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Third person POV

"Are you sure you want to go ahead with this plan. It could break both Jungkook and Taehyungs heart" a female said.

"So. Who cares. Taehyung had his eyes on me before Jungkook swooped in and took him from me. Jungkook deserves pay back. And Taehyung needs to see who he really should be with" Another female spoke.

Jungkooks POV

I walked into my form class on Monday morning.

But regretted even walking inside the room.

Because a female sat on Taehyungs desk facing him.

She was in a short dress so I knew he probably could see her underwear which really fucked me off.

I walked over to Jimin and sat down.

"Good morning" Jimin said to me however I didn't answer.

I felt to fucked off that I couldn't just go lift the women sitting on Taehyungs desk in front of him because she could claim I touched her inapropritly so therefore I wasn't in the mood for falling to anyone.

But a second later Taehyung appeared beside me and he sat down in my lap facing me while pressing his head against my chest.

My heart burst.

Maybe Taehyung really does want to make us work...

I smiled feeling his body in my arms.

This is the first time Taehyung has done anything with me in front of people at school since kissing me on the prom night.

"Jungkook I think the girls in this class are planning stuff to break us up" Taehyung whispered to me.

"Really!?" I said shocked.

"Yes. She just sat on my desk wearing thongs and tried to flirt with me. As well as I noticed one of the girls slip something into your locker so just be careful when you go to your locker. But I sense something fishy going on. And I don't like it" Taehyung said whispering to me now looking at my face.

I nodded agreeing.

"How was having sex with Hoseok by the way?" Taehyung said smirking at Jimin.

Jimin smiled.

"I was waiting for that question to be brought up. It was actually really good" Jimin said.

"Why was it really good?" I asked him.

"Um Hoseok is very fit. So has a stunning body from his job profession. As well as he is very good at placing his hands on your body and he looks pretty hot when he starts sweating. And Hoseok with messy hair is just the definition of hot" Jimin said.

"First time having sex with a male?" Taehyung asked him.

"Yes but Hoseok doesn't know that" Jimin said blushing lightly.

"Did you enjoy it more then fucking a pussy?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm not sure. It was definetely different. However I did enjoy it. Was a different kind of pleasure" Jimin answered.

"Ah so you were the bottom" I said chuckling to him.

"You are a bottom too Kook" Jimin whined.

"Haha aye. Just drink some alcohol with Hoseok. By the end... Bottom's Up... Like literally your ass while be up when he starts giving you his dick" Taehyung said.

Jimin laughed.

"That may work for you both, but I'm fine having sober sex where I don't drink down to the bottom of a beer just to lift my ass in the air" Jimin said.

We laughed.

Then our music teacher came inside.

Jimin moved seats to go work with his partner for their song.

Jimin was working with a girl in the class named Jieo.

She had short black hair and always wore way to much eye liner.

She may be pretty emo looking but she has a nice voice. Just apparently she is a bit useless as a partner.

At least that's what Jimin has said.

Taehyung stayed sitting on my lap instead of taking Jimins seat.

I wrapped my arms around Taehyungs waist.

Taehyungs eyes glazed around the classroom.

"I think I know who's trying to break us up" Taehyung whispered to me.

"You do?" I asked Taehyung surprised.

"Yes. I think Catlines behind this. She keeps looking at me and wanted to date me a few weeks before we got together after I fucked her. I think only for her popularity status did she want to date me though" Taehyung said.

"Why didn't you date her?" I asked him.

"Two reasons. One, she may be pleasing to the eye but I ain't dumb that she would try and use me and the fact she doesn't actually care about me. And two, I already had my heart set on the love of my life. I didn't want to be with anyone but you" he said looking into my eyes.

"Awww that's so sweet Tae" I said smiling.

He smiled back.

"God I want to kiss you right now" Taehyung whined.

"Shall we go to the closet?" I said smirking at him.

"Damn... I really am a bad influence on you" Taehyung said smiling widely.

"Let's do it after we tell our music teacher about our song" Taehyung said as the teacher walked over to Yoongi and Hoseok who sat behind Taehyung and I.

I nodded in response.

We presented our information to our teacher then I asked half way through the convosation to go 'toilet' and when Taehyung was done talking to the teacher he also left to go 'toilet'

I went straight to the janitors closet in the library.

I sat down waiting for Taehyung to arrive.

My legs were crossed and I had the glow from my phone creating light in the dark closet.

Then the door opened exposing a lot of light and Taehyung stepped inside and closed the door so we were in the dark.

Taehyung crouched down before sitting down on my lap.

My hands ran up and down his waist and his hands wrapped around my neck.

Our lips were parted and moist.

I felt Taehyungs soft lips tingle against mine as he kissed me.

His tongue ran around the rim of my lips before going into my mouth.

Taehyungs hands ran through my hair creating sparking feelings.

I craved Taehyungs touch so I feel such a relief to be able to kiss him like this alone at school.

"Come back to mine later" Taehyung said eagerly before starting to kiss down my face to my neck.

"I will" I answered as Taehyung left love bites all over my neck.

Taehyung tightly wrapped his arms around me so our bodies were close.

I could feel his boner in his pants which drove me mad.

I softly moaned as he sucked and sucked on my neck.

"Kookie we should probably head back to class" Taehyung said to me.

"True" I said feeling horny.

"You go back first and I will stay here for a bit and then go grab my stuff" Taehyung said to me.

I nodded as we both stood up.

He passionately kissed my lips a few more times and ran his hand along my dick inside my pants and underwear to tease me before opening the door for me.

I left and headed back to class.

But for some reason... Taehyung didn't come back to music class to collect his bag. Nor did he come to English class... And he hasn't texted me... is Taehyung in trouble? Or is he fucking another girl because I made him horny?

You will find out more in the next chapter!

(Helloooo. I hope you liked this chapter. Please comment, vote and follow me on wattpad. As well as ok Instagram. My details are in my wattpad bio.

Also add this book to your library if your enjoying it.

What do you think is happening at the end. Like why isn't Taehyung going back to class? Take a guess!

That's all for now. Stay safe, healthy and warm... unlike me who has a cold... byeeeee :)

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