The Darkness Begins

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We trudged down the partially frozen hillside, Arn having led the way once the horse had to be left behind at the nearest stable, once we knew of the treacherous footing to come. It was rather ironic that the place we were now going was already so familiar to the man, something that had never even crossed our minds as someplace she might go after having somehow escaped the Emperor's soldiers. Or rather, whatever cell they'd been holding her in.

No matter how my feet slid about on the icy terrain, I dared not slow down further than I already had, able to see clearly just how much our Arn was barely restraining himself from charging ahead without us. I honestly couldn't blame him, remembering how much I'd pushed myself not so very long ago to reach my Cicero when he'd needed help. I could still recall the dread I'd felt at seeing so much blood spilled both in and outside of the Dawnstar Sanctuary.

Giving a soft shudder at the memories, I tightened my fingers slightly around the hand I held, glancing at the man beside me as if to remind myself he was still here. That he hadn't died and left me behind in a world where all I had to look forward to was making sure Mother and Father were satisfied with what I did so that I could someday join my Jester Assassin in the Void.

What exactly is the Void, anyhow? Oh, but does it really matter, so long as I have my Cicero with me? I wonder if I could still make my stitches. Oh, would Ellery still need new hats made? Would we be-

"There! Just on the other side of the water there! That's where she is being kept! Hurry!" Shouted our Brother with a growl as he gave up holding back and surged ahead, leaping from one piece of ice to another as he made his way toward the worn down building that could barely be called a cabin.

Shaking myself from my thoughts, I noticed the worried look my Jester Assassin was giving me, smiling at him before moving forward with a gentle tug on his hand. We had a sibling to bring home!

Come, let us make sure she's okay!

I patted his shoulder with my free hand when I saw his lips turn down into a scowl, understanding that he didn't like the woman, but knowing that the Family would need her in the weeks and months to come. My hand on his shoulder tightened when I felt my foot begin to slip on the ice, halting until I regained my footing. Looking up again from where my gaze had shot to the ground below me, I was met with golden-brown eyes staring worriedly at me, his hands shifting to grasp my arms gently.

"Faith should watch her step instead of worrying about her Cicero. Cicero will be fine so long as his sweetness is okay. Thus, Faith must take more care of herself and not lose her footing so easily! How can someone so graceful be so clumsy?" He spoke softly as laughter began to finally rumble in his chest with the last few words, one hand coming up to trace its way along my jaw.

Ah, but I can't help losing my way, my dearest Cicero. Such things are of no matter when my feet always wish to wander to your side instead of following the path before me.

I grinned in hopes that my words would lighten his mood some more before having to confront whatever seen would be waiting for us inside the cabin. Seeing the lingering darkness in his mood lift, I turned carefully and grabbed his hand as I once more began leading the way to the cabin.

"Faith needn't worry about losing her way. So long as Cicero is with her, he will keep her safe until she finds a pathway again. Besides, Cicero always knows where he is going! Stay with Cicero and sweet Faith need never fear being lost again, even if she can't see the path he takes. His feet will not lead them astray!" He whispered softly from beside me, his hand giving a gentle squeeze before he looked at the water we would need to cross and frowned. "Although, Cicero would prefer if it didn't mean crossing lakes and rivers."

Looking pointedly at the boat that nestled against the rocky bank of the small island, he grumbled once more.

"Do they think a boat is less conspicuous than an actual bridge? And what if the boat sinks? Madness, I tell you. Madness!" Sighing, he looked at me and shrugged before turning back to frown at the half-frozen waters between us and the island. "Cicero is not particularly fond of water..."


Nibbling at the piece of slightly stale bread, I glanced again at the female bosmer as she tended to Astrid. Even now she cleaned what remained of the wounds our Sister had suffered from during her stay in the prison she'd been dumped in after she'd been captured. The scars that now ran across her arms hinted at what still hid beneath the layers of threadbare blankets the mer had used in an attempt to keep the female from freezing.

Arnbjorn had refused to leave his wife's side, having rushed over to her the moment the bosmer had lowered her blade, the bow slung over her shoulder useless in such close quarters. Her soft pink hair seemed to almost shimmer in the firelight as pieces of broken furniture crackled loudly, burning away amidst the ashes within the hearth. Astrid had yet to say a word, having turned her face away as tears left tracks in the dirt covering her face.

"Cicero is not sure if he understands what Aurora is saying. The little mer claims she escaped with Astrid and instead of leaving the injured woman behind, she brought her here and tended to her? And has stayed here surviving off foraged roots, stolen food, and what she could hunt for them? Why? Did the woman promise something she no longer has the authority to give?" My Jester Assassin paced as his hands wove agitatedly through the air in front of him before coming up to tangle themselves in his hair, knocking his cap askew.

Standing up, I placed the bread down on the chair I had been sitting on and moved to wrap my arms around the man, forcing him to be still as I held him. I waited until his hands lowered from his hair and I felt his arms slowly move to hold me close.

"Faith is right, Cicero should quiet himself and give the mer a chance to respond to Cicero's concerns. But be warned that if she fails to satisfy Cicero's curiosity, he knows that Faith will understand the need to... cover their tracks," he said, not taking his eyes off the girl even as he rested his cheek against my temple before turning to press his lips against the skin. "Faith is far more understanding of his ways than Cicero ever thought she would be after... ahh, but we need not speak of such things. The past is gone and the future is yet to come! We must work hard to build a world we shall thrive in rather than simply exist! So speak, little one, and with any luck, you will also survive for one more day."

The sudden laughter that came from the small bosmer was unexpected and had both Cicero and myself placing our hands on our daggers before her following words had us relaxing our grips, a strained smile growing on my lips even as a frown appeared on my Cicero's.

"I saved her because I knew someone would come for her, sooner or later. And here you are. A bit later than I 'd expected, but finally here," the female said, her eyes darting quickly between the three of us as she shifted her hand away from where her own blade rested on her hip. "I want revenge and I need the Brotherhood's help to achieve it. After all, if you could kill the Emperor and live to escape, then killing my target shouldn't be impossible for you. Difficult maybe, but not impossible."

"And who does sneaky Aurora wish the Brotherhood to kill?" My Jester Assassin said, his voice lilting slightly as he gently grabbed me and began a slow dance about the room as a smile formed upon his face. "Of course, Cicero also wonders why the little one thinks she will survive to know if they take her contract or not."

"Because the 'sneaky little one' knows the Brotherhood lost members and needs to replenish their numbers. Take my contract and you'll have one less new member to seek out."

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