Operation Rescue

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Theme Song: "Sevin Devils" - Florence + The Machine

I was jerked roughly out the door of the house and what I saw was complete chaos. There were people ducking for cover, hiding around bushes, some of the vehicles they had and the stray trees.

The shots rang out, making me flinch every time something sounded close by. Daniel had a grip on my upper right arm, his right hand by his side with a pistol in it. I felt her insides swarming with all kinds of things.

Adrenaline. Terror. Relief.

I knew without a doubt who was here and I knew in my gut they would come. My vision blurred slightly from the sheer panic that settled into my bones. Every which way I looked there was something going on, someone running to take cover, someone getting shot.

I watched as a man from Daniel's crew was shot and his body instantly dropped to the ground, completely lifeless. My eyes wildly searched farther ahead and there was an emotion that flooded her veins when I saw Rick. He was taking cover behind one of the Daniel's guards from the gate and using him as shield. My eyes searched for Daryl and others, but I couldn't see them as they were taking cover from the gunfire.

They had sucessfully pushed so far into the camp and they were able to utilize their surroundings to take cover, "Rick!" I screamed aloud, though the gunfire blared over my voice, it was as if instinctively, on some level, he knew.

He peaked out from behind the man he was behind and our eyes instantly locked. Daniel jerked me harshly and his lips crashed to my ear, "You lied about how many were in your group. I never thought you of all people would lie to me." Some part of me growled a guttural cry of protest, but he put the gun to my temple. And when the metal touched me, I froze.

I wet my lips as Daniel's men returned fire upon my people until Daniel shouted above the gunfire, "Hold your fire!" His men halted after a few seconds, some lingering gunshots went off until everyone ceased fire.

The smoke billowed and it made me cough, my lungs taking in residual gunpowder and not liking it. I winced as Daniel drug me up in front of him, using me as a human shield.

The air was thick with tension and Daniel stopped a good distance from Rick. I swallowed thickly and watched as some of my people started to filter out from behind their hiding spots.

When Daryl poked his head out from behind one of the boxes of supplies that were scattered by the tents, my heart felt more relief than I had felt in a long time. His eyes sought mine as my body tensed while feeling the gun pressed to my right temple.

I saw how quick Daryl assessed me, from my boots to my face. My face that was littered with the bruises that Daniel's brother had given me.

My lip was still split from the episode, but everything was healing. He stared daggers at me, taking in my battered face and I saw his features change into something more sinister..something more primal.

"You have some nerve, coming in here..guns a blazing." Daniel yelled out and Rick looked at him with a small smirk, "You have some nerve taking our people." Daniel laughed and I felt my blood run cold. His laugh sent chills to my core and I jerked against him, but he righted me back to the spot in front of him.

"The funny thing about that is, she was mine before all of this." Daniel answered nastily and for good measure his lips hovered dangerously close to my clavicle and he pressed them into it before grinning at Rick. I watched as Rick looked away and then back at Daniel again.

My eyes flickered dangerously towards Daryl who was visibly shaking from his perch behind the supply box. "What's his name, the Leader?" Daniel whispered into my ear and I muttered through gritted teeth, "Rick." Might as well tell him....didn't really matter now. Shit was about to go down. I could feel it.

Maggie looked out from behind a pickup truck and then Glenn showed his face too and I wanted to cry or laugh, or both. Glenn was alive.

"Rick, we have ourselves a problem then." Rick bristled at Daniel's words and a few shouts could be heard from the house until three men came down the stoop dragging Hershel with them. I choked out a sob and in the silence, I heard Maggie cry out for her father.

"Oh, look what we have here.." Daniel said menacingly as Hershel was ushered over to where I was standing. "We aren't leaving without them." Rick shouted back and Daniel smirked lightly while shaking his head, "Then this is going to end badly. For all of you. Because the girl is mine."

Hershel stood to my left and I side glanced him and he gave me a peculiar grin. A smile that told me that everything was going to be okay.

My bottom lip trembled as I found my courage, "Let Hershel go!" Daniel looked to Hershel and then to the bodies of his men that had suffered from the hands of Rick's group.

As of now, Daniel's numbers were thinning and at this rate, they would be out of firepower soon and it was possible that Rick could overthrow Daniel's reign at Juno. Daniel was assessing all of this and his grip on me grew more intense.

"Shut up!" He whispered furiously at me as Rick's group started to look at one another. I didn't see Merle nor Sasha, but knowing Sasha she was perched somewhere with her sniper rifle. I could only pray she'd get a clean shot.

"You all have one choice. Lay your weapons down, it's over.." I shook my head back and forth for Rick to see and he tensed visibly. "That's not an option!" Rick shouted back, forcing his revolver into the man he held more forcibly.

Daniel shook his head sadly, "Then we have a big problem, Rick. Because I'm not letting anyone take her again." He looked around before taking in his dead men on the ground, "You killed a lot of men, you know that?" Rick was silent as Daniel continued, "I really don't like that you came in here unannounced. We could have talked this out like gentleman."

Rick scoffed visibly, "There was nothin' to talk about. You weren't going to give them up unless we came by force." Daniel shook his head, tsking slightly and the shift in the mood turned on a dime. I could feel it deep in my bones, the shift in Daniel's demeanor and my stomach dropped.

"That's a shame. If we had met like men, I probably wouldn't have done this."

A gunshot went off and at the same time I heard the gut wrenching scream that came from Maggie. My ears started to ring, my vision blurred as a panic attack threatened to encompass me. My heart skyrocketed as Hershel's body collapsed to the ground beside me.

I immediately jerked out of Daniel's grasp as the gunfire that ensued had given me the opportunity I needed and I swore I saw a red flare being shot into the air.

My wobbly knees buckled and I hit the ground next to Hershel, my hands gently grasping his head and turning it to face me. His eyes were void of life and his mouth was slack. A feeling of despair welled up within my belly, accompanied by rage and shock.

My hands were slick with something and I realized with a start it was Hershel's blood. 

No, not Hershel. This couldn't be happening. 

Tears threatened to overflow from her green eyes and a small sob escaped my lips.

The next thing that happened could only be explained as utter chaos. The warehouse next to the house blew up and the entire place engulfed in flames. I couldn't hear Maggie's screams anymore, my ears were still ringing and then I was jerked up off the ground roughly, startled beyond comprehension.

"You're coming with me." Daniel's voice seethed as he grabbed me and I struggled in his grasp, kicking and screaming at him as the gunfire around us continued. He wrenched open the door of a Jeep and shoved me into the driver seat.

He was pushing me over towards the passenger seat, over the console and I could only think of one thing.

I'm NOT driving off with him.

My body reacted and I leaned my back against the passenger door and started to kick him repeatedly, screaming at the top of my lungs at him.

His gun dropped to the floorboard of the driver seat and I twisted towards the door handle, wrenching it open and falling out on the ground backwards.

I groaned in pain at hitting my elbows upon the ground so roughly, but I righted myself and flipped over, attempting to get to my feet until sharp pain came across my head as my hair was pulled.

"You bitch!" His voice was at an all-time high and he drug me towards the house, hair first, and I screamed at the pain and rage. He pulled me up and instinctively I tried to claw at his hands as they held my hair, my scalp on fire from his pulling.

Daniel dragged me into the house, and I screamed out a half groan and half guttural cry of anger and hate once more. Not only did I not know what was going on out there, but walkers would come soon. They would hear the gunfire and be attracted to the explosion. This place was going to get surrounded.

Not a moment later, heavy boots came tearing up the porch and Daniel whipped around, pulling me in front of him again as a shield. He was drawing farther back into the kitchen area near the back door of the house.

Daryl and Rick both came charging in like a pair of bulls. Rick's revolver was out and pointed at Daniel. Daryl's rifle was slung over his shoulder and his bow and arrow was drawn and dangerously pointed at Daniel.

I knew one person in this room wasn't going to make it out alive.

And I prayed that person was Daniel.

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