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Daniel Brando Boyce.
235 Lbs.
Blondish Brown hair.
Hazel Green eyes.
Signature(s): Swinging Neckbreaker, Swinging Oklahoma Side Slam.
Finisher(s): Crippler Cross-face, Spinning Brainbuster.
Theme: 'Till I Collapse' by Eminem.

Growing up in Los Angeles and on the streets of San Francisco. Daniel never knew anything but the way and rules of the streets. He graduated high school which was tough when you live in shelters,youth hostels, etc. But when he graduated, he started hanging out with his gang full time.
One night he was told to meet with the gang at an abandoned warehouse and when he arrived, he was surrounded by Simon the gang leader, Lyla his girl a beautiful brunette, Thomas the gangs pet clown and chief snitch, and a couple of enforcers.
After he was accused of getting Lyla pregnant which was not true as it was Thomas that knocked her up.
By the end of it, Lyla laid dying, Simon, Thomas and the enforcers fled leaving with Daniel holding Lyla in his arms and after she died, Daniel ran away from his past and never looked back.
Years later, Karrion Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux discovered him at an indie event in Detroit in late 2020 and brought him to the attention of Paul Levesque and he was impressed by the kids ruthless, no nonsense, in your face, smash mouth style. He let him make his debut the night after Money In The Bank 2021. It wasn't until the October 10, 2022 he met newly returned WWE interviewer Cathy Kelley. After he won the United States Championship in a fatal four way.
That's where our story begins...

Q/M: "Old business is old business and new business is new business and this is new business and we do not discuss new business until. (Licks fingers and speeds to a date in his calendar that says 'NEXT QUARTER') Next quarter." -Gomez Addams. The Addams Family.

Hometown: The Pit of Despair, California. (Another name for the streets of San Francisco and Los Angeles)
Residence: Zimmerman, Minnesota.

Birthday: October 13, 1991.
Age: 30 years old.

Love Interest: Cathy Kelley.



September 22, 2015.

I was told to meet Simon, Thomas, and a few others in an a warehouse and when he arrived he found himself surrounded by a couple of goons that proceeded to beat the hell out me.

Thirty minutes into the beating Simon stopped them and went on to accuse me for getting Lyla pregnant. And I didn't. Simon pulled a gun and patted his thigh with the barrel.
"I trusted you. And this how repay me. Knocking up my girl." Simon said
"Don't Simon. He didn't sleep with me." Lyla told him.
"Thomas said he did. Which is why your pregnant." I was laying on the floor of the warehouse the gang used as a base of operations. Simon spent a few hours beating the shit out of me.
"No. Daniel didn't do anything. Thomas was the one that got me pregnant."
"Well, I believe Thomas than him. I've seen the way he looks at you. Like your already his and I'm just keeping you warm until he takes over."
"I. I don't want to take over." I spat blood on the ground.
"Get him up." The goons that did everything Simon told them including beat the living shit out of me grabbed my arms as Simon pulled a gun. "Well, it's been fun. But time for you to go Daniel." He cocked the hammer and pointed it at my head.
"Simon no. I won't let you kill him." Lyla snapped at him.
"Well, it's not up to you." Lyla jumped in the way of the bullet as it left the gun.
"No!!!" She screamed as she jumped in front of the bullet. Taking it in the chest.
"No. Lyla." I jerked myself free and slid next to her. "Lyla. How could you do something so stupid?"
"It wasn't." She grinned before coughing up blood.
"Then why?"
"Your meant for much better things than, to stay in this city." I bowed my head.
"But why would you save me?" I asked her.
"You weren't the only one with secret feelings." I sat up straight to see her smile. "Oh, Daniel, I'm starting to feel. Cold."
Simon and his cronies had fled as the cops were on their way. "Your gonna be fine. Lyla. Your gonna be just fine."
"No. And much to my fear. Neither is my baby." She held my hand as I felt death nearing. "But I'll be okay. As will you be. Just promise to not forget me."
"I promise." I kissed her hand as she coughed twice.
"I love you, Daniel."
"I love you more, Lyla." And before too long. She was gone. The police showed up but I was half way out of the building. When I was far enough away. I stopped and just leaned against a wall and slid down until I was sitting on the cold concrete. I sat there for what seemed like hours crying my eyes out. Once daylight came I ran to a garage I've been to before and after saying that I was in need of a hospital. Andrew who was part of the same gang I was. Handed me the keys and I just drove away. Never looking back.

October 31, 2020 8:00 p.m. Detroit, Michigan.
I was arriving in my locker room for the event tonight. I had just finished my match when a knock came to the door and I answered it and found Karrion Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux. People who I've looked up to ever since getting into the business.
"Just saw your match. You got potential kid." Karrion grinned.
"And we'd to help you get out of these events and onto the big time. And make actual money to actually live on. Maybe make some friends like us who will always have your back." Scarlett added.
"We might be able to help you get you a tryout. That is if your interested?" Karrion offered.
I thought about it and seeing as it's been six to seven years since I ran from my former life of a gang member, leaving everything I knew behind with the help of Duncan an old friend who was a mechanic. And from headlines Simon was sentenced to life without parole for Lyla's murder. And I believe Thomas was killed in a convenience store robbery gone wrong. So I had nothing to lose really so, "I'd appreciate it guys."
"What hotel are you staying at currently?" Karrion asked.
"None. I sleep in my car." I told them honestly.
"Karrion?" She gestured to the hallway as she and Karrion left me alone as i continued to get ready to leave. 'Why don't we let him stay in our room on the couch for tonight as we call Hunter and arrange for a tryout?'
'As long as it's just until we arrange the tryout. Then he can stay in his own room.' Karrion grinned as they came back into the room.
"How about you stay in me and Karrion's room, on the couch while we arrange the tryout?" Scarlett asked.
"Sounds good." I replied. I grabbed my bags and left the event with them.

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