Chapter 5 - Math's couldn't be better

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Hunter Stared at the two men for a moment, then laughed, "Love the energy.." 

He watched them a little longer then continued, "But seeing that you're both serious means I'm going to have to deal with you's a little different.." 

He turned around to pick up his bag and both men riled up, jerking towards him.

Hunter put up his hands in surrender "Woah.. Calm the— Calm down big guys," he said with a laugh, "I'm not going anywhere" 

The two men watched him like hawks as he bent over and picked up his bag.

They continued to look at him as he rummaged around his bag but they simply ogled at him when he took out a wad of cash. 

Good thing I packed this.. Can't remember why though.. 

The two men looked at the cash then at Hunter's face then back at the cash, for a solid thirty seconds.

They then looked at each other utterly dumbfounded. 

"Well um you both could split it or something.. Cause I kinda haven't got my pay check yet..." he paused doing the calculations.

"But you'd both get 650$ each? No, $750..? I don't know.. You both'll get something." The men looked hesitantly at the cash.

With all the fuss, Hunter had forgotten all about his weirdly enhanced vision. But what he wouldn't forget was the look of defeat that fluttered onto the faces of the two giants.. 

As well as what the principal muttered under his breath "I takes me a month to get this kind of money" 

As the men outstretched their hands, Hunter held up his own to stop them.

"Wait, I gotta add something.." the men looked at him impatiently as he continued "You can not expel me, but you can suspend or give me detentions.. Cool?" 

The principal looked at him suspiciously, "Why? Why not just pay for that as well?" 

Greedy bastard.

Hunter rolled his eyes and snapped, "Cause I don't want to?" 

The men nodded thoughtfully as he handed them the money. He then saluted them and turned to leave.

"But you have after school detention" the principal snapped at his back. 

Hunter pulled a thumbs-up and walked back towards his class. 

Which happened to be calculus, which was a new class for Hunter so he smiled and walked towards it. 


When he got to his class he found the door was already open, so he knocked once and let himself in. 

The whole class looked at him and straight away he noticed that around 85% of the students were nerds. The other 15% was your random 'I don't look smart but I am' lot. 

Hunter then looked at his teacher, a young man in his 30's that seemed like a nice enough guy.. 

Unless of course a random boy walks in with no form of explanation. In which case, nobody is exactly the nicest. 

Hunter wanted to have a good first impression on this teacher, so he smiled— making a handful of the less 'in control of their emotions' girls swoon— and cleared his throat.

"Uh hey.. I'm Hunter Sen and I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be in this class?" he waited for instructions.

He watched the teacher— who seemed to be looking him over very thoroughly, making Hunter want to squirm under his scrutinizing gaze. 

Stop it! Don't do that shit! It's not her..

The teacher sighed, "Are you sure you're meant to be in this class?"

Hunter nodded his head happily.

"Maybe you read the syllabus wrong?" the teacher said in apparent denial.

Hunter masked his annoyance with a shake of his head.

I am beginning to dislike you quite a bit sir..

"You realize this is the second highest math class right?" 

"Yes." Hunter got the feeling that his 'good first impression' was soon to go sailing out the fucking window..

"So you are sure that this is your class..? And that you are not supposed to be anywhere else?" he pestered.

For fucks sake..!

Hunter rolled his eyes and grinned, "I am sure this is my class, because I happen to be standing here right now" 

The teacher frowned and looked at him for a moment, then grabbed his role-call list and scanned it a couple of times. 

Hunter knew he'd found his name the first time, but watched as he went over it twice again just to be sure it was actually there.. 

He then proceeded to take in Hunters appearance. It really didn't take him long to judge Hunter based on his looks.. 

The teacher concluded that this boy was bad news.

His hellish accessory's just proving an imaginary point. 


Hunter waited patiently for the teacher, who seemed to be having a mental battle of some sort. Finally the man let out a groan and beckoned him towards the front of the class.

"Introduce yourself" he said, an irritated edge lacing his voice. Hunter cocked his brow at the low patience of his teacher and nodded. 

He was about to began his introductory speech when a boy at the back of the classroom cut in. 

"Wait. Aren't you.. The boy that beat up my teammate!?" a frown drew a deep valley in his forehead as his face got redder and redder as he tried to keep in his anger. 

Hunter let out a low whistle as he realized that his so called 'good impression' was about to be ruined.. 

Thinking fast he looked at the guy and said "Car park.. After school" 

Hah.. One sentence that anyone can say... But only a few can actually pull off... But to be honest, I just didn't know what the fuck else to say..

He smiled as the boy visibly paled—

That makes me one of the few I guess.. Heh..

—though he managed to keep his pissed off look firm as he sat down. 

When he'd done his little speech— thankfully there were no questions— he was asked to sit in the front of the class between a bunch of nerds, that all gave him disapproving looks.. 

Although he matched these with equally pleased looks.

Yeah.. Like I'm excited to be sitting at the front surrounded by little Mathilda's..


When he sat down he realized that he had a problem, he couldn't very well survey the girls in his class since all of them were behind him.

But it was obvious that all the girls were surveying him from behind, he could feel it. So he turned around and smirked when he caught 3 girls staring at him. 

He brushed his hand through his hair, and then flipped them off. The guys at the back started laughing and he used that moment as a chance to observe the girls. 

Since the only reason he was at this school after all, was because he was expected to identify and report the gang leader. 

After— very 'discreetly'— scanning all the girls he found only one suspect. 

Just when he was about to get her attention, the teacher rapt his hand on the desk, slowly silencing the class.

Hunter had already done so he turned and put his arm on the desk, resting his head on it.


As he watched the teacher drone on from the comfort of his arm he slowly felt himself slipping into the drowning depth of his thoughts.. 

Thankfully a piece of paper hit him in the back of his head before he delved too deep into his mind.

I mean thanks for saving me and stuff but can you not throw fucking paper at me next time? Thank you.

"Who the fuck threw that?" he asked, confused, as he looked around. 

His question was answered when a girl winked at him. He rolled his eyes and picked up the paper that was on his desk.

He glanced beside him to see if the nerds were watching, but they were too busy scribbling down god knows what into their books. 

Then he contemplated whether or not to open it, he decided to go for it.

Hey my names Claire 

He sighed and wrote back.

Cool I don't care..

Then he turned around and threw it back at her. 

When she read it, a frown formed on her face, but that quickly turned to a smile as she wrote something else down. 


Again it hit him and again he read it;

Don't be like that, come sit with us in the cafeteria at lunch

He turned around and looked at her and who she was sitting with, it turned out she was close to the suspect. The two of them nudging each other.

Well is she'll be there then I guess I'll go.

Although it did seem that Clair was doing most of the nudging. He quickly scribbled down an answer and threw it back to her again,

Yeah sure, I'll hang out with you for a bit.. Plus I'm honored that you, such a pretty girl, wanted to invite a loser like me to sit with you.. I'm touched.. 

When she read this note a small blush rode onto her cheeks, Aww she took it seriously... that little

"Hunter Sen. Stand up right now please," his teachers voice disrupted his thoughts. Hunter looked at him, and for a moment they stared at each other. 

Then Hunter shrugged and stood up "Yes sir?" he asked politely. 

While that seemed to piss the teacher off a bit.. He masked it well with indifference.

"Would you care to read out the piece of paper that has been going back and forth between you and Claire?" 

Hunter raised his eyebrows "Okay, but I didn't know that you had a no note passing policy.."

He put a hint of attitude into his tone..

"Plus she started it, I'm new and she tainted my innocence, so she should read it shouldn't she?" he said in mock complaint.

But the idiot teacher actually took it seriously and frowned at Clair instead. 

Immediately all attention was swept to her and she looked like she was about to cry. Instead she blushed madly and opened the note. 

Once she had finished reading, some of the girls in the class started whispering. 

Words like 'whore' and 'slut' made their way to his ears while the boys on the other hand, gave him looks of sympathy. 

A few even mouthed things like 'ignore that bitch' or 'it's okay mate you'll get through it'

Hunter was about to speak when Claire's suspect friend spoke up "Stop being mean and mind your own fricking business!" 

Everyone laughed at her futile attempt but turned around anyways. 


"hey Claire," Hunter called with his back to her,

"Yeah?" she replied hesitantly

"I'll still sit with you's"

"REAL- I mean.. Really?"

Hunter smiled "Yeah sure"

Then the teacher called for their attention again, but this time nobody except the nerds listened, and in the end the teacher gave up, letting everyone off to a slightly early lunch.

Hunter waited for the rush to thin-out before he decided to get up. Halfway through the door he felt somebody's arm latch onto his own. 

This gave him a start and reflexively, he jerked it out the persons grasp. "Holy shit.." he breathed out after he calmed down. 

Then he turned around, annoyed, he wanted to snap at the person for being so handsy. But when he realized that it was Claire, he couldn't hold back the eye-role.

"Hey, I said that I would sit with you's—" his eye twitched and he smiled in annoyance tilting his head as he spoke.

"—but I don't remember ever saying anything like, 'touch me' or 'grab my arm'.." he dropped the pretense and continued, "So don't touch me or grab my arm, Got it?" 

She blinked twice then nodded sheepishly "Oh right.. Sorry," he just rolled his eyes again. 

Putting his hand in his pocket he began to walk ahead. Only stopping long enough to be told where exactly he was actually going. 


Soon enough they reached the cafeteria, and by then Hunter thought he could eat a whole school of kids..

"Geez I didn't take you for a cannibal..!" The suspect stage whispered and Claire burst into a fit of giggles.

Both ignoring the fact that that Hunter was slightly baffled. "I said that?" That question only made the girls laugh harder. 

What they didn't seem to notice was that he was actually seriously confused. 


Hunter noticed a stranger that would've been in hearing range when he had apparently said that, so he grabbed his attention., 

"Hey dude, these girls told me that I said something about eating school kids or some shit like that.. Did you hear me say anything?" 

The boy thought for a moment then nodded.

"Oh.. Aight cool" Hunter sighed and caught up to where the two girls were standing. 

The dejected look on his face must have been pretty obvious considering the moment they saw it, they cracked up again. 


The girls were still laughing by the time they walked inside, and when they got inside, Claire— now catching her breath— called out to their group of friends. 

Hunter rolled his eyes for the third time in just five minutes at their childishness. But that stopped the moment he sat at the table.


"Uh what the heck is that doing here?" a skinny brown girl asked with a startlingly disgusted face.

"Oh my god Sondra, don't be a bitch!" the girl next to her chided.

"Yeah, cause the 'that' that you're obviously talking about, can, I don't know, hear you?" Hunter said, venom and sarcasm dripping between his words.

The girl blushed but still managed to scoff— albeit shakily— at him, instead directing her gaze at Claire who was oblivious to it all "Who is this guy Claire? Why is he here?"

That got Claire's attention and she gasped lightly face-palming herself. "Oh my fucking god. So sorry guys! I completely forgot to introduce everyone!" 

This time it wasn't only Hunter who rolled his eyes. 

Oh my fucking Lord... the shit I have to deal with while I'm on the job... Is fucking ridiculous.. Ridic..u..lous

As a result, Claire's face heated up, then she giggled and began in a clock-wise direction.

"Okay, so you probably already know this girl," she pointed at the skinny brown girl "This bitches name is Sondra.. Sondra, this is Hunter.."

"Hey" He said coolly and she replied with a embarrassed wave and a side remark at Claire about calling her a bitch.

Claire blinked once then turned back to him, "Moving on, the girl next to her is Mia, she's the one that called Sondra a bitch"

Mia looked at him and smiled "hi nice to meet you" Hunter just nodded nicely. 

It's gonna be fun fun forgetting all these names.. Except the name of the suspect of course.. 

Then a loud clap distracted him from his reverie "What?"

"Okay uh anyways, pay attention, the girl sitting across from Mia, is Caddy and next to her is Becky" Claire said happily.

"Hi.." he said, beginning to get bored. then there was the fact that his stomach was about to eat his insides for lunch..

But he waited for the two girls response,

"H..Hi" Becky said and awkwardly took out her hand. 

Hunter smiled kindly at her but made no move to shake hands. 

Then Caddy spoke, "You were a jerk in class by the way... So fricking rude!.. But yeah whatever, hi anyways" 

He cocked an eyebrow at her attitude but let it slide. She was a suspect after all and he had to get close to her. 

"Hi to you girls and all, but I have to eat so, yeah see you" Then he got up and left the table.


As he wondered towards the serving area he noticed that this school was sort of separated into cliques..

The Queen bee and her minions, Jocks and Cheerleaders, Nerds, fill-ins, No-bodies.. And of course, the delinquents..

He was looking forward to finding them later.. 

But right now, food was the only priority as he strode purposefully to the que and waited his turn. 


Five whole minutes had passed yet the line hadn't moved. Glancing at the front of the line he saw a boy standing there laughing at the serving lady.. 

When Hunter looked closely he realized that there was food all over her and she was only just controlling her anger.. 

But while the lady could, Hunter on the other hand could not. Nobody messes with the que to food.. Nobody. 

So Hunter told the girl behind him to remember his spot— she was too flustered to say no— then he strode up towards the boy. 

During the tiny walk he decided he'd start off casually and so he did, "Hey buddy, you're kinda holding the line?" 

Slowly the boy turned to face him, and when he did, he had a large grin plastered to it. "You're right, sorry" but there was no trace of understanding in his voice, only hostility.

"Then could you, I don't know, move on?" Hunter stated calmly, choosing to ignore the tone.

"Oh? Care to give me a reason why I should listen to you?" the boy countered hotly. Obviously he wasn't used to being told what to do.

"Well, since you specifically asked for a reason, I'll give you the most important one.." Hunter took a deep breath, turning his voice to steel.

"I'm hungry, and I really hate when people stop me from getting food. That hate fuels my anger when it does happen—" grinning excitedly he continued.

"—Like right now for example— then that leads to an efficient beating up" he concluded.

"Uh beating up of who? Me or you? Cause I'm pretty sure it'll be you" the boy growled.

"Oh really?" Hunter asked happily.

"Yes.. Really" a voice stated from behind, so Hunter turned to see who it was

When he saw a jock he sighed, barely containing the groan that would have accompanied his eye role. 

All I wanted was food, was that so hard?

Instead of saying anything he turned around and grabbed a tray, then he got some food payed for it and was about to leave, when another boy grabbed his arm.

"You're not going anywhere.." 

Hunter lost his balance for a second, almost dropping his tray "Oi. Gimme a sec," he pulled free of the grasp then gently placed his tray on the nearest table. 

Then he turned around slowly to face the boy he had talked to during math's. 

"Now, what do you want from me" he asked.

"A fight.." the other boy said, all smiles.

"Really? That's what you want?" Hunter asked incredulously.


"Uh.. Okay? Fine with me" he said with a smirk. "Lets do this.."

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