Anime Is Real.

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Forgetting everything in favor of the food, I pull off my bags of stuff and grab my borrowing pouch from the very top of the pile, slinging the strap over my shoulder. Max does likewise with his bags, and I tie them together and then to a nail protruding from the wall so they won't blow away in a gust of AC induced wind.

I tie on a cloth around my mouth and help Max with his. Then slipping from the slats of the vents, him and I climb down onto the top of a cabinet thick with dust. It billows up around our feet like snow, but doesn't make us cough because of the cloths. Stealth and Speed is of the essence for us borrowers. Get in, get out.

Example: Once my dad and I had to go help Max, he had broken his ankle while borrowing. You could see it had hurt him, but he had run from the middle of the room to underneath a cabinet where we found him with part of his shirt ripped off and balled in his mouth so he wouldn't cry and be discovered.

Then, after I check to make sure that there's nobody that'll come in while we're off guard, I signal Max to come over with sign language. He nods, 'Ok, I'll be there in a sec, I just want to check something out.' Nodding, I turn my sights back to the ramen, any fears leaving my mind in an instant. Ramen was light, lasted forever, tasted great, was rich in fats and carbs, and a rarity. I had to get some.

Hooking the paperclip hook of my climbing rope onto the edge of the cabinet, I tie a tight borrower knot to keep it on my belt. Then I slowly lower myself, keeping in the shadows of the cabinet. I'm lucky that the wood is dark oak, it would be a nightmare to have to deal with bright white cabinets.

I see Max lowering himself onto a shelf near me, an open chocolate bar the object of his attention. Touching down myself, I sling my pack from my back and unfasten the button, which, contrary to popular belief, isn't one we've borrowed. See, the big ones are the size of plates. You don't use plate sized buttons on your bag. Our buttons we make ourselves. Example: We use carved bone or wood instead.

Max removes the hook as soon as he gets to the shelf, and I frown, he should have just untied his knot. He needs to learn how to tie a proper one, I'll teach him when we get to the new house.

Pulling out a shred of tissue paper, I lean into the ramen packet and pull out a few chunks, wrapping them up. Pulling off a tiny piece of noodle, I pop it in my mouth and chew slowly, savoring the crunchy, slightly salty flavor. Then the slightest sound catches my attention, and I turn to see a shadow pool through the kitchen door. Shit.

Getting up, I run to the fruit bowl and hide behind it, heart racing like a hummingbirds. Max has seen the shadow as well, and he glances desperately at me, stranded on the shelf. He knows he's doomed, I can see it in his eyes. He lifts the chocolate bar and attempts to shield himself to no avail. The monster has seen him.

She lets out a noise of shock, and dashes over to the shelf, lifting the bar. Max cowers in the corner, and she plucks him up, gaping at him. Her single eye wide as a saucer, she grins, pointed teeth winking. Max trembles, and I want to walk over and stab her in the jugular vein so she turns to dust.


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