The Day We Fell Apart (Part I)

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Theme Song: "Not Gonna Die" - Skillet

My heart hammered in my chest and the adrenaline surged through my veins at the sight of the fight before us. The walkers were crowding the quad and Tyrese, Victoria, Michonne and Hershel could be seen. Carol, T-Dog and the others couldn't be seen at all. I felt my chest constrict as Rick yelled for the kids and Glenn and Maggie started yelling at Hershel, who was fighting his ass off.

Walkers were everywhere. We were going to have utilize every person here to take them out. Why the hell were the gates left open? I couldn't ponder these questions for too long. The only thing I could do was protect the others. Kill the walkers. Kill them all. I didn't even look back to Daryl, I had to keep moving and I trusted he was on my heels.

We came upon the quad and a group of walkers started to turn around as they heard and smelled our presence. There were six of them and everyone launched their assault at once. Rick shot one in the head and Daryl was already popping an arrow into one and removing it quickly. I pushed off the concrete and lunged at a walker woman in her mid-twenties who was moaning terribly. My sickle hit the brain and she was out cold upon the concrete.

Maggie and Glenn finished the rest with swift blows. "Carl, Judith!" Rick's voice rang out among the crowd and I grabbed at Glenn and Maggie to get their attention.

"We have to get the gates locked back up before more come." I looked towards the woods and a good ten more were already pushing past the forest line and heading our way. Glenn wasted no time back tracking and locking the gate. "Cover him and we'll keep clearing." Rick ordered and Maggie nodded bravely.

Maggie hung back to cover Glenn as he was defenseless with his back turned. Rick turned to Daryl and I and shouted, "Clear this area, we have to get these before they enter the prison!" I nodded dutifully and Rick continued on forging a path and clearing walkers as he could.

I heard a shout and saw that Tyrese had fallen upon the ground and one of the walkers had fallen with him. As I ran I heard Daryl yelling after me, but I continued and came upon the walker as it mashed its teeth at Ty's face. "I got ya'!" I yelled as I jammed the sickle into the side of the walker's head.

Tyrese quickly climbed out from under and I helped him to his feet. He gave me a curt nod before saying insistently, "We can't find Lizzie!" I froze, but recovered quickly as I said as positive as I could, "We'll find her, let's keep moving!"

We both split up to take on more of the walkers and I felt my bottom lip tremble at the thought of one of the young ones getting bit. It then turned into rage and I used it to propel me along the fight.

I heard a gunshot go off and not a split second later I felt the breeze that blew by my hair and the walker that was inches from my back was taken down. I jerked my head towards the watch tower and saw Sasha with her sniper rifle. She quickly gave me the thumbs up. I shot her a greatful smile before I turned back towards the quad and the sounds of gunshots could be heard intermittently from Rick's revolver and Sasha's rifle.

There was no way out of this other than using fire power mixed with our weapons. We ran back into the fray and sliced and diced our way towards the prison doors and I noticed Rick was nearing the door. My limbs started burning from over exertion, but I continued my assault. This was what I trained for, all the lunges and running back and forth across the quad. It was what they all trained for.

I ducked quickly under a walker as he tried to wrap me in a not so friendly bear hug. I turned on my heel to stab it in the head. Except, my sickle got stuck. No, I messed up! I hadn't hit him in the temple!

I knew from my training that temple shots were easier for the blade to slice through. My adrenaline shot through the roof and I started to jerk at his head with panic coursing through me. Hard headed son of a bitch!

Another walker came up quickly in front of the walker I was wrestling with and he didn't stop, he just ambled along and bumped into his dead walker buddy. The force of being pushed had me tripping backwards. All three of us went down and I was stuck at the bottom of a walker sandwich. This was not happening.

I screamed out as I continued to wrestle my sickle free while I used my other hand to try and swipe at the walker who was alive on top of the dead one. He was mashing his teeth in a terrifying way and trying to get to my free arm that was whipping about to try and stab him. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

My heart beat wildly and I started to try and shimmy my way out from underneath them, but they were literally dead weight. An arrow landed in the live walkers head the moment I thought I wasn't going to be able to get up and out of the situation.


I tried to crane my head on the ground to see where Daryl was, but he was already beside me. He kicked the walkers off of me and he pulled me to my feet. I quickly grabbed the sickle from the dead one and pulled with all my might. It released with a sickening sound. I looked to Daryl with relief, my heart beating away like a drum in my ears.

For the briefest moment I saw pure terror in his eyes as he scanned my body and arms for bites. Without saying a word he spoke volumes with his eyes. I shook my head vehemently, "No, I'm good Daryl. It's okay, Let's find the others and keep goin'!" He nodded and I saw him take a relieved breath.

The two of us continued into the fray closer to the cellblock door that led to our beds. The walkers were so close to that door..too damn close for comfort. They were right outside the place we rested their heads. Rick was clearing a path with Michonne and Tyrese was now using his automatic rifle to take out the others while his girlfriend, Victoria, was stabbing heads back to back.

I ran to aid Michonne and Rick and started to launch my assault against two that were coming too close to the cellblock doors. Daryl shouldered his cross bow and started to use his hunting knife. He nudged me quickly and pointed towards the gates that were now locked.

Glenn and Maggie surprise attacked some of the walkers that had their backs turned to them. Glenn grabbed Maggie's hand and they made their way towards the watch tower Sasha was in. "COVER THEM!" I yelled up to Sasha. She wasted no time in sniping a few stray walkers that came close to Maggie and Glenn.

Hershel was breathing heavily, but for an old man he was holding his own. I watched as one came behind Hershel at a threateningly fast pace. "Hershel!" I screamed out and he turned quickly just in time to jab his knife into the walker woman's head, but not before struggling with her for a few seconds.

I looked to Michonne breathlesy, "Carl and the others?" Michonne sliced a head off of one before looking to me, Rick and Daryl. "Inside! Judith is with Carol and Carl." I narrowed my brows and noticed she didn't mention T-Dog, but before I could holler out and ask her my attention was turned back towards the quad.

The walkers were falling rapidly and more gunshots rang out now from above. I smiled widely with a triumphant gleam in my eyes as Maggie, Glenn and Sasha started to take them out with headshots. All three were a force to be reckoned with and that gave us ground crew time to clean up the strays.

Michonne motioned for me to follow her, so I did. A few walkers started to round the corner on the far right side of the prison and Daryl nodded towards them as he started running that way, "Leave these assholes to me!' He shouted as he disappeared from view. I trusted him enough take them out, but I didn't like the way my gut twisted with worry for him.

I saw the small group that Michonne was talking about and while Michonne cut their heads off, I was making sure my sickles hit the temples. I was breathing heavily now, but continued on, not even caring about the sweat dripping down my brows and my face.

Michonne's back was to mine and we squared off against a few remaining stragglers while Rick was using his machete to take out the last ones with Tyrese and Victoria. I swiped at an older walker and my sickle accidentally connected with his throat. Dirty, old blood poured from his neck and I grimaced before aiming for his temple. The sickle hit the softest point and sunk in perfectly.

I was able to pull it out quickly and when I looked back up to a walker  that was coming near me, it dropped to the ground before I could hit her. Behind the dead walker was Hershel with a small little smirk on his lips at his kill. "Hershel, you badass." He quirked a smile at me.

I smiled back, nodding my head in thanks, and noticed that all the walkers were dead. We actually did it! My smile was bright as the door to the cellblock opened cautiously. Carol stepped out with a haunted look upon her face and my smile immediately fell.

"Carol!" I shouted as Rick turned towards the door with a relieved look on his face as she held Judith in her arms and Carl was beside her. Carl had a gun in his hands and Rick was already crossing the expanse towards the three of them with Michonne and myself in tow behind him. Rick hugged them all tightly and Carl looked to Rick and smiled sadly before saying, "I protected them."

It didn't go unnoticed to me and Michonne that Carol looked like she had been crying. I immediately enveloped Carol in a hug as Rick had taken Judith, "Carol, what happened?" She sniffed and looked towards the kids and then looked back towards us.

"T-Dog, he-he saved us." My face fell at the use of his name in the past tense and the fact that she was tearing up. Michonne and Rick gave each other looks and Rick looked away with a deep sadness in his eyes.


I looked back towards the corner that he had rounded and I realized he had not come back. I was about to rush over there, but the next voice stopped me in my tracks, "Where's Lizzie?"

Tyrese and Victoria were now ambling up to Carol and us. I noticed Tyrese's eyes were wild as Sasha and the others were climbing down the watch tower. Carol shook her head sadly, "Tyrese, I'm so sorry. I lost her through the chaos. She ran off down the cellblock and I didn't even know what way she went-"

Tyrese made a deep guttural cry as he started to head into the cellblock to look for her, but a figure came rounding the corner of the prison where we had all last seen him. Rick grabbed Tyrese's arm and jerked him back while saying with a significantly relieved tone, "Daryl's got her!" Oh thank goodness.

However, as Daryl got closer it was apparent he was trembling, his head bowed in clear defeat. Her body was lolling like a rag doll. It was almost like she she was dead. No!

My heart shattered into a million pieces as he got closer and we all realized with sickening shock settling into our guts that Lizzie was no longer alive.

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