Chapter 2

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(In any other circumstance I would use Finan's accent. But I find it rather difficult. So yes, he has an accent in the book. But I will not write it all the time as I find it very time consuming to make sure it is correct.) 

"My sister here tells me you have taken Uhtred." Ragnar spoke as he continued on. "I will kill every one of you if you think you will harm a hair on my sister." Ragnar spoke as Guthred thought for a moment before calling off his men and Ragnar sheathed his sword. He gently grabbed his sister's hand. "Uhtred is lost." Guthred spoke lies as Ragnar leaned back to hear it from his sister.

"They sold him to slavery brother. I did not know until I returned from hunting." She whispered swiftly to him as he gently kissed her head. "My sister says otherwise." She shifted on her feet with narrowed eyes. "Your sister is a pagan whore." Valdis quickly pulled Ragnar back hoping he would leave it be. Guthred and the priest walked away as Ragnar grabbed Valdis face in his hands.

"I have been looking for you, my sister." He spoke softly as she nodded. "As I you. But we must go now." She was determined to find Uhtred. "Grab what you need." She nodded as she began saddling her horse as Sihtric began loading his horse before stopping and making his way over to her. 

He gently wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her temple before holding her face in his hands. "We will find him my love." He spoke reassuringly as he missed the death glares from Ragnar as he watched them silently. 

"I know it's just. After this war, after everything. What do you want to do? Where would you want to go?" She asked as the surprise on his face was evident. "Well, I would like to marry you." He spoke softly trailing kisses along her neck as she killed. "Have a few children with you. Possibly even die with you." 

She pulled him in for a gentle kiss with a small smile as she nodded in agreement. Her life was so much death she wasn't sure when she would get this much happiness. But she didn't want to lose it. "I go wherever you go my love." He spoke softly as he rested his head against hers for a moment and kissing her forehead before they both go on their respective horses. With Valdis riding beside Ragnar and Sihtric not far behind him.

The rode in silence before Ragnar couldn't take it anymore. "He treats you well?" He realized his words sounded a bit threatening as she glanced over at him with a small smile. "He does." She glanced behind her to see a smile and Sihtric's face.

"He makes you happy. Provides you with what you wish?" Ragnar had to be certain this man wouldn't hurt his sister. He could tell they weren't married. But it was clear that there was a lot of trust between the two. "I don't remember the last time I was as happy as I am with him. He would follow me to Valhalla if I asked."

Ragnar sighed for a moment before nodding. he wouldn't kill him. Yet. The rest of the ride was silent as they finally arrived at the slave trade. Which they greeted by a man. They removed themselves from their horses as Valdis had a good hold on the hilt of her sword as she walked beside Ragnar.

"You are Jonis?" Ragnar asked as Valdis watched him closely. Jonis nodded in response as Ragnar rested his hands on his belt. "I am told you took a man, a warrior, from Guthred of Eoferwic." Valdis studied him silently waiting for a lie to appear as the man was nervous. "I see the faces of many creatures."

"He's lying." Valdis concluded. She could tell his nervous movements he knew exactly of whom we spoke. "I will pay you." The man seems to agree. "A warrior slave, called himself Osbert. A man with him." Valdis glanced at her brother with a small nod. They began to set up camp not far from the beach getting comfortable. 

Sihtric sat behind Valdis as she sat in front of the fire across from her brother. Sihtric gently kissed the back of her head with a small smile. He wasn't aware that in the coming months. His world would be snatched from him. "Sihtric, come collect firewood with me." Ragnar spoke as he finished stabbing into the ground with his sword.

Sihtric glanced down a Valdis with a nervous look before following after Ragnar. Once they got gar enough Ragnar pushed Sihtric against a tree with is sword against his neck. "You love my sister?" Ragnar spoke with a narrowed look. Sihtric breathed heavily as he felt the cool metal against his throat. "With all my heart, my lord." 

"And if she were to tell you tomorrow that she had fallen for another, would you allow her to go?" Ragnar knew that Valdis couldn't control her heart. She never could even when it came to men. He learned that very early on. He didn't know if she would continue to love him or swoon for another.

"She was my friend before Lord. If it need be. I can be that man again. She is her own woman. A strong one at that. She doesn't need my permission to do what she wishes with her life. Only her own. I swore my loyalty to her. Always. Even if we weren't together that vow would still stand." Sihtric spoke truthfully as he could clearly see he was just a concerned brother.

Ragnar watched him for a moment before releasing him. "Your good for her Sihtric. But you ever hurt her in any way. It won't be me or Uhtred you must worry about. But her." Ragnar walked back to camp with Sihtric following. Valdis glanced at them with a frown. "You forgot the wood." She knew what Ragnar was up to. He could never leave her alone long. 

Sihtric grunted as he resumed his spot behind her as she laid her head against him tiredly. He smiled softly down at her. Ragnar's question began to flood his brain. Has she spoken to her brother about leaving him? He already knew the answer. She was a bold woman. If she had something to say she would say it to him.

What concerned him though. Was the thought he may one day haft to give her up to another. Which he did not wish. But if it came to it. He would let her go. For she would never leave him. Not truly anyways. He watched her fall asleep with a smile on her face as he glanced up at Ragnar. Receiving a small nod from him which he returned. This was going to be a serious battle.


It had been many weeks until they received word that the man who bought Uhtred had returned. Valdis swinged her sword around on her horse as she had waited for this. To spill blood once again. Valdis began killing the few men that surrounded the area as the others soon joined her. She easily and skillfully cut into a man's throat before swinging her body around and kneeling to avoid the sword swung over her head as she cut it deeply into the man's stomach.

By the time the carnage has ceased. Blood was splattered along her body as she glanced over at her brother who was crying on Ragnar's shoulder. She was surprised as she had not seen him cry often. Sihtric made his way over to her checking her for injuries before she noticed the blood coming from his arm. 

She sighed as they moved not far and made a campfire. She glanced over at the man who was a slave alongside her brother. Who had taken a sword from the ground and shoved it into his salve owner's throat. She was impressed as he seemed incredibly exhausted and tired. It was silently as Valdis began cutting Uhtred's hair. It didn't take her long before a voice broke through the silence.

"If you wouldn't mind my lady, could you cut mine aswell?" Valdis glanced over at him with a small smile before making her way around and begin cutting his hair. "The names Finan." He spoke as she finished.

"I am Valdis, I will try not to take offence to you calling me lady. For I am not such thing." She smiled as Finan nodding silently as Valdis made her way to sit beside Sihtric and begin sewing up his wound. "I'm guessing Ragnar has given you the brother speech?" Uhtred spoke as he gestured between Sihtric and Valdis.

"More like brother threat." Sihtric stated as Valdis smacked the back of his head. "What the hell Valdis?" Sihtric grumbled rubbing the back of his head. "One for getting injured. Two for thinking that you would get away without Uhtred or Ragnar giving you the talk." She smiled softly kissing his cheek once she finished as they both sat against a log with his arm around her shoulders. 

"Northumbia is torn. Aelfric did not come to Guthred's side. Erik and Sigefrid and Kjartan: they do as they please." Valdis looked up at Ragnar for a moment. "Valdis have you heard anything from Erik or Sigefrid?" Uhtred asked her as she nodded silently. "They keep in touch as they always have." 

She stared into the fine as she refused to meet Ragnar's gaze. It was quiet for a moment as Ragnar glanced between Uhtred and Valdis. She couldn't help but shake her head and sigh. "Alfred sent us. I believe the King of Wessex cares for you." It was silent once again until Finan spoke. "Your Uhtred's brother and sister?" Finan asked Ragnar.

"We are." Ragnar answered before smiling towards me. "You look nothing like each other. You and Lady-" He stopped once he saw Valdis raised brow with a small smile. His Irish accent showing thick through the conversation. "Forgive me. Valdis look alike. But not Uhtred." 

"Are you, his brother?" Ragnar asked. "We are bound, I would say." Ragnar smirked as he glanced over at me. "My sister always says that." They all glanced to Valdis who stared into the fire. "We are bound to those who with we share blood. We are bound to those who with we spill blood. We are bound to those who with we bleed." She spoke softly glancing up at Uhtred as he was still refusing to eat.

"Finan, Uhtred you do not eat I will shove my sword up your ass and see how long it takes you to pull it out." Sihtric chuckled beside her as a single glare from her shut him up. "No offence Uhtred, your sister scares me." Finan spoke with a smile before grabbing a bite of the food that was given to him.

Uhtred still refused as Valdis stood up and grabbed her sword before storming off. "She as a lot on her plate. With Guthred hunting her and trying to find you. She's in a bind." Ragnar spoke as Uhtred gave him a confused look. "The meaning of her name scares them. They believe she has come to take their soul."

Finan glanced at the girl as she stood near the water and trained with her sword. "Why would Valdis scare them?" Sihtric sighed glancing over his shoulder as he beloved. "Valdis in our homeland means The goddess of death." Finan could understand their fear. And after her fighting today he would confirm it. But he did not believe she should be killed for a name she was given.

"Are you not going to spar with her again?" Hild asked with a small smirk as Sihtric immediately shook his head. "Last time I did that, I feared for my life. Ragnar's turn." Sihtric smirked as Ragnar sighed before making his way over to his sister. "Do you think we can trust him? The Irishman? I know you were reading him like an open book." 

Valdis shook her head as she looked out at the ocean. "We can trust him yes. But he is not easy to read. It infuriates me. Makes me curious." She spoke looking over at her brother as they got in their fighting stance and sparred for a few hours before returning to camp and falling asleep with the others.

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