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Theme Song:

Up The Wolves - The Mountain Goats


We walked for a long while until it was time to set up camp and everyone plopped down quickly as the soles of our feet ached from walking for so long.

Daryl started to set up without being asked and Calvin helped, while I started to get a few foods out of the bags to set up something for us to eat.

We had only spotted one lone walker in the wooded area we set up at, but Calvin quickly took care of it and subdued the teeth mashing fiend.

By the time we got situated it was already early dusk, not quite dark, but it was getting there.

Daryl sat with his arms wrapped around his legs, his blue eyes staring at me with an intensity that turned my cheeks red.

I looked away quickly and bit my lip, shifting uncomfortably.

"This can't be the rest of forever."

Calvin whispered lightly while eating the remainder of his canned goods.

He sat to my right and I turned to acknowledge him.

Calvin then blew out a breath and Daryl arched a brow, "Gonna' 'ave to be good 'nuff for now, kid."

I placed my chin on my knees and bit my lower lip in thought and spoke up.

"I just don't think the entire world is dead. Most, maybe, but I just don't believe human beings didn't get smart and build safe places. There has to be more than the one we're trying to find."

Everyone was silent as I spoke and Calvin nodded, "Big wigs are probably sittin' pretty in a bunker."

I smiled sadly, "Or they aren't. All the money in the world can't prepare you for this."

Calvin held my gaze before wrapping his own arms around his legs.

He was a chatterbox tonight and I had deduced he didn't like complete silence.

"Wonder what those preppers are doing now? Ya' know, the crazy one's that they showed on TV all the time? I wonder-"

Daryl dropped his arms from around his legs and shushed Calvin.

He stopped ramblimg immediately and Daryl squinted as if he was trying to see something, but I realized he was trying to listen to something.

I mouthed to Daryl silently, Walkers?

He shook his head once and I strained to hear as well and then I heard it; the sound of voices.

Gruff voices, a small, yet shrill cry and I tensed visibly. Calvin heard it too because he froze and looked from Daryl to me and back to Daryl.

Everyone became silent, but Daryl quickly jerked his head towards the sound and we all grabbed our stuff, weapons drawn.

Silently we crept through the forest only to stop in our tracks on the edge of the forest line where it opened up to a less wooded area.

There was a truck parked and voices could be heard from behind the truck.

Daryl looked to us, "Stay 'ere."

I reared my head back at his words.

"The hell I am." I whispered fiercely.

He already had his bow drawn and ready to shoot a bolt out at any hesitation.

He grimaced and Calvin held his handgun up in a silent gesture that meant he was coming too.

Daryl relented, but he eyed me warily until he nodded his head towards the back of the truck.

He didn't have to tell us to keep quiet, we knew.

The three of us crept on tiptoes to the back end of the truck and our hearts hammered wildly.

I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins and a faint sheen of sweat could be seen trickling down the side of Calvin's head.

He was breathing rapidly and I put my finger to my lips and Calvin nodded.

None of us wanted to risk peeking out from behind the truck as the voices were now right beside us.

Daryl looked like he was about to make a snap decision...that is until a voice sounded out that made Daryl and myself both look at one another in revulsion.

The claimed group. The hillbillies.

My stomach turned and I sneered lightly before mouthing, Kill them.

Daryl didn't nod, but I could read his eyes very clearly.

And he knew we were about to open fire on these sons of bitches because whoever they were talking to it didn't sound good.

Someone could be in trouble..

A sobbing could be heard and then a nasty, deep laugh.

My eyes widened as the sobbing sounded like.. no it couldn't be..

Without hesitation, my emotions acted before my head could tell me to stay under cover.

I peered around the side of the truck and a flush of emotions gripped me so tight it almost took my breath away.

Rick..Carl and Michonne!

Daryl pulled me back quickly and I started to feel my heart rate rapidly rising and my entire body shook with adrenaline. I couldn't get the words out fast enough.

My eyes said it all and right as I whispered to Daryl who I saw one of the claimed group members must have heard us.

"The hell.." A deep, sickening twang of a voice rang out and footsteps started to come around towards the back of the truck.

Daryl was quick as lightening and the moment the claimed members' eyes met the three of us behind the truck, Daryl sent a bolt straight to the man's jugular.

Shouts ensued and I could only describe the moment as a chaotic mess.

Daryl and I both bolted out from behind the truck, a gunshot near Rick sounded out piercing the stark quiet night.

There were four men.

One had Carl and I felt a hatred and sickened feeling straight to my core as Carl was face down now on the gravel with a man tugging at his pants.

Daryl pulled the bolt from the claimed member, but another one had already come up on Daryl.

Daryl used the crossbow as a weapon and cold clocked the man with it, sending him to the ground and Daryl on top of him, using his fists to beat the tar out of the hillbilly.

Calvin shot one of the claimed members efficiently in the head and that left the man that was on Carl and another one that was already lunging at me.

I fell back with the man on top of me and I was able to get my boot up into his neck as he started to try and choke me.

"Dumb cunt!" The man roared in frustration.

I reared back with little leverage I could and throat kicked him at a close proximity.

It was enough to make him loosen his grasp on me so I could grab my sickle from my side.

I swung, but missed and he grabbed my wrist with the sickle.

His mistake was yet again another opening for me to lift my leg and kick, which I did with all my strength, but it only pissed the man off.

I heard another gunshot which threw the man off guard for a moment as he looked back behind him at his dead friend that had been fighting with Daryl.

I took my opening and sliced his neck with my sickle, blood poured and he grabbed his neck quickly, choking loudly.

I crawled out from underneath him, his blood soaking my shirt and shorts, but I tried my best not to look at it.

I looked up as Daryl shot a bolt into the back of the man's head that had attacked me.

When he lowered the bow he took in my bloodied clothes and I shook my head lightly to reassure him it wasn't my blood.

Calvin was lowering his gun hesitantly as the area was littered with debris and dust kicked up from the gravel.

Everyone was dead and as the dust settled I watched as Carl got up, his arms around Rick.

The man that had been on top of Carl was on the ground, blood spilling from a knife wound from underneath his chin.

Sick bastard

The big hillbilly that was their leader was on the ground dead a little ways away. His neck bleeding out.

Rick was hugging Carl fiercely, their silent sobs could be seen as their shoulders shook with emotion.


Michonne's voice called out as the dust settled and her swords were sheathed instantly as Rick looked just as shocked and stunned as they all did.

I felt my heart flip flop and my bottom lip trembled from the emotions coursing through my body.

Michonne slowly walked to me and then she was wrapping me into a fierce hug.

My tears flowed unabashedly and Michonne pulled me close, patting my head and then pulling back to look at me.


I shrugged lightly, "It's a long story, but we're here now."

Michonne hugged me again and I didn't care who was watching, I wiped the tears from my eyes until I looked over at Rick and Carl, who were still stunned to silence.

Rick looked at the three of us as he spoke, "You..."

He was shocked, his baby blue eyes taking us in until his eyes lit up and his smiled broadened.

He looked slightly aged, but not by much. He had a beard, but it only made him look grizzlier, which wasn't a bad thing.

However, his mouth was ringed red with blood and I realized quickly that the man on the ground, the leader, had a neck wound.

Without saying it aloud I made the correlation that Rick had bit the man's throat out.

What a man would do to protect his son...

Rick walked up to Daryl and he clapped Daryl on the back. Daryl did the same and even I could see the relief in their eyes at seeing each other again.

They were best friends after all.

I smiled and Rick walked right up to me and without asking he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"So glad you guys made it out."

At his words, I sobbed into his jacket. He rubbed my back in a fatherly way and I took in every ounce of him.

All this time we had been searching for the safe place and now we had stumbled upon some of the others.

Rick pulled back slightly.

"Hey, it's alright now, Vicki. We're together again."

"You came back for me and Juno." My voice cracked slightly.

"There was never another option, Vicki. We're family."

I bit my bottom lip and Rick touched my cheek in a comforting way before turning to Carl who was still sniffling lightly.

He looked like he had experienced a traumatic situation, but to be fair..the kid had.

No one said anything about it, but Carl looked mentally drained.

His eyes were still alight with fright, but upon seeing Daryl and me he looked more relieved.

Calvin even got a pat on the shoulder from Michonne who was gleaming her pearly whites in relieved happiness.

Rick took in the scene around them and relief sank into all our bones.

"Thank you.." Rick looked at each of us and I nodded as did Daryl and Calvin.

"Had a run in with 'em ourselves. Nasty group of bastards."

Daryl muttered before kicking one of their bodies as if they were vermin.

Shortly after, everyone agreed to set up there for the night as it quickly approached and started to turn dark right after the altercation.

I looked down at my clothes and grimaced at the stained blood, but that was the least of my concerns.

"Ya' alright?" Daryl asked as he came up to me, lightly touching my elbow and I nodded.

Daryl nodded curtly and then I looked down at one of the dead guys.

"Good riddance." I murmured, sneering lightly at their bodies.

There were some people that had to die in this kind of world. And these were those types of people.

They went around hurting other people without remorse. They would have killed Rick and Michonne and done God knows what to Carl.

Daryl grunted in agreement before adding, "Claimed my ass."

Michonne, Carl and Calvin got set up inside the truck where Michonne had promised Rick she would stay with Carl until he fell asleep.

I kissed the top of Carl's head as he started to fall asleep and Michonne smiled lightly at me.

"Glad you're here."

I nodded appreciatively at her words, feeling the same as Michonne felt.

I hesitated then asked, "Anyone else?"

Michonne shook her head sadly and pain gripped my heart as I realized Judith was gone as well...who knows where Carol and Tyrese were at.

I felt my bottom lip tremble, but I stopped myself from crying.

I stepped out of the truck, giving Calvin a sleepy smile and then closed the door quietly behind me.

Rick sat against the truck, his hands trembling slightly and Daryl had already sat down beside him.

I made my way around the truck and sat beside Daryl as he offered Rick the red handkerchief.

Rick took it, but he seemed to not know what to do with it, so he just held it in his hands.

There was silence for a while and I yawned quietly to myself, overwhelming emotions took over me.

As the night descended on us I knew I needed to try and get a minute of sleep before the morning came.

I looked to Daryl and he shifted slightly, putting both his legs out in front of him as I scooted down the truck, got into a laying position and plopped my head down on his lap.

All of it happened naturally and once I was comfortable I looked up at Rick as he stared ahead into the darkness.

I couldn't even imagine what he was feeling right now. He seemed lost in thought, but the atmosphere was considerably less thick.

If anything, I felt relaxed..comfortable and at an ease I hadn't felt since the prison. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

We're all back together..

As dawn came, Rick looked over at Daryl and then down at Vicki who was sleeping peacefully.

Daryl shifted his gaze towards Rick and then down at Vicki. Rick smiled lightly, "Ya'll been together the whole time?"

Daryl nodded curtly and Rick saw the way he averted his eyes from Rick.

"Found the kid not long after. He'd been runnin' from those sons of bitches."

Rick didn't say anything at this and swallowed thickly before looking back at Daryl who was now looking guilty.

"If I'd known what they were capable of.." He looked to Rick with regret in hia eyes.

Rick shrugged lightly, "None of ya'll knew this was going to happen. Just glad they're dead now."

Daryl nodded lightly before Rick looked over at Daryl with a meaningful gleam in his eyes.

"You're my brother."

His words hit Daryl straight in the heart.

Regardless if Merle was still out there, Daryl knew he had a deep connection with Rick that not even Merle could touch.

Merle was blood, but Rick was family.

Deep down even Daryl knew the difference.

Daryl nodded lightly, and looked away as the sentimental notion made him feel awkward, but pleasant all at the same time.

"Ain't seen anyone else?" Daryl asked hesitantly and Rick frowned, shaking his head.

Daryl realized that included baby Judith.

Little Ass Kicker

"M'sorry man."

Rick nodded quickly and looked away as a stray tear fell down his cheek and both their heavy hearts kept them silent the rest of the morning.

As dawn crept up, Vicki stirred lightly.

Rick looked down at her and then up at Daryl, his brows furrowed lightly and Daryl shrugged his shoulders sheepishly.

Rick smiled and it was one of those moments where neither of them had to say anything.

Rick also knew Daryl had a deep connection with Vicki and he knew it since the prison.

Daryl knew that Rick knew, but no one said anything about it.

Rick smiled at his best friend and placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed in a brotherly way.

The two talked amongst themselves for a bit and they came to the conclusion that they would keep heading towards the safe place.

As the sun rose, everyone stirred and Rick decided everyone should move out and to continue towards their destination.

When I was awake, my hands rubbed my yes as I stood in the circle with the others who smiled brightly, a renewed sense of purpose was evident in the group.

Rick looked at all of us and then I snuck a glance at Michonne who was looking at Rick with a twinkle in her eyes.

"We keep going. Together."

Rick spoke earnestly like the leader he was, looking at everyone with hope, courage and perseverance.

That hopeful gleam seemed to sparkle in everyone's eyes and even Daryl seemed more at ease than he had before.

I felt hopeful more people were out there from Juno.

Carl nudged my shoulder playfully and I took his hat and placed it on my head. He reached up to take it back quickly with a laugh and I ruffled his hair before he put the hat back on.

As everyone walked I fell into step with Daryl. I nudged him lightly and he grunted in response.

"You've been kind of ignoring me.."

I trailed off while making sure we weren't within earshot of the others.

Calvin walked with Carl while Rick and Michonne walked together upfront, everyone talking amongst themselves.

Daryl blew out a breath, "Ain't ignorin' ya'."

I gave him a look.

"Sounds like the same thing you said back at the prison, but you were definitely ignoring me then too."

There was long moment of silence as Daryl bit his thumbnail, then proceeded to look down as his long thick locks covered his eyes.

He looked up at me and finally muttered, "Jus' ain't ready to talk 'bout it yet, alright?"

I bit her lower lip and nodded in understanding. I wouldn't push him because I knew how Daryl was.

I also knew where we stood and Daryl had all but admitted his feelings for me already, especially with the kiss.

My green eyes lit up playful as I said coyly, "Talk about what?"

He looked to me with furrowed brows and nudged me lightly.

Daryl then looked down at my fading blood stains.

"I'll change later." I murmured quietly.

"It ain't yer color." Daryl remarked with a smirk.

I couldn't help but let out a breathy laugh.

"Yeah, you might be right about that."

There was a playfulness that fell over us and I knew a lot of it had to do with finding the others.

We were more at ease now than we had been in weeks and I couldn't be more grateful for finding part of our family.

After a beat I looked to Daryl and whispered, "I don't regret it though...the kiss. Do you?"

I snuck a glance to Daryl and he gazed at me in a serious way before shaking his head, "Hell nah. Ain't regret nuttin'."

It was then we smiled at one another at the same time and I looked down to our hands that drifted dangerously close.

I wanted more than anything to grab it, but I didn't. I'd respect his space, especially in front of the others.

"It was on my bucket list, you know.."

He looked at me bashfully, "Ya still got tha' thing?"

"Up here." I pointed to my head and smiked sheepishly.

He huffed, "What's next on tha' list?"

"To do it again.."

He made a pfft noise and shook his head while I giggled quietly to myself.

"We're going to be okay, right?" I asked hesitantly.

Daryl nodded, "Yeah, Red. We're gonna be alright."

We walked for a beat longer before Daryl added, "So long as you don't keep bein' a pain in my ass."

I laughed lightly to myself, shaking my head while shrugging sheepishly.

"Oh, Daryl knew what you signed up for the moment you became my friend."

I flashed my pearly whites and he grinned, slowly at first but then it became wider.

Wider than I'd ever seen it.

"Guess yer' right.." He admitted with a smirk.

As we walked towards our destination, I had never felt so alive since the fall of Juno and everyone getting separated.

Something had been missing and even I knew Daryl had felt it all those weeks we spent without Rick or anyone else.

These people were more than just a close knit group of friends..we were family. And it meant all the more that we had found each other again.

I had a feeling deep in my bones that we were all going to be okay.

The family was partly back together and it was more than I could have ever dreamed of.

And as long as we had one another..nothing could ever stop us.


Author's Note: Pretty sure I cried a little writing this chapter. Just thinking how much Rick, Carl and Michonne mean to she started alone, Rick found her..took her in..and then everything went to hell after Juno..losing that family structure was so emotional for her, as well as Daryl. And now all my bbys are back together. 😭❤ Please stay tuned for an author update in the next chapter. This is where I will end Book 1

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