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Jungkooks POV

Jimin and I walked to his house which was in the opposite direction to Taehyungs.

"Jungkook" Jimin said.

"Mhm?" I hummed in response.

"When you meet my parents. Don't tell the rest of our friends about them please" Jimin said shyly as we headed up to what must be his apartment building.

"Um alright" I answered.

We went into the lobby of their apartment and walked up a flight of stairs and Jimin unlocked the door.

"I haven't brought a friend over before so they may think you are my boyfriend just as a prior warning" Jimin said before walking inside.

I walked in after Jimin nodding.

His house was less fancy then Taehyungs however it looked very cozy and comfortable.

"Ma Ma. Where are you?" Jimin shouted.

"In our bedroom" I heard a women's voice shout.

"I brought my friend over" Jimin said and instantly a women came from around the corner.

"Hi I'm Jimins mother" she said smiling at me.

"I'm Jungkook" I said slightly shyly.

"Kook you can put your things down by the door" Jimin said.

"Quickly come! Jimin brought his friend over!" The lady said excitedly.

She then pulled over another lady by her hand.

There fingers intertwining. 

"Jungkook these are my parents" Jimin said nervously.

I bowed.

"Its nice to meet you" I said.

"Ah so polite" One of Jimins mother's said.

Then one of Jimins mother's came over and hugged his son.

"So you two aren't dating are you?" She asked curiously.

Jimin started blushing.

"Oh no" I said shaking my head.

"Ma I'm not gay" Jimin whined.

"Right sorry. Pansexual is similar in a way" His mother said making Jimin blush worse looking at me.

"Your Pansexual!?" Jungkook said shocked.

"Yes. I didn't really want to tell you that yet" Jimin said and his mother let go of Jimin and started apologizing on repeat.

"At least your parents know" I said.

"You haven't told them that your gay yet?" Jimin asked shocked.

"Woah he's gay!" Jimins parents said almost excitedly.

"For god sakes. Let's chat in my bedroom so we have some privacy. Please leave us alone" Jimin said holding onto my wrist and leading me into a bedroom.

Jimin closed the door.

"Wait so on the day I asked you. You just didn't feel comfortable telling me?" I asked Jimin.

Jimin sat down on his bed and I sat down next to him.

"Yea. I mean. I guess I didn't want you to know that I wasn't fully straight, like the fact I am pulled by a persons personality may pull you off faking a thing going on with me ya know" Jimin said.

"And it's something you want to do?" I questioned.

"Yes. I wouldn't know who to take to the formal otherwise and your nice. Plus I like helping you" Jimin said chuckling.

"That's true. You do" I said.

"And you haven't told your parents your gay yet?" Jimin asked me.

"No. I'm scared to be rejected by them you know" I said looking down.

"I understand. It was way easier telling my parents as they are lesbian so I understand it's hard for you" Jimin said and I nodded.

"Now. What did you and Tae talk about earlier?" I asked looking at Jimin.

"I can't actually tell you that" Jimin said.

"What Why!?" I questioned.

"I said I wouldn't tell you. However if you ask him. He may tell you because I have given him permission to tell you, just I refuse so I don't get on his bad side" Jimin answered.

"However before you ask. He didn't suck my dick to make me happy. Just he had a lot to explain which made sense to me but if he tells you. Please stay calm and hear him out" Jimin said.

I nodded still clueless.

"So you don't have a crush on anyone then?" I asked curiously waving my eyebrows.

"God I knew that question was coming. Yes I do, I have a crush on two people" Jimin said smiling.

"Fuck yes. Please tell" I said sitting to face Jimin on his bed.

Jimin did the same blushing a lot.

"Okay well I have had a crush on Yoongi. However I know something is going on between Hoseok and Yoongi so I back away from them" Jimin said.

I nodded.

"And the other person?" I asked.

He then took a deep breath.

"Is it Taehyung?" I questioned.

"No... it's kind of... you" Jimin said.

His cheeks were a rosy pink.

"Me!?" I asked shocked.

He nodded.

"I am only being honest. Don't make it seem like we ever need to be something because you do like Taehyung okay?" Jimin said.

I nodded my eyes wide in shock.

"Is that why you wanted to take me to the formal? Also because you like me?" I asked Jimin.

He nodded.

"I do like you. But I also like you as a friend so I wouldn't feel any bad feelings if you got with Taehyung. Just seriously don't tell Taehyung that because he will kill me if he actually knows I am interested in you. Plus you probably don't see me in that way anyways" Jimin said.

"Ah actually. Since we have gotten closer I have seen you slightly more in that way. Like I have noticed that I don't actually mind hugging you or being close to you because you are extremely handsome and have a very nice personality" I said making Jimins face go bright red.

"Woah really!?" Jimin asked.

I nodded.

"Basically if things don't work out with Tae and I. I would definitely consider being more then friends with you. Like once my heart is off Tae because I think I wouldn't mind you" I said.

Jimin smiled.

"Okay. Sounds good" he said.

"Just definitely don't tell the others I'm pansexual. I don't want Taehyung knowing mostly" Jimin said.

"I kind of want him to think I'm gay if I take you to the formal tomorrow because then it's easier for him to get jealous over me if he thinks I'm not straight or just semi like anyone" Jimin said.

I nodded.

"Are you going to get your suit tomorrow?" Jimin asked me.

"Yep. I'm going with Hoseok" I said.

"Ah nice. I'm going with Jin" Jimin said.

"And apparently Namjoon and Yoongi are going with Taehyung" Jimin said which I nodded about.

"I'm excited for tomorrow" I said to Jimin who grinned.

"Same" he answered.

I then checked the time.

"I probably should get going to Taehyungs" I said.

Jimin stood up when I did and grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms and he gave me a hug.

"Good luck" Jimin said looking up at me.

I smiled.

"Thanks" I said.

We both then looked at each other's eyes a bit to long.

I watched Jimins eyes fall to my lips which made my heart race.

No... Just no.... He's not Taehyung!!!

I then let go of Jimin.

"I will see you tomorrow Jiminie" I said to him opening his bedroom door.

Jimin breathed heavily.

"See you tomorrow Kook" Jimin said.

The thing is, now that I know Jimin likes me and is pansexual. I am scared to get to flirty and close to him because he's not Taehyung. He's not the person I want... and I don't want to break his heart...

(Hello. Please comment and vote. Also follow me on wattpad and on Instagram if you don't already. Information for my Instagram account is in my bio on wattpad.

What do we think of Jimin liking Jungkook? Do we think there's going to be some betrayal and heart break!? What if Jungkook falls in love with Jimin from flirting and getting closer to him...?

What do we think is gonna happen!?


Also they are dope. Tho I don't know how I feel about Haechans hair tbh. Looks like it's covering his eyes to much in one shot. But eh.

Also credit to picture owners but the rest is rights reserved to me. Just like my other chapters.

That's all for now. I hope yal are healthy, safe and warm... Byeeee :)

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