Fight for Family

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Theme Song: "Facing Up" - Kate Voegele

Sasha immediately explained the location to everyone and then added, "I know the place and Hershel knows the medicines." Sasha placed her hands on her hips. "Tyrese okay with you going?" Rick asked hesitantly,  but Sasha shrugged, "He'll have to be."

Maggie looked a little leery at the idea of Hershel going, but pursed her lips and nodded somberly. "I can stay with Glenn." Maggie added smiling up at Hershel.

"I'll go too." I piped up, but Rick looked away, hands on his hips.

"Nah. Too close to that freak." Daryl chimed out, but I frowned in his direction. Who was he to tell me I couldn't go? Rick looked up at the two of us and nodded his head towards a more private section to talk.

I followed and so did Daryl, hot on my heels. "I don't understand the deal about me going....I'll be fine."

Rick placed his hands on his hips and Daryl leaned against the wall, bow lazily over his shoulder. "It's not that you won't be, but are you sure you wanna risk being that close to Daniel and his place?"

I paused for a moment, but before I could speak Daryl stepped in, "Wha? We just givin' her the option to go or not? Nah, hell no. Ain't happenin."

Rick looked over to Daryl, "She's a grown girl, Daryl. She can make her own choices." Daryl scoffed and looked away, but when his eyes flashed back to me I could see he was just worried.

I looked to them both, my eyes getting ever so misty at the thought of Glenn or any of them getting sick.

"I know the dangers and the risks. And I would do anything to help any one of ya'll. You're my family." My voice cracked at the end and I knew my eyes were already ringed with a hint of red from getting puffy.

They both stared at me for a moment, taking in my words and Rick nodded silently. Daryl didn't nod or speak, but I could tell he was digesting my words, taking them in.

I pleaded silently to Daryl with my eyes to just stay here. Don't fight me on this, Squirrel Boy.

Rick finally spoke up, which I was happy about because I didn't like the tension building in the room, "Daryl, I need you to stay here and help me with the fence repairs. I need to get them done before nightfall. They'll be fine, I know it."

Daryl relented, but he didn't look happy about the idea of me going that far without him being there. And he showed this by leaving us. He rammed his shoulder into the door and headed out to the quad, not giving me or Rick another look.

Despite feeling like an errand boy sometimes, he really did like going on the runs. He was always first to volunteer, but this time we had enough people going already and if he was needed at the prison then he needed to stay.

Everyone got ready and started loading up things that they might need in the van as it would hold everyone. Hershel had spent a few minutes with Glenn and Maggie and I lingered next to the cell door.

Despite Hershel telling me to stay clear, I couldn't. I wouldn't. Glenn looked up to me and his face was so pale I had to fight to keep the smile on my face, "You still manage to look good when you're sick Glenn."

I mused at my joke and his smile brightened as he looked to his future wife and then back at me. "Nice to see ya'..too..Vicki." His voice was lithe and so soft. I hated seeing him this way. However, I laughed lightly and gave Maggie and him a moment of privacy.

I had been hanging out next to the van and Rick came to stand next to me. He was quiet for a moment and I knew without asking what he was thinking, "I'll be fine, Rick. We'll be in and out and we'll get him the medicine he needs to speed up his immune system."

Rick nodded, but she could tell he was still nervous. "Hershel said if he finds the right stuff he could improve within a day or two at the earliest."

I nodded, liking what I was hearing already and then added to his comment, "I have some pedialyte from the last run. It's in the stash. Hershel said he could have some to keep his fluids down and keep him hydrated."

Rick shifted and we saw Daryl casually making his way towards the van. Rick patted my shoulder, "He's protective of you. That's all." I knew he was talking about Daryl.

Rick gave a coy smile before walking off to go see Michonne who was handing Judith to Carl.

"Got everythin'?" Daryl asked leaning against the van and kicking at some dirt with his boot. He eyed my sickles and hunting knife approvingly.

"Yeah, I think we got it all. I doubt it'll take too long...we'll be back before you know it." I paused and watched him squint his eyes towards me in the sunlight, gnawing on his thumbnail.

"I know you want to go. And I know you want to go because I'm going."

I was blunt, but I smiled up at him ruefully and he stared at me with that lingering gaze of his. He sighed and looked out towards the forest of trees and then back at me, "Ya' get into any trouble out there ya' get the hell out and head back, ya' hear?"

His voice was rough, and I could tell he was chewing on the inside of his cheek again. It was his way of saying be careful and he wanted me to come back in one piece.

"I promise I won't go playing hero because I won't need to. We'll be fine." He rolled his eyes at my words about playing hero, but once everyone started to file out of the cellblock and towards the gates Daryl looked to the elephant necklace and then up at me.

We gave each other one long lasting look. He shuffled awkwardly as I said, "I'll be seein ya' Daryl." He nodded curtly and headed back in to the quad, but not before turning on his boots and giving us all one last look.

We all hopped in the van. Michonne hopped in the drivers seat at the last minute and I stuttered in surprise, "You're going?"

She flashed a toothy smile at me, "Promised a friend I'd look out for you."


And not a moment later we were off towards the pharmacy. I couldn't help but feel a small ache in my gut as we turned onto the road and I realized this was going to be the first run I'd been on without Daryl by my side.

The drive had taken over an hour. Hershel, myself and Sasha had taken the back seat and though cramped, we made do. So far no one said a word, save for Sasha.

We all listened to the directions she was giving, while I paid rapt attention to our surroundings and land marks we passed. The last time I had been out this way had been when Rick and everyone had found me.

When we got to the pharmacy it was completely abandoned, but someone had boarded up all the windows and the doors, as if they had wanted to keep people out.

Once we were outside the van, Sasha spoke up first, "Rumor had it that they boarded everything up so that they could keep walkers and scavengers out from looting. I don't think many people know about this place because it's a one horse town."

Hershel gave Sasha a look, "Honey, I was raised in a one horse town."

I snickered at his comment before Michonne started to lay down the rules. Everyone knew them, but since Rick wasn't here, Michonne acted as stand in leader. It was only right anyways, seeing as Rick and Michonne had this team thing going on. However, I always wondered if there was more to it than that.

We all pried some of the boards off the door before Sasha and Michonne checked the perimeter. The streets were empty and there was one other store across the street which was a gas station. Other than was as if nothing else existed beyond these two small buildings. I noticed Hershel with his rifle on his shoulder, looking around at the area and I smiled. That man was something else.

Once we got done, I led the way with Michonne in tow with me. My sickles were at the ready and I was hyper aware of my surroundings. My nerves danced around giddily and I realized in this moment how much I enjoyed scavenging.

Michonne and I checked aisle by aisle quietly as we could; making sure nothing was lingering around the store. It was completely clear and Michonne dropped her swords by her side before arching a brow, "This place was never even cleaned out."

Hershel walked past her with Sasha towards the drugs and responded, "That's a good thing for us." Sasha nodded and walked back with him protectively before Michonne sidled up next to me as we looked around for supplies to grab for my backpack.

"You okay?" Michonne asked as I started to rummage through some stuff on the shelf. Michonne gave me a pointed look as if I couldn't lie to her. I sighed heavily and stepped forward to Michonne, whispering silently, "I kissed Daryl the other night. And Glenn is sick. Things are just peachy."

Michonne's eyebrows shot up on her head and she had to purse her lips from laughing, "Oh yeah, laugh away." I muttered, but smirked lightly. "I feel like I just went and made things a little awkward for us. He told me in so many words he couldn't be that guy for me."

Michonne gave me a rueful smile and sheathed her swords before looking over at her Hershel and Sasha as they dug around for medicine. "Is that why you didn't push for him to go with us?"

I nodded silently, realizing now I had not proactively sought out a reason for Daryl to go. She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, "Don't sweat it. He just needs time to adjust. Daryl's.."

She looked like she was thinking of a word and I finished for her, "Different?" Michonne smiled softly and nodded, "And Glenn's a fighter, Vicki. You know that better than anyone. He's got this."

Michonne and I held each other's gaze and I was extremely aware of how much I had looked up to Michonne and saw her as a mother figure since getting to the prison. I think she knew it too.

"We got it!" Sasha shouted aloud and I looked to the two of them as they were throwing some bottles into Sasha's backpack. "Antibiotics that aren't anywhere near expiring! He's gonna be okay!" Sasha's face was lit up and I couldn't help but smile widely and laugh, feeling excited and elated at the positive turn of events.

"Went smoother than I thought, ladies." Hershel mumbled before following Sasha out. "We'll come right out. I'm going to sweep this back aisle for supplies first." Hershel nodded at me and they walked out, leaving Michonne and I to rummage for supplies.

We had gotten all we could from the shelves before heading back outside to the group. I stopped in my tracks, my backpack dropping to the ground in shock as Sasha and Hershel were facing us, their hands wrenched behind their backs in uncomfortable positions with two familiar faces holding them and guns pressed to their backs.

I felt my blood immediately run cold. My limbs started to tremble and my mouth went dry. Daniel had Sasha, her gun now on the ground before her feet. One of his men, whom I'd seen before, had Hershel.

If someone had told me I'd be facing up to Daniel today..I wouldn't have really believed it then. I tried my best to stop trembling and put on my most believable brave face. I would not let him sense my fear, nor would I allow him to see me cower. I squared my shoulders, ready to face him.

"Well, this is pleasantly unexpected, Vicki. We have so much to catch up on." Daniel's voice was sickeningly sweet and his chilling smile could only mean one thing..trouble.

Author's Note: Christopher Wood is my face claim for Daniel. He is the perfect psychotic bad guy. I fell in love/hate with him on TVD! ^^

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