Chapter Five

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After, what seemed like the most wonderful and surprisingly normal date ever, he brought me back to his hotel room. I didn't get a chance to ask anything as he had us sit and eat our dinner straight away, refusing to mention the contract in anyway. It's frustrating as I am just itching to get it out of the way, but then I remember how he has allowed himself to be vulnerable around me. It's so rare for a guy to do that and it means so much to me that he did. I've been able to learn more about him today, on a much deeper level than before.

After we finish eating, one of the waiters come to Noah's room and cleans everything up, leaving only our half empty bottle of wine. Thank god for my good alcohol tolerance. When that is over and done with, we finally sit closer to each-other on the sofa with his contract in front of us.

"So, what is it exactly you want to discuss? It must be quite the amount as I see even the first page has a lot of red ink on it," he points with his eyes. I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not, but I presume the latter.

"S-sorry, I just need everything to be made crystal clear."

"Of-course, as it should be, I need you to perfectly understand what you are getting yourself into."

I try to offer him a reluctant smile, but it comes out more uneasy. I have been waiting for this moment the entire day, why am I being so hesitant all of a sudden?

"Whenever you're ready Mia."

I look down at the contract, red ink scribbled angrily all over the printed words. I think I was more angry reading this the first time than I am now.

"Okay, so firstly I'd like to discuss clause 3- diet and exercise." I look up at him and he is simply waiting eagerly, urging me to continue.

"Why are they there? I don't like the idea that you'd put me on-on a caloric number every single day a-and having to exercise everyday with the exception of the weekend ... I don't enjoy other people telling me what to do with my food and I like cooking myself, so I don't see the point of having a personal chef if I decide to go to California with you."

"They are there not because I want to restrict what type of food you eat, if you want sushi, you can have it, you want a slice of chocolate cake, you can have it too, I do it so that I know you eat, so I don't have to worry, so that you are healthy and have enough energy for the things I want to do with you."

I gulp loudly, fuck, the things he wants to do with me? How is it that his voice goes a shade deeper just at the right words. I can already feel a swamp of wetness piling in my panties thinking about all sorts of possibilities, but then again what I might be thinking is probably so innocent compared to what he actually wants.

"Tell me, why is it that the clause or even the conversation of food makes you so uncomfortable?" he asks as he himself sits more restfully.

I never really thought about it. I always thought that it was because I can be such a clumsy eater, perhaps there's something more to it.

"You'd be in so much control over things to do with me and my actions, I'd need something that is left just to me, there has been moments in my life, I suppose when I felt out of control, knowing and deciding on what I eat helps to heighten my need for independence."

"And that need for independence, it's important to you?" he asks worriedly. I get the feeling that I am putting him off with my words right now.

"In a way ... I grew up with very strict parents, didn't really have much room for being rebellious so when they moved back to Russia and I was left here, I finally got the freedom that I wanted. I guess I just feel like this kind of relationship is something that will take that away from me."

"Mia," he says my name in such a sweet way. "Us negotiating and discussing all of this right now is putting you in control of the relationship. I may be the dominant, I may want to dictate over you and do things to you, but I can only do that by sticking to the things you allow me to do to you, my job is to push your limits, but not cross them."

I nod trying to get his words through my head. He clearly has experience in this, so he knows what he is talking about. I simply have to trust him, but what if I can't trust myself?

"Okay, I guess I can live with that but what about the exercise?"

"What about it?" he asks sounding perplexed.

"Is it really all that necessary?"


I huff. "I would've thought the fucking would be exercise in itself."

His expression isn't readable to me at first until I watch as his thick eyebrow raises a little then drops. Shifting in his seat he leans a little closer, "Then if I think I fucked you hard enough I'll let you pass on the exercise that day."

My hearts beats out of my chest. Calm down Mia, stand your point.

"I agree to the diet but not the exercise," I say stubbornly.

He deliberated, then picks up a shiny silver fountain pen and scribbles a thin line of blue ink across his version of the contract.

"Agreed, what's next on your list?"

"Since we briefly mentioned it already, about moving back to California with you, surely you can't expect me to just drop my life here and live there with you, a-and I won't even touch on the whole rules of not sleeping in the same bed and how I'd have my own room and personal driver, it's incredibly excessive."

"I don't believe its excessive to make sure you have everything you might need to keep safe," he interrupts, and I frown my eyebrows together.

"I have a life here that I built for myself," I say forcing myself to stop before I let his name spring out of my lips. "It may not be the life you'd want for me, but it's a life that I am living and not so easily swayed to leave it, I have a roommate that relies on me to pay the other half of the rent and I'm supposed to do my master's here after the summer is up."

"Can't you do your master's in California, you'd be able to do everything and anything you want just in a different country," he tries to reason with me.

"I can't," I tell him, but my words make his body grow stiff in all the wrong ways. His shoulders tense up like his muscles are tights and sore and his lips turn into a thin line. Eyes grow a dark muddy brown sending a frightened shiver down my body.

"I don't like long-distanced relationships, I need you to be around me as much as possible," he finally voices.

My chest gets stabbed with a thorn of regret. What am I thinking, of-course he won't like me living in a different country to him. That's the kind of man he appears to be. Snug and possessive, his puzzle piece fitting me perfectly, yet it's the wrong picture trying to invade another.

"Does that mean ... that if I chose to stay even if I sign the contract you won't want this relationship with me?"

He deliberates his answer, looking away, not even taking the smallest little peak at either me or the contract. This reaction alone gives me his answer. This isn't going to work.

"We can try, but with the time zones it won' be easy, you know that? And I'd need you to fly over to me as much as possible, and I'd be coming over to you as often as I can."

I feel my mouth drop to the ground. I did not expect him to say this nor agree to a long-distanced relationship after saying he dislikes them. It's a surprise- a pleasant one at that.

"Next thing on your list Mia," he commands trying to move on from the conversation and I feel perfectly content with it.

"Texting you back, a ten-minute rule?"

"Yes, I don't like waiting and I expect you to answer me as soon as possible."

"But that's an unreasonable time!"

I hold myself back when his expression turns stone cold after I raise my voice at him a little too much. I need to learn to contain my emotions, especially if I want to give this a try, even if just for a few days.

"Then what is a reasonable time?"

"I don't know, three hours."

"Twenty minutes."

Damn he really isn't bulging from this.

"An hour," I suggest.

"Half an hour?" he asks rather than proposes. Odd...

"One hour, unless I text you and tell you I'm too busy and might take longer."

He takes in a big breath, relaxing his shoulders a little. Is he about to give in to my demand?


And he did! Wow! This does feel quite powerful.

"We should really discuss the limits of the contract, do you agree with the hard limits?" he asks flicking the pages of the little booklet to find his place. I stare in adoration. His shirt is clinging to his body, untucked from the waistband of his jeans.

"Right yes, I agree with them, but I would like to add a few other things to it."

"I'm ready to hear them."

I feel myself blush, my cheeks burning as hot as an erupting volcano as I think about the things on that list. It feels more embarrassing saying them out loud than thinking them to myself. Jeez, where did my confidence suddenly go. I was so dedicated to this, researching what certain things do and mean, just for him! Now he makes me startled and pause in my tracks.

"We need to have open and honest communication Mia, there is no room for judgment here, just tell me, so I know what to stay away from when doing things to you."

I take in a breath and exhale, slowly, feeling my lungs expand and shrink, completely out of beat to the rhythm of my heartbeat.

"Ehh fisting, vaginal and anal," I say looking down at the contract and analysing my notes.

"Consider it gone," he strikes it out of the soft limits list. "Anything else?"


He stays silent, like he knows that there's more than those two things on my list.

"A-and chained floggers, clitoral clamps and choking of any kind," I say as fast as I can feeling myself go out of breath.

"What about gag balls?"

"Gag balls?"

Shit, I don't remember what gag balls are.

"Imagine I stuff the panties you are wearing right now into your mouth, it's a similar thing with a gag ball," he says, and it has my heartbeat skyrocketing out of my chest. Jesus, it might as well rip itself out of my ribcage.

Keep it cool Mia!

"I-I'm willing to try it out to see how I like it," I stutter.

"Now, the most important thing, rope, what is your opinions of getting tied up?" he asks hopeful.

Innocent imagines flood my mind with my body covered in rope. Hmm, I wonder what that is like.

"I'd like to try it, but from my research, I'd like not to be hung by rope from the ceiling."

He chuckles at my words, showing me his teeth. Ah, this smile of his is so striking. Whoever said guys are more attractive without a smile on their face were seriously wrong.

"I can live with that, is there anything else you'd like to discuss, anal is a pretty important thing to negotiate."

"It's already in the soft limits so I em I assumed you'd realise that I'm willing to give it a try," I say blushing forty shades of red, I thought about it a few times before but the thought of him taking my anal virginity seems more appealing than it should.

"Anal takes a lot of time to prepare for but it pleases me that you are willing to see how you'd like it," he says with a smile.

I flutter my eyelashes at him as I look away, biting my lip so hard it feels like it is about to bleed. Suddenly his thumb brushes against my heavy lower lip, his eyes staring at them, then he moves away without so much as a breath.

"We still need to discuss aftercare, is there anything specific you'd need from me? There are a few things I always do, to treat any bruises or other marks, but some scenes, they can have a big emotional impact on you."

This is my chance to try and change his mind.

"I'll need you close to me, cuddles I guess, and if I am to stay over, to sleep in the same bed even whenever I end up moving to California."

"Physical closeness, that's important to you?"

"It is."

"I will try my best for you then," he agrees somewhat reluctantly.

Noah then stands to his feet, putting the contract on the coffee table, then reaches to one of the drawers and takes out a blank piece of paper. He begins scribbling something on it, then places it in front of me with his fancy pen waving in front of my face. I look down at what he has written and notice that he has signed the note at the bottom of the page.

"What is this?" I ask looking up at him and taking the pen from his hand.

"Call it a contract to say that we agree to the original and negotiated terms of the contract but that these next few days will be a trial run, you can choose whether you want to sign the main paperwork and continue it before I am due to leave."

"Okay," I whisper and sign my name under his, my clumsy signature ruining his fancy words.

"Do you remember all the rules that I included?" he asks reaching his hands out for me, this time as a gesture for me to take. I put the pen down on the table beside the contracts and slide my fingers into his palms.

"I remember most of them," I reply as his hands clasp mines and tugs, forcing me to stand on my own two feet.

"And do you remember your safe words?"

He grips onto my hands even tighter now, like he is urging me to say the words he wants to hear, but I know what might be happening now. I am not that innocent and god damn I fully fucking consent to getting fucked by this man again.

"Red and yellow," I reply, my throat raspy from excitement.

"Good," he simply says letting go of my hands and instead cups my face.

His lips briefly press against mines, it isn't anything overly passionate but hard, like a thud once our lips clash against each other. Just as quickly he pulls away, his eyes interlocking with mines.

"Last time I made you cum twice, this time I'll make it three."

Holy fucking moly, no one has ever even made me cum twice in a row until him and he already wants to let it happen three times!

"I'm going to make a quick call, you've five minutes to do whatever you need to, then I want you completely naked, standing and facing the bed."

The quick call was just a ploy to give her some time to get herself together and ready for me. I still can't believe I let my limits be pushed so much, it's hard for me to bulge out of my comfort zone, but with her I am willing to give it a try. I don't know why or what it is, but for now all I can think about is her naked body fully submitting to me. Her sweet taste engulfing my nostrils. My dick is already getting hard in my jeans at the thought of it.

When the five minutes are up, I walk up to the closet located in the living room. Walking past the sliding doors to the bedroom I notice that they are left slightly unopened. Did she do that on purpose? I allow myself to take a sneak peek inside and notice her completely obliging my words. Her fingers are fiddling nervously as she awaits. Her shoulders moving up and down more prominently as she takes in deeper breaths. The moles on her back showing as little with her hair being let down, god fucking damn! I can't hesitate to prolong this any longer.

I rush to the closet and grab one of my overnight bags that I brought with me. Thank god I did, my expectations were right and I'm glad I brought my favourite toys with me.

I hold the not too heavy bag in my hand and slide open the bedroom doors, closing them behind me. She is a magnificent sight to behold. I drop the bag to the ground making the thud startle her, but I don't say anything to her. I take off my shirt and drop it next to the bag before walking up to her, pressing my naked torso against her back. Her skin is warmer compared to mines. I like that.

My fingers faintly brush up and down the sides of her silky-smooth arms as I kiss the side of her neck. She gives me easy access at first, letting heavier breaths escape her pretty lips. That is until I deepen the kisses and move them up closer behind her ear, it causes her to squeal a little, giggling while trying to pull away. So, I tighten my grip on her arms, keeping her in place as I press my lips on her neck much harder, sucking with the intention of leaving the faintest of bruises.

Then I stop, overlooking her shoulder at her bare chest moving up and down with each rapid breath she takes.

"You have a beautiful body Mia," I whisper in her ear. "And now it's time to decorate it a little."

I turn her around to face me then go back to the bag I dropped to the ground. I unzip it and take out some rope, simple, plain and a desirable blood red. Hm, one set should be enough for what I plan to do.

"Spread your legs a little for me," I order her, and she obliges immediately without saying a word. Good, I like seeing her this submissive.

I walk up to her again and say, "You will only speak to me if you need to use your safe words or whenever your asked a question, understand?"

"Yes," she emits apprehensively.

"Answer me properly Mia," I demand her submissiveness.

"Yes ... sir."

"Good girl."

Instinctively, I drop down to my knees and untie the neatly wrapped rope. The sound of it hitting the wooden floors will never get old to me. I find the bite of it and loop the tail through it around her mid-thigh. Tugging to create tension, I wrap it around once more before moving it across to her other thigh and wrapping the rope around it. I repeate the process until I'm satisfied and use the remaining rope to create a tight copper coil in the middle of the loose strings between her legs, tie off the ends and voila! A homemade spreader bar.

"Does that feel too tight?" I ask to ensure I am not putting her through too much discomfort for her first time. I snug two of my fingers between her skin and the rope- tight, but not too much, she should be okay with it.

"No ... sir," she replies. There is something constantly holding her back in calling me sir. I don't like it and I plan to figure out what it is that is making her so apprehensive.

I stand back up to my feet and walk around behind her. I'm so glad there is a huge full-length mirror in front of us. I place my palms on her upper arms, rubbing the skin with my thumb.

"I want you to touch yourself, show me how you like to please yourself," I softly command her.

I take a step back and sit down on the bed, my eyes never leaving hers. I can see her perfectly in the mirror like this, but I also get a juicy view of her ass, hmm.

She stares at me in confused anxiety.

"Do as your told Mia, I wouldn't want to punish you already," I say and with those words she very slowly drags her fingers down to the sweet spot between her spread legs. She takes her time trying to find the right spot, but I know just exactly when she does. Her body jolts a little and her mouth opens, breathing out a gust of desire. Her eyes never leave mines as I watch her do this- pleasure herself just for me. This imagine plastered in front of my eyes is making my dick strain in my jeans, so I have to put my hand on it. It takes all the strength in me not to just take it out and stroke myself till I cum.

Once I feel like she has satisfied herself enough, of-course nowhere near to the point of having an orgasm, I stand myself up again walking behind her and take her hand away. I hook my arm underneath both of her arms, grabbing them behind her back and forcing her chest to plop forward a little more. Her nipples harden once my straining hard cock snugly presses between her ass cheeks.

I take two of my fingers and press them against her lips, "Suck."

A simple command. A single word, but she obliges. Not as quickly as I'd like, however...

Her lips wrap around my limbs and she starts bobbing her head slightly, slurping, covering them with her saliva. Once I think they had enough, I stick them out, a drool of her saliva sticking and connecting my fingers to her moist lips. It makes me want to kiss them even more now.

I graze my fingers barley touching her, over her neck and down to her nipples, down to her abdomen and over her pubic hair, stopping and tugging a little making her wince a petite gasp and causing her hips to move backwards. I do it again, grabbing the little hairs and towing, this time a little harder, measuring the same response.

I reward her by moving my slippery fingers lower, pushing past her folds and finding her happy spot. I circle her clit around gently at first, gaging her reaction to my touch. But she seems to like it, oh she seems to like it a lot. Her eyes close and head tilts back and rests against the nook of my neck. I like the fact that she's reacting like this, it makes me feel that she not only wants this but relies on me for her pleasure and that is exactly what I want.

I intensify the pressure and motion of my movement, increasing the rapid engagements of her chest, her breath, her tiny little moans. I do it over and over until she starts to shake a little. I feel her trying to press her legs together.

"You're allowed to cum for me sweet girl," I whisper seductively in her ear and almost right on my command she begins moaning much, much louder. Her hips moving forwards and backwards almost crashing too aggressively against my crotch, but I keep my steady rhythm, only slowly down when her orgasm begins to die down. Before it fully disappears, I withdraw my hand and give her pussy a little slap, she yelps biting down on her lip.

I turn myself around to her front again, drop down to my knees and hungrily allow myself to have a taste of her sweet juices. Everything from the way she smells, and tastes has me wanting her, needing to rig and pleasure her for hours till she can't get out of bed.

I insert two of my fingers inside, her walls squeezing them together almost making it too difficult to move in and out even with the amount of wetness she has right now. My thumb places itself on her clit and my mouth begins to press kisses on her stomach, grazing my teeth against her skin. Her hands grab a hold of my hair and starts pulling. I let her have this moment but before I know it, I feel a source of stickiness coating my fingers and a tightening around them.


"Noah!" she screams out my name and I nearly stop in my tracks ruining her orgasm. I knew I shouldn't have told her my name but by god hearing that come out of her mouth as he comes sounds so fucking sexy. It's not something I ever allowed a previous submissive to do, but perhaps I can make an exception for her to see how I really like it.

Once her orgasm dies down, I take out my fingers and lick them clean, tasting her cum as if it's my favourite desert on the planet.

I stand back up again, grabbing her face and forcing her jaw up and mouth to open. I shove my togue inside forcing her to taste herself. When I pull away, she has the cutest of blushes on the apples of her face.

"I'm sorry," she whispers ashamed.

I know exactly what she is talking about, but I don't want to ruin our scene, I want her to zone out and enjoy the pleasure, not overthink her actions.

"Naughty girl, you only get to cum once I allow you too, what am I gonna do about that huh?"

I graze my thumb against her upper lip then leave her standing there. But not for long, only to go grab another let of rope, undo the fold and let it drop to the ground. I also make sure to grab a hair tie from the back pocket of the bag. She watches every single one of my moves with anticipation.

"Hold the rope for me," I tell her.

She holds out her hands and I place it in her delicate little palms. She examines the rope, her fingers feeling the texture as I gather all of her hair and pull it into a single braid down her back. I don't want any hair getting in the way of this one.

When I'm done, I wrap my arm around her and grab the rope out of her hand, dragging it so she feels the sensations over her hands and the sides of her ribs. I then pull her arms back creating a simple double column on her upper arms. Brining the rope down I repeat the double column knot on her wrists. I've done these knots so many times, but I always make sure to check it's not too tight, ensuring I can slip two fingers between the rope and her skin. with the remining tails, I wrap them over, around and under the rope on her thighs, creating tension and ensuring her hands don't move.

When I am done, I take a step back to admire my work.

"You are god damn magnificent when your bound and helpless like this," I let out.

I press myself against her body one more time, her tied up hands resting perfectly on my crotch and she knows that her fingers urge themselves to dance a little to feel around the hard cock entrapped in my jeans.

That's fucking it.

"Kneel," I order her, helping and urging her body to kneel down to her knees.

I don't hesitate to unzip my jeans and springing my cock free when in front of her. I begin stroking it, my other hand tilting her jaw up a little.

"Open your mouth."

She hesitates, the blush on her cheeks becoming redder than before. She parts her lips a little then closes them again. Licking her lips and looking up at me.

Just as I am about to say something else, she slowly opens her mouth. I grab a hold of her head, ensuring that she is kept still whilst I guide my cock inside. I don't push all the way in, only about half-way before she wraps her lips around my length.

"I'll be doing most of the work Mia, you just keep your head as still as possible," I inform her and she tries to nod, fluttering her eye lashes at me.

Placing both of my hands on her head I gradually plunge myself all the way in till I feel the tightening of the back of her throat around the tip of my cock. Just as she is amount to gag, I pull back but not all the way out. I thrust myself all the way in again till I feel that same tightening again. This time I stay there a little longer, till I feel a pulsating sensation when she attempts to gag. Her mouth is fucking amazing. Any more of this and I'll cum in seconds.

"Your mouth feels so fucking good Mia."

I withdraw and get her to suck only on the tip of my cock, her tongue spreading her saliva. Getting her used to sucking my cock and enjoy it. I then shove myself all the way back to her throat again, my balls slamming against her chin, she pulsates and then I withdraw. Then again and again- it becomes a rhythm we both become accustomed to, so I speed up the process. Thrusting faster making her gags become more obvious until I feel myself cum at the back of her throat.

"Swallow it," I order her breathlessly, tilting her head back a little so I can shove as much of my cock inside her mouth as possible as I empty the last drops of my cum. She struggles, chokes and I can see her eyes begin to tear a little, so I pull away seeing my cock glisten in her spit.

She coughs a little but swallows.

I stoop to her level and massage the sides of her arms.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She nods.

"I need words Mia."


A pause.

"Yes sir."

I help her up and guide her the few small steps we have to the bed. I pick her up and position her in doggy ensuring that her head is like an arrow pointing towards the big mirror. I hover myself over her after I quickly slip a condom on. I adore watching her pressed cheek scrunch against the bed sheets. I position my hand over her ass, smoothing it then spank her. One hard thud making her let out a little girlish scream and pushing her hands to form two little fists.

"You've been such a good girl for me but now I want to spank you a little," I tell her before I spank her again. Her little gasping noises make my cock go rigid again.

"When I fuck you again." I spank her. "Very. Very. Soon." I spank her in between each word that comes out of my mouth, making her flesh turn a bright ruby colour.

"I will be very fast." I spank again. "And very quick." I spank once more.

Then I position myself at her dripping wet entrance.

"I want you to cum as soon and as quickly as you can, understand?"

"Yes, s-sir," she utters as I begin gliding myself in, slowly at first to ease her into the sensation. And god damn she's so fucking tight, she might as well be a virgin.

I thrust myself out again then in, faster and faster, slamming myself against her, clashing my balls against her tight little pussy. The faster I go the louder she gets. The faster I thrust the tighter she becomes.

I continue the upbeat rhythm, grabbing a hold of her braid and tugging till her head lifts up.

"I want you to watch yourself cum Mia, don't you dare take your eyes away from yourself in that mirror."

She moans in response as I continue to thrust, hard and fast till I feel myself on the verge on cumming again. I wrap my other hand between her legs and find her swollen clit. A single touch to her little bundle of nerves has her wanting to jolt forward. I tighten my grip on her braid and tug a little more.

"Keep those eyes open, I'm watching you!" I yell out as I begin circling around her clit.

The minute she begins to tighten around me I feel silky juices coating me and it only makes me thrusts harder than I already was, abusing her clit like there is no tomorrow, until I feel her cum, screaming and moaning the room down. I continue to thrust until I find my own release. By far, she is an exquisite submissive to fuck. 

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