35. To Injury

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"Cicero is up for seeing if Faith's loyal companions can open the Door for her," the Jester Assassin spoke with a sharp smile, but I could see how the spoon he held was beginning to bend in his tight grasp as his eyes seemed determined to burn a hole into the Pretend Leader's forehead. "But he wonders if anyone besides him and Faith are ready for what it means if they do prove capable to open the Door."

Reaching out, I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled when he finally turned to look at me. 

It's okay, dear Cicero. We are used to people not believing in that which they are unable to see for themselves. Just having you willing to speak up for us is far more than anyone else has ever done before and for that... for that you have our thanks. Even from Ellery.

I smiled again as I noticed Ellery nodding at our Jester Assassin from the corner he was lurking in. Truly, our Jester Assassin was starting to win over even him. Although, it was likely that Ellery would forever deny this.

"Just because it is what Faith is used to dealing with such, it does not mean that she should have to deal with it. And especially here, surrounded by those who are supposed to be Family. Even if the others seem to have forgotten what that means, Cicero most certainly has not," the man grumbled quietly, finally setting the bent spoon down beside his bowl before raising his hand to pat my own.

"Just what do you mean by 'ready for what it means', Keeper?" Hearing the False Leader use Cicero's title had me quickly glancing at her, as I hadn't heard it used since the Jester Assassin had mentioned some of his many titles to me once.

Cicero, Jester, Assassin, Fool of Hearts, Faith's Friend, and most importantly Keeper of the Night Mother. The number of titles and jobs that my friend had was staggering and I was only too happy that not only did I never have to worry about trying to speak the mouthful out loud, but I did not ever have to wear so many titles myself. After all, the only ones I had were Thief, Assassin in Training, Companion to Amicus and Ellery, and Cicero's Friend. At least, those were it so far. Someday it would change from Assassin in Training to simply Assassin, or so I hoped.

"Oh, Cicero thinks that everyone can figure it out if they just think about it for a few minutes. After all, are we not all assassins, taught through both training and experience how to think of all the advantages and disadvantages something can bring us? Surely, oh surely, this family has not become so complacent as to forget such a simple thing?" The amount of taunting in his voice had me worried for his safety within this group of paid assassins, yet he showed not the slightest sign of fear as he kept grinning like a wolf hidden within a flock of sheep.

"If they are real and separate from her, doesn't that mean that they could hear things she doesn't and tell them to her? Like an invisible spy or something? It's just a thought, but it could be useful on contracts, couldn't it? I mean... it would be if they could, right?" Destin fidgeted in his seat as everyone's gaze seemed split between him and I, his shoulders hunching inward.

Amicus wouldn't leave me alone long enough to spy on someone. He helps protect me so he doesn't stray from his place behind me. But Ellery might do so if he had the desire to. I can't force him, though. He's my friend, not my servant.

I saw the young man blush as he read my lips, his hands coming up and waving in front of him as he shook his head side to side.

"Of course he's your friend! Besides, since you are the only one who can see him, it isn't like anyone here can force him to do anything! And it would be unkind to expect you to try and make a friend do something he does not wish to, right?" He looked around him, looking hopeful that someone would say something in agreement.

"Well, if they are proven to be real and are capable of such a feat, then they would have to earn their own keep as well, just like everyone else here. After all, nobody stays in the Sanctuary without paying their way in some manner or another," the grin on the Pretender's face was almost as sharp as the one that had been on Cicero's, although his own had turned into a frown at her words.

I cannot force them to do what they do not wish to do and I refuse to try. I can only ask if they would be willing to assist the Family in such a way. If they will not, then you shall have to find another way for them to earn their keep. And if you cannot come up with something, then that is your failure as a leader, not theirs as part of the Family.

Cicero's sudden cackling laughter filled the room as he jumped to his feet and began dancing around the room, causing the False One to turn her head toward Babette quickly as she began scowling.

"What did she say? What's going on? Why is the Keeper dancing about like a fool?" She was nearly growling the words by this point as Babette just sat there with her eyes focused on me as if she were waiting for me to say something else.

Shaking my head at the vampire, I stood up and grabbed me and Cicero's bowls, refilling them before turning toward the stairs.

Cicero, come. Let us eat in a more peaceful setting. Besides, I promised to tell you about Ellery and Amicus, and there is so much to tell! Oh, but I have notes I made last night, so that will help!

"Yes, yes! Cicero is coming! He is very excited to learn about Faith's dear friends! She must tell him everything she can so that Cicero can keep his own promise! Oh, yes! Cicero is excited indeed!" The Jester Assassin skipped his way over toward me before grabbing his bowl from my hands and gesturing up the stairs with the other. "Ahh, dear Faith should go first and Cicero will follow behind, just like Amicus does. She can have two assassins watching her back today!"

With a pause on the steps, he turned and looked behind him just long enough to give another sharp smile at those who were watching us.

"Don't worry, Cicero hasn't forgotten what everyone wants. He just thinks that we should wait until sunset to test the Door. We wouldn't want to attract attention, would we, if someone happens to wander by at the wrong time? That would just be foolish, after all!"

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