Chapter 6

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I carefully straiten my Christmas dress, hoping the dark green flannel fabric grazing my toes will be suitable for those in town who still call me savage. I hold up the solitary candle sitting on the dresser and check that my long black braid is still pinned in place in Peeta's shaving mirror as I struggle to tie on the blue straw poke bonnet I got as a wedding gift. But try as I may, I can't seem to get it tied tight without twisting it out of place. I hear the door open and turn to see my husband walk in.

"I'm just about ready," I say. "If I could just get this cursed bonnet on." He chuckles and walks over to me.

"Here, let me help," I turn to face him and he carefully ties the black ribbon beneath my chin. He tucks a piece of my hair back under it and smiles at me.

"You look lovely, my darling," he says making me blush.

"You sure I'm suitable?" I ask and he laughs.

"For me, you'd be suitable in buckskin and eagle feathers," he says making me smile.

"Well maybe we will see that day someday soon," I say and he offers his arm to me so he can escort me to church. I take it and allow him to take me outside but he doesn't lead me right to the church. Instead, he starts leading me to the barn behind our little house. He opens the door and turns to me.

"Close your eyes," he says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I have your Christmas present out here and I want it to be a surprise," he says smiling. "Now close them." I just stare for a moment, but when he doesn't move, I roll my eyes and cover them with my hands. I hear him moving around in front of me and then hoofbeats join his footsteps in font of me.

"Can I open them yet?" I ask. "We'll be late if we dilly dally much longer." He just laughs and I feel his hand gently remove mine from my face. I smile as I see my present. "Oh Peeta, he's gorgeous!"

Standing obediently beside Peeta is a beautiful blue roan Indian pony. His darling brown eyes shine like fresh coffee beans and his thick black mane and tail turns red at the ends like a flame. I reach my hand out and stroke his snout. He shakes his mane and flicks his tail. On his back is a red and black handwoven riding blanket.

"Before you ask, no, he didn't cost a cent," Peeta says. "I did some work for the Cherokee on the Reservation and they gave me him as payment. And I know how much you said you loved ridding on the Reservation so I figured, why not?" I wrap my arms around Peeta's neck and hug him.

"Thank you so much! I love him!" I say.

"You're welcome," he says. "Would you like to ride him to church?" I look over at the spry little colt and then to Peeta. There is no way we could possible both sit on his back without hurting him.

"What about you?" I ask. He just shrugs.

"We were gonna walk anyway," he says and then I walk over to the side of the horse. Peeta scoops me up as though I weigh nothing and set me on the colt's back. He takes the leather rope around the pony's neck and very slowly, so I don't fall off, Peeta walks and I ride to church. We stop outside it and Peeta ties off the rope while I slide off his back. Peeta takes my hand and leads me into church beside him.

We sit together near the back and listen to the service, singing the carols and watching the children as Paster Dillion hands them cookies and peppermint stick candy. As the service ends, I feel my secret trying to part my lips but I keep them sealed not wanting to tell Peeta around so many people. We are ushered out and at the door, Paster Dillion shakes our hands. He dips his hat to me and smiles at me.

"You look lovely tonight Mrs. Mellark," he comments and I nod in gratitude.

"Thank you Paster," I say and he bids us goodbye. Peeta helps me into my pony and starts taking me home. He smiles at me as he helps me down and I follow him into the barn. He puts the colt away into the stall with Little Cloud and she gives him a strange look, as though not entirely thrilled to be sharing her room. I hear a bleat and look over into Sceeter's pen where Flint hops around just as she did at a few hours old, her little budding horns shining off the lantern. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look over to Peeta and lay my head on his shoulder.

"That was nice," I say.

"Yeah," he says.

"Does he have a name?" I ask.

"I can't pronounce it," he says and I laugh at him.

"Just try," I say and he starts trying but it's just not working so I shake my head.

"I'm sure you'd know what it meant if I could say it," he says defeatedly.

"That's okay," I say. "We'll just call him Rocky." I watch as he feeds the stock and then follow him into the house. He hangs up his coat and then takes mine from me. I smile at him and carefully start unbuckling my shoes, putting them by the fire.

"I'm sorry, but your present's gonna be late," I say. "It won't get here until long after Christmas."

"That's okay Katniss, you don't have to get anything," he says and I feel his arms around my waist. "You're present enough for a life time." I feel a blush rising to my cheeks but I shake my head.

"Well you are getting it wether you want a gift or not," I say. "I can't really take it back. But it won't be here until Late July, maybe early August." He gets a puzzled look on his face, not really processing what I said.

"Late July or early August?" Peeta says. "Katniss, what are you talking about?" I just smile at him shaking my head.

"It's not hard," I say. "Just try to take a moment and think it over."

"Just tell me, Jay," he says and I smile at his use of my Cherokee nickname.

"I'm carrying your baby silly," I say laughing. "You watch me like a hawk. I'm surprised you hadn't noticed by now." Shock crosses his face and my smile falls. "You do want this right?" He reaches out and touches me as though I'm fragile as glass and pulls me into his arms.

"Of course I do," he says pulling me into a kiss which I return happily, feeling extremely relieved. "I don't think I could be happier right now, Jay Song." I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart as he holds me, reminding myself however scared I may be of all this, he will be at my side.

But that doesn't stop me from being terrified.

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