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What if...things were different?

"Your Majesty, how can we put the tables and chairs?" a servant asked.

Taeyong hummed as he looked around their grand hall for tonight's New Year's Ever party, "We can place them just on the sides so we can have the middle for dancing."

"Will do, your Majesty," he bowed before he walked away and started doing what he was asked to.

Another servant came to ask something to the royal member, "Pardon me, your Majesty. The cooks have already dished out some samples for tonight's dinner. Will you do the honors of tasting?"

Taeyong nodded and smiled, "Of course," then he followed his royal servant to their kitchen, "Has Jaehyun arrived from the meeting?"

"Yes, your Majesty. He is waiting for you to taste the food with him."

The omega nodded. They went into the kitchen to see everyone working hard for tonight. Taeyong was greeted by the people inside and he did greet back sweetly, bowing in the process as well. He isn't the royal family's sweetheart and most beloved highness for nothing.

"My love."

Taeyong looked up front and ran up to hug his husband after him being gone for a few hours. Jaehyun hugged back and gave him a peck on the lips.

"How were you?" Taeyong asked.

"I'm fine. How about you and children?" Jaehyun asked back.

"They're playing in their rooms. They're also excited for the party tonight," the omega answered.

"You're busy with the arrangements again, I heard. I told you that they can handle it. You should take some rest," the alpha uttered as he was slicing on the samples that were plated infront of them.

Taeyong took a utensil and cuts on the same dish as well, "They need my opinions, my love. Also, you should say that to yourself."

"But you were busy with the bakery as well," Jaehyun took a bite on the dish before he goes in to another one.

"There's nothing to worry about. I closed the bakery for today so let me help, please?"

The omega looked at his husband with pleading puppy eyes and a pout. The alpha looked back at him with an unamused expression.

"You think you can get a yes from because you said please and using your puppy eyes on me?"

"Please?" Taeyong said again.

Jaehyun took a deep sigh, "Yes, yes you can get a yes from me just by doing that."

"Thank you!"

The omega hugged the alpha and kissed him on the cheek. Jaehyun hummed and ate another bite.

"Go ahead before I change my mind."

"No, you won't."

"Your Majesty, the King has been waiting for you. Are you done?"

Taeyong took a last glance at him infront of the mirror before he stood and walked towards the door.

"Of course. Are the children done as well?" he answered as he straightened his white suit he wore with black slacks.

It wasn't new for him to wear something flashy like this, his top was filled with gold beads and dainty jewels, but he can't possibly get used to it. He's still the simple boy that lived normally and owned a humble bakery. Jaehyun didn't force him to it, Taeyong just embarrassed how his lifestyle changed after his alpha became the King.

"Yes, your Majesty. The Queen has been looking out for them," the royal servant uttered.

"I will go and meet the King after I get children. Please tell him I'm on my way," Taeyong said.

"Of course, your Majesty."

Then the servant walked to where the grand ballroom is. Taeyong goes to his children's room, knocking on the door and opened it to see them all dressed with Jaehyun's mother. Taeyong bowed infront of her and smiled.

"Jaehyun's looking for us, mother. Is everyone ready?" the omega asked.

The Queen nodded and stood from the bed she was seating on. Taeyong looked at his children who saw him and immediately ran up to him.

"Papa, is River coming?" Blue asked, the oldest out of the three.

Taeyong nodded, "Yes, of course. Your uncles have brought him with them."

"Can I go and meet him, papa?"

"Wait for us, young man. You have to greet your father first."

The omega grabbed their middle child's hand, Grey, and lets the Queen to carry their youngest, Ruby, who looked cute in her pink dress. They walked down the hallway, on their way to the grand ballroom and was greeted by many royalties and heads of the lands. Taeyong and the Queen greeted them back as they made their way to where the King was.

Jaehyun stood immaculately as he spoke to some people he invited. He wore a dark blue suit which has the same design as his husband's but his has more gold jewels and a crown on top of his head. When the alpha saw his family, he excused himself and warmly smiled at them.

"What took every one of you so long?" Jaehyun asked. He kissed his mother on the cheek while he pecked on Taeyong's lips next. He greeted his children as well.

"Father, can I go and meet River?" Blue asked again.

The alpha nodded, "Of course. You can find them at the first table to your right. Both of you be careful. Okay, Blue?"

"Of course, father!"

Then Blue ran to where the table was.

"The party is about to start. Let me handle the children," the Queen insisted.

Taeyong handed Grey over so they could go seat on their own table. Both him and Jaehyun walked up to where the small stage they have for their thrones. They stood infront to finally started the New Year's Eve ball.

"Happy New Year!"

They cheered with bottle of champagnes getting opened at the same time, letting the foam ooze out. Glasses were poured and cheered with their glasses bumping against each other's. Taeyong cheered with Jaehyun before they drank their champagnes.

After that, lively music came in by the orchestra which made the royal dancers to come in and perform their dance for the royal family.

"Is your family here? I haven't seen them," Jaehyun asked while they were seated on their thrones.

"My family attended their own kingdom's celebration. I might visit them later when I wake up," Taeyong answered, "Johnny and his family did leave early to attend."

"The children and I will come with you. We can have a small gathering," the alpha said.

The omega smiled, "My family would love that. They haven't seen Ruby."

"I'm sure your mother already knitted her a sweater."

All of them have handmade sweaters from Taeyong's mother. It was comfortable and Jaehyun would literally wear it despite having other clothing that was given to him by other royal families. It was very sweet of her and their children does like their grandmother very much.

After a few minutes, the dance was finished and received an applause from the audience inside the ballroom. Then the host announced that the floor is open. Jaehyun suddenly stood and handed a hand to his husband.

"Is this going to be the year that you will give me the chance to let me dance with you?" Jaehyun asked.

The omega has never said a yes from that question. His excuse would always be because he hates attention.

Taeyong hummed, "Since you've always been kind to me, gave me everything even though I didn't ask for it and loved me, I'll give you a chance."

The alpha furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait...Are you serious?"

The omega stood and nodded before he held his husband's hand, "But not here."

Taeyong then pulled Jaehyun away from the crowd. Both of them made their way to the balcony. The alpha was a bit puzzled as to why they are there. The omega just smiled warmly at him.

"I will dance with you but I want it here."

Jaehyun looked surprise which made the omega to giggle.

"I just want to be with you alone, no one else," the omega added.

"I won't interfere if you wanted this."

Taeyong moved closer to him and placed his hands on Jaehyun's shoulders, while he lets Jaehyun hold him by the waist. They were chest against chest as they swayed slowly along the muffled music from the inside and the cold breeze touching them.

Taeyong has his forehead against the junction of Jaehyun's neck and shoulder. Jaehyun's cheek against the omega's head. They felt their heartbeats beating and has smiles on their faces.

"Have I told you how beautiful you looked tonight?" Jaehyun asked softly.

The omega chuckled, "You did just now and you said that a million times already."

"You deserve to hear it every day. You deserve happiness and loyalty. I vowed to serve and love you, and I won't get tired of it, Taeyong."

Taeyong'ssmile became wider, "I will always be here by your side, through thick andthin. You never gave up on me and I want to treat you what you deserve as well.My heart and soul will always pick you...Even in the afterlife, my love."

A/N: why did it hurt for me?? this hurt me idk why but it's fine if it didn't hurt you

Love lots ♥

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