twenty seven

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The next morning, Taeyong woke up to the noise of the guard barging into the room. He sat up and looked around to see the queen coming in. Taeyong immediately stood up but was pinned back down on the bed by the guard. The omega struggled to get out of the tight grasp until the queen spoke.

"Let go of him. We both know he means no harm," she said.

The guard nodded and lets go of Taeyong. The omega furrowed his eyebrows at the man before looking at the lady infront of him and showed a small smile.

"Leave us for a moment, please," she asked the guard who obeyed easily.

As soon as the guard walked out and closed the door, the queen sat down with Taeyong on the bed.

"I already brought what you needed later," she said and pulled out a bottle.

Taeyong suddenly felt nervous about doing it, "I-Is it really safe, your Highness? I'm afraid I'll--"

"These are just sleeping tablets. You need to drink some before going to the trial. Wasn't that our plan, Taeyong?" she asked, "I'll give some to Jaehyun and we'll fool them that both of you were poisoned?"

The omega nodded, "What if you get caught?"

"I doubt it, Taeyong."

"Thank you very much. It means so much to us," Taeyong sincerely said.

The queen smiled, "I just want the best for my son. Now that you're carrying my grandchild, I want both of you to have a wonderful family."

Taeyong couldn't help but cry and hug the queen.

She had everything planned just to help Taeyong and Jaehyun to get out of the kingdom.

After, Taeyong gave a paper--specifically a letter for his lover--to the queen for her to give to the man with the bottle of sleeping tablets. They bid goodbye to each other and now, the queen needs to see her son.

The queen walked through the hallways of the castle. She was just acting casual, acting like she isn't carrying anything for Jaehyun that was from Taeyong. The maids and guards greeted her as she pass by them as she was getting near to the basement.

Suddenly, a maid blocked her path.

"Your Highness," she bowed infront.


"The King is requesting for your presence."

The queen cursed, "I-I'm actually in the middle of something."

"I'm sorry, your Highness, but he wants to see you immediately."

The lady didn't have any choice but to comply to the King's needs. She sighed and goes to where the King is. Maybe she could give the letter and the bottle to Jaehyun after the meeting.

But it was too good to be true.

The night has come and everyone in the kingdom was gathered to witness the trial of their beloved prince with his mate.

Jaehyun came out of his cell with two guards on both sides. His hands are roped to the back as he was led to the field with two guillotines on stage. He felt nervous all of a sudden, but his anger was much stronger than any emotions. His anger for his father was greater than anyone expected.

The man stepped on the stairs until he reached the top of the stage. Eyes of his people were on him, full of pity and worries, but he just gave them a small smile.

To his dismay, the King comes up on stage with his extravagant red cape and gold crown on his head. He gave him a death glare.

"All of you...are here to witness the trial of this man with his mate," he said loudly. He looked at Jaehyun who was gritting his teeth at him. He just put up a smirk, "After this, there will be no prince you will acknowledge."

Jaehyun growled. He wanted to do something bad, against the rules, but things will definitely get worse.

"Put him on the guillotine," the King commanded and the guard complied.

The man was lead to kneel down to out his head onto where the blade will land. He was scared, definitely scared. He won't deny anything but he knew none of these are fair to him and Taeyong.

Speaking of which, where is Taeyong?

"Sire, I have bad news," a guard said that came up on stage. Jaehyun heard and tried listening as they were near him.

"What is it?"

"We think the omega is dead."

The King glared at the guard, he couldn't believe what he said, as well as Jaehyun.

His heart dropped upon hearing the news. His eyes widened and his anger just grew. Someone might've done it to him. His hands turned into fists. The man with the crown goes down the stage, postponing the trial for a while which was Jaehyun's chance.

Jaehyun immediately stood up to fight and knock the guards down, making the people gasping. Jaehyun quickly grabbed the knife from the guard he knocked down to free himself. Then, he immediately jumped out of the stage to run to where Taeyong was.

Arriving at the back part of the castle, he saw guards digging a big hole as others hold the limp body of Taeyong.

...Limp body of Taeyong.

Jaehyun didn't know what came into his mind but he gained his consciousness just to see every guard on the grass with their blood pooling on the ground. His hand with the knife shakes as he saw blood. He was out of his mind just seeing Taeyong limp on the ground and was ready to be buried.

The man dropped to his knees to touch the limp body infront of him. He pulled Taeyong to a hug and Jaehyun didn't know he was already crying. Tears rolled down on his cheek and cried loudly.

"Taeyong...wake up, oh god. Please wake up..."

No response.

Suddenly, he heard guards running to him with rifles in their hands from afar. Jaehyun cursed and hugged Taeyong's body tighter before looking at the knife he was holding. His heart's pace was faster until he made up his mind.

"I'll meet you soon, love..."

Jaehyun kissed Taeyong's forehead before pointing the knife on his chest. Until he buried the blade into his chest, he dropped down.


Just seconds passed, Taeyong's eyes fluttered open slowly. He heard running which made him sat up and saw guns pointed at him. He looked around nervously until he saw the body beside him. He was horrified as tears filled his eyes. Taeyong couldn't believe seeing Jaehyun's dead.

"J-Jaehyun...J-Jae?" Taeyong called softly as he caressed his cold cheek. His heart broke into million pieces.

"Hands up or we'll shoot!"

Taeyong froze and didn't move an inch. He was infuriating. Seeing his mate dead just made everything in his mind shutdown. He just stood up and glared at the guards. He put his hands up with his teeth gritted. He doesn't what he was doing but he knew he couldn't live anymore without Jaehyun by his side.

"Shoot me! I dare you!" Taeyong shouted but none could do it.

"I said shoot--"

A shot of a bullet was heard and a body dropped to the ground.

Taeyong laid down the ground, lifeless with Jaehyun. Blood pooled on the ground and it was staining the grass. But the King wasn't bothered about it. He put the gun away after he shot the omega directly through the head.

"Clear the area. Report to everyone and to the omega's family, they are dead. Close and burn down the boulangerie. I don't want any remnants of Jaehyun and the omega are left. And I don't want anyone to talk about this...ever again. Do you understand?"

The guard nodded, "Yes, sire."

A/N: truly broke my heart while writing this

might not be a happy ending you guys are looking for but i tried to make the story unique from my past stories

hope you guys still appreciate the story and thank you for waiting for the chapters!

new story soon!!

(there's still an epilogue tho, i'll update tomorrow)

Love lots ♥

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