Chapter Three

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He kisses me in a way that I have never been kissed before. He tastes of desire and lust. A need for me. He's forceful with it, but only enough to cause me to respond to this natural act. I open my mouth for him, let him glide his tongue inside, letting him get an even greater taste of me.

I want him to devour me, to touch me, but all he does is kiss me. A kiss that doesn't seem to end. Why? Why isn't he touching me anywhere else but my face.

Am I doing something wrong?

I allow my hands to wonder away from his biceps, up to his chest so that my fingers begin to fondle with the buttons of his shirt. I manage to undo one of them, before his fingers firmly wrap around my wrists, pulling them away but not letting them go.

Don't tell me this is against the rules?

I have to force myself to pull away. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask breathless. "Touching you isn't against the rules surely?"

He lowers my hands and positions them on either side of my body. I feel a little bit like a robot just standing here straight, unable to do anything but look at him. I ache to want to touch him. Have my fingers dance across his tight muscles. Who knows, this might just be my only chance to do it.

"No, it's not, but you have to wait until I allow you to touch me."

"Can I touch you then?" I gulp. "Please."

Momentarily, he closes his eyes. What is he thinking about? For a split second, maybe even less, I see a flash of nervousness wash over his face. Then he breathes out with his mouth, heavily, relaxing his tense shoulders.

"Just this once, only this once," he says commandingly, opening his eyes.

Before I can even smile as my response, he latches his lips onto me once more. I allow him to take control of the speed the kiss takes and of when to open my mouth wide enough for his tongue to slide in. That's the least I can do as my fingers go back to toy with the buttons of his shirt. Successfully, I undo them all but before I can take it off, I get distracted with his warm, rough hands on the low of my back. That high voltage sensation is back causing me to let out an involuntary moan in his mouth and press myself into him, away from his hand. This only gives him an opportunity to trap me. I have nowhere to move as I am pressed against his hard chest and his hands are only pressing me into him all the more.

There's no running away from him, but I don't think I want to.

He tastes splendidly. Like a drug I've tried for the first time and already want more of it. His mouth, his touch feels like the one thing I will never get enough of. It may be something that might just persuade me to sign that contract...

I feel his hands darting up my back, tracing the curve of my spine. Teasingly fiddling with the hook of my bra but not unclipping it. Then all of a sudden, he grips onto the bottom of my top and swiftly takes it off me, tossing it on the ground, ruffing my hair a little in the process.

His hands cup my face again, pressing his mouth much harder onto mines, I almost struggle to catch my breathe. He begins guiding me backwards and it isn't long unit the back of my legs hits something soft on top of something much harder on bottom. He must be taking us to his bed.

I watch as he suddenly drops to his knees, undoing the button on my jeans, whizzing down the zipper and pulling them down, but not all the way, not until he takes off my shoes. When my jeans are off, I am standing in possibly the best lingerie I own. Thank you, Ann Summers for your generous sale last week.

He places a small kiss in the space between my navel and the line of my panties. It sends all the butterflies in my stomach cage free. I can only see the top of his head, his hair tangled in the most perfect directions using some heavenly scented gel I can almost smell it from the distance I am at now.

I watch as he hooks his index fingers around the cheap laced material and glides it down, revealing the little of what I have left from my stripe of hair. I begin to feel nervous, what if this isn't his style, what if he isn't a fan of pubic hair or the way my vagina looks or how small my breasts are? I have to force myself to resist the urge to cover up. Surely, he wouldn't continue doing this if he thought I was ugly, right?

"Let's part those legs, shall we," he murmurs with a hungry grunt. His hands wrap around my thighs and forces me to spread my legs a little for him. What is he going to do?

His fingers trace my skin, all the way down from the side of my knee, up my inner thigh, stopping once he arrives at the most sensitive parts of me. Then he pulls his fingers away and replaces the process with his lips. Soft, tender kisses that only make my clit ache for him to touch it. He pauses his trails of gentle caresses at the same spot he did with his fingers, then repeats the entire process from scratch on the other side.

As I start to get sexually frustrated, that's when he finally attacks my throbbing wetness with his tongue, licking almost too ferociously. I can't help but let a few moans escape my mouth.

My hands naturally dart to grab his hair gently, surprisingly its softer than I expected. But they don't stay there long. His hands pull away from being wrapped around my thighs, grabbing my hands and placing them on either side of my body. He doesn't let them go- only makes me more immobile.

I buck my hips backwards when his tongue finds its way to my clit. A single lick to those bundle of nerves has me sky rocketing.

"Don't pull away, or I'll have to bound you still," he murmurs against my wetness. God, his voice only makes me wetter down there, how is that even possible! I thought that after so many years of not having any kind of sex I'd be as dry as the freaking Sahara Desert. I guess I was seriously wrong about that after meeting him.

He continues his fierce attack between my legs with his tongue. Showing no signs of stopping. My legs begin to quiver, shaking uncontrollably making me feel like I am about to go off balance. If he wasn't supporting me in some kind of way I would probably drop down to my knees.

My orgasm keeps climbing higher and higher until I can't take it anymore. I let myself go until I see the rainbow burst all of its colours like a vibrant firework show. Whimpering more than I ever have, scratching at the sides of my thighs where my hands are still imprisoned, I tilt my head back, allowing it to die down, easing my heartbeat to a normal rhythm.

"Your cum tastes so fucking good Mia, now I want it all over my cock," he groans.

"Huh," I let out, still dazed from my orgasm.

"Get on all fours on the edge of the bed, I want a juicy view of your behind," he orders softly as he stands back up to his feet, dropping the opened shirt down his broad shoulders and onto the floor.

He licks his lips as he stares at me, waiting for me to do as I was told but I feel wholly toothless. My legs still experiencing a post-earthquake quiver. He intimidates me so much. Maybe because he seems so perfect in his looks, perhaps it's because of his voice or the way he talked about his future plans with me.

He wraps his arms around me, taking me by surprise, only to unclip my bra and let is fall off. I am now wholly bare to him. Wholly self-conscious about my nudity.

"There is one important thing you should know about me Mia, I don't like to repeat myself, ever. So, when I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it without hesitation and with confidence in your nakedness. Do you understand?"

I nod.

"Tell me you understand."

"I understand," I gulp.

"Good, all fours, now," he commands again with more assertiveness, voice going a tone deeper. It sends a pleasant shiver down the back of my neck.

I don't hesitant any longer, I turn myself away from him, climb onto the bed and place myself in a way that is comfortable considering the position. I feel him put his warm palm at the low of my back, his thumb gently rubbing the skin.

"Good girl," he grinds out of his mouth. The way those words came out of his gateway makes me feel all fuzzy. I like it, more than I thought I would and there isn't anything kinky about this situation. He hasn't bound me or spanked my ass. Only gave me simple commands and rewarded me with his touch.

I have to bite my lower lip to stop a whimper escaping my mouth when his hand moves down, almost cupping my ass cheeks then wondering to explore some of the wetness with his fingers. Teasing the entrance, never going in, pushing past my folds up to my clit, never pressing hard enough to cause a shock of spasm, just gentle enough to allow me to get used to his hand being there.

I feel his finger enter me, I tense up, squeezing myself around it as I gasp for air.

"Relax Mia, I need you to relax," he whispers softly his other hand returning to the low of my back. Massaging me in a way that makes the muscles all loosen in the lower half of my body. It feels good, it feel so damn good I allow myself to moan softly.

"Good girl."

He keeps up the slow and steady pace until he notices my whole-body zone out and engulf in the pleasure. I forget where I am, I forget everything that has happened up until this point. Then, he puts another finger inside me. Tighter, more intense, but bearable.

He waits until I relax myself enough around his fingers before he withdraws. I allow myself to twist my head and look at him. He is still wearing his slacks, but his torso is gloriously naked. He lifts the same hand he hand glued to me up to his mouth, opens it and shoves his fingers inside to taste my wetness. All at the same time his eyes are penetrating into me like I am his target. He has the bow, and I am waiting for him to pierce me with his arrow.

"Eyes on the bed," he orders faintly but starkly enough for me to listen.

I unglue my eyes from him and stare at the cream bed sheets.

Hmm, I never knew cotton could be so soft.

I reply on my other senses to understand what he may be doing. In the far away distance, I hear the faint sound of light wood rolling, then his bare footsteps on the wooden floor become clear again until I feel the heat of his presence behind me.

The sound of a zipper starks all the hairs on my body to attention, followed by a rip, and a momentary silence.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asks reassuringly.

I think about my answer. Of-course I want to get fucking railed by this man. What woman wouldn't want that?

"Yes," I reply to him.

"Good, but at any point that you change your mind, tell me no," he says while placing his hands on either side of my hips.

"And next time I ask you something, you reply with a yes or no sir."

"Okay," I murmur and immediately bite my lip.


I feel one side of my hip go empty until a hard thud attacks my left ass cheek. It's painful, but that pain fades away slowly and turns into something that I wish I could get more of again. It turns into pleasure I almost surprise myself. I don't remember liking to get a spank when my ex did it.

"Yes sir!" I let out and with that he rewards me with a smooth massage where the pain is still faintly there.

It isn't long before I feel him press against my entrance, pushing just enough to stretch me out so I can accommodate him. Inch by inch he goes deeper. The tender glide inside makes me feel like I am on cloud nine. Oh my. This is so much better than I remember.

He slowly pulls back, but not all the way, only to push my walls open again, over and over, speeding up the rhythm. The intensity of getting fucked by this man is putting me in a haze. His nails dig into my flesh as he only continues to go faster, forcing me to clench myself around him. It's like my body doesn't want him to leave with the fear that he might with every pull back. But he only thrusts more aggressively, pushing my body forwards till I can no longer support myself.

I plant my face and shoulders onto the bed, my hands clutching onto the bed sheets, muffling some of the noise that I didn't even know could come out of my mouth.

"Put your hand on your clit for me Mia, show me how you pleasure yourself," he breathes out.

Because he achieves to hold onto my hips so well as he thrusts into me, he manages to keep me just still enough to allow my lazy hand to go under my body and find my happy spot with adequate ease. The minute my fingers make contact with these bundles of nerves, I feel it won't take me long to orgasm. He built me up to a point of no return.

I circle the wet bud with my finger making the entire experience all the more escalating.

"That's right don't stop until you cum," I hear him, but it's all just a fog at the back of my mind as my climax climbs higher and higher until I let myself go.

Fully. Sedated.

Fully. Satisfied.

I feel myself on the verge of passing out; I don't register him climaxing shortly after, groaning a little louder than before. It only makes me pulsate against him as the aftershocks of my orgasms continue to die down.

I feel him press his lips to the spot in the middle between my back dimples then ushers me to lay down onto the bed. If only I had any energy left in my body to stretch my limbs, but I feel so tired all of a sudden.

Blinking my eyes open I watch as he disposes the condom into a bin and comes to lay down beside me.

"Are you okay?" he asks, pulling another blanket over my naked body.

"Yes...sir," I whisper.

"You should sleep, we can talk after you wake up." I feel him press a kiss to my forehead, then the heaviness of his body on the bed disappears.

A knock on the door puts me out of my deep sleep. No! I was enjoying my peaceful and comfortable slumber. I flicker my eyes open. I have a perfect view of the big displays in the bedroom part of his little apartment. It looks like the drowning pour of rain has settled down to a gentle drizzle pitter patting against the windows.

The sound of the doorknob turning clicks me awake even more. I clench the bed sheets to my body even tighter and sit up. I can't see what's happening, but I hear a little talk and rattle exchanged between two males. It has to be male, the other voice that isn't familiar in the depths of my memory sounds far too deep and rough around the edges to be feminine. I really hope I am not intruding on anything. I should take this opportunity to get dressed again and leave. I have a lot to think about.

As I am about to pull the sheets off my body, I see Noah appearing in the big entry way to the bedroom, still shirtless and with a tray of what smells like deliciousness. My stomach growls at the sight of the food he places on the bed beside me.

"Good, your awake and hungry I hear," he chuckles at me.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at him. Considering there is a possibility this might just be a one-night stand, something I never really did or enjoyed hearing about, this is nice. After all food always makes things better, and damn the sight of this shrimp pasta...

"Aren't you going to join in on this super lazy yet luxurious experience?"

I watch as he whips out two forks.

"Of-course, though I'm of the opinion that you taste much better than any of this food." He hands me one of the forks and I take it, out of shyness of what he said trying to hide behind it, pressing it to my lips.

"How could you be of such opinion if you haven't even tried any yet?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

I let a small smile appear on my lips. This man has just been inside of me and- assuming this is a one-night stand- instead of making me run, he's comforting me. What kind of emotions must he be feelings towards me that its making him do this? Perhaps I'm just getting ahead of myself. He probably does this with every girl he wants to be his submissive. The thought of that isn't appealing to me, but then again, it's all so conflicting. He fucked me in a way that he probably fucked every girl in the past, yet he told me things he hasn't to anyone else. Why? What is it about me that caused him to do that?

"Is something wrong?" He stutters me back to reality.


"You look like you are thinking about something."

I remove the fork from my lips and stab a baby shrimp onto it.

"Nope, just about how delicious this food is." I put food in my mouth and chew. I never felt comfortable eating around people, I always avoided going out to eat with my friends and having him stare at me whilst I indulge only makes me more conscious of how I look. And I'm still completely naked under these sheets!

"Do you remember what I told you about dom/sub relationships?" he queries.

I watch as he puts some food onto his fork and eats it. Oh my, the way this man's jaw moves is sizzling. I gulp.

"About trust?" I ask rather than confirm.

I go ahead and take some more pasta onto my fork and eat it. I really need to work on my confidence I feel my shoulders slouching way too much right now.

"About communicating; I need to know what you're thinking about in order for this relationship to work."

I feel myself pondering over what to say. Is this him admitting that he still wants me and not just as a one-night stand? It's hard for me believe that someone with so much power could like a silly little student who works as a part time florist.

I know I would be lying to myself if I voiced that I didn't want him. And for more than just sex. But am I ready for a complete BDSM relationship? There is bound to be a lot of emotional challenges with it. But no that can't be it, I have been through enough emotional shock to know that I am stronger than that, no matter the hard limits.

After what we did a few hours ago I know that physically my body wants it. Craves it more than anything. But can my heart survive another heartbreak if I get too attached and this doesn't work out?

"I'm not sure of what to tell you, I feel like my mind is like a maze of thoughts I can't organise," I voiced concerned.

I watch as a flash of unease washes over his face before composure. The way he hold his fork also becomes something more ... like he is trying to snap it in half with just his one hand.

"Then let me start it like this; do you want any kind of relationship with me? Whether it be regular vanilla or a BDSM one?" he asks with hope shimmering in his dark eyes.

I blush at the thought of us together. That would be so perfect. Fairy-tale.


"And did you like having sex with me?"

I nod.

"I need words Mia, not just gestures."


"Then don't think about anything else, just focus on those two things and try it my way, I'll give you the contract so you can read it tonight and we can negotiate the terms tomorrow, we can give it a trial run if that's what you want to call it."


"Yes, that is what I said isn't it?"

A rhetorical question. Ha! So, I guess he does have a lingering sense of humour.

"I have work tomorrow," I say trying my best to contain the sadness within me.

"What time do you finish?" he asks fixing himself in his seating position. Itching a tad closer to me. God, I feel like I can smell alpha all over him.


"And where do you work at?" he asks with inquisitiveness.

"I'm a florist at McQueen's flowers workshop," I inform him casually whilst going in to take more food. The whole conversation about sex and looking at him only makes me hungrier.

"An intelligent and beautiful young woman like you ... a florist?" I hear the surprise and hint of disapproval in his voice.

"Yeah, well I haven't had much luck in this city finding a proper job," I reply half offended by his reaction.

I scoop up extra sauce onto my pasta before bringing it to my mouth but damn I put too much and some spills to the corner of my mouth. I must look like a filthy pig eating right now. And this is the very reason I hate eating in front of others, I always find a way to make a fool of myself.

I am about to lick it off with my tongue when Noah makes a 'no' noise with his mouth. His hand darts over to my mouth and spoons up the sauce with his thumb, brushing against my lips in a none-sexual yet affectionate way. This simple act makes all the butteries in my stomach act up again. Is there anything Noah can do that won't make me want to implore him?

"Don't you have any internship experience?" he asks then licks the sauce he scooped up. Fuck, the way he does this is so damn sexy, I feel my whole-body flush in a heatwave.

"I do, but not many people are willing to hire the girl with a surname like Smirnov."

I get eroded with a number of memories from my childhood. Not positive ones. Not ones I believe I have told him about. Maybe that's for the better...

"Well, they must be real fools to not see the potential you have," he tries encouragingly, probing my lips to twist up into a small beam.

"Now, eat, after you can take a shower and I will take you home." 

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