex-mother, "Realmente duele saber que eres una perra tan mentirosa..." 

Seeing her mortified expression he smiled. 


It bought him a deep sense of satisfaction, calling her a lying bitch. He'd never spoken to her like that before. It kinda scared him.

He shook his head. It's fine.

"Bye!" and with that he grabbed his huge pile of belongings and strode towards his escape.

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