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Hello readers, I am back with the update.

Firstly, thank you for all your love you guys are showing. I am really overwhelmed with the response. In just 24 hours, i got around 100 views. Not bad...
But i would really appreciate if you could recognise my efforts by hitting the ⭐ button at the bottom left side of your page at the end of every chapter.

So, coming back to the update as i asked you in previous chapter what you guys want in this chapter and some of you replied showing your interest in our hero's entry in this chapter. So, here i am with the Kabir's POV.
There is some slang language used in this chapter. I am warning you beforehand if there is any innocent reader here. Although i know all are corrupt minds here🤣🤣

{P.S- I have changed the picture of our Kabir as you can see above. Hope you guys will like this guy more😜}

Now enjoy the update.


"Aaaa, ummm, faster" these kinds of sound are echoing in my hotel room.

I am fucking this girl very roughly and can see she is very much enjoying it from her face.

And who will not...i am pro in all these stuff. No girl can resist my charm.
Afterall these fucking girls are all same. Bloody gold digger and whore who can warm anyone's bed if some money shown on their face.

She raise her hand to grip my shoulders but i took hold of her both hands & pinned them above her head harshly.

She winced in pain once due to my tight grip on her hand but then got lost in our activity. I smirk after looking at her face.

After sometime....

I stood up from bed in my naked glory and wore my boxers after dumping the condom in the bin.

I always care about the protection who knows tomorrow these whore would claim some bastards child as mine. I dont want to take any chance with this.

{P.S:- Just assume it to be night time instead of day light😅}

I turned towards the girl who is now cuddling with the blanket.

"You girl, get up and leave my room" i told her.

But she is still in her pleasure world and did not shown any sign of hearing my words.

"Bloody whore" i murmured.

"I said get up" i roared.
This time she did hear my words and raise her body seductively and stood in front of me.

"Why handsome, you want one more round" she said in her lusty voice acting all innocent and trying to touch my face with her fingers.

Before she could reach my face, i hold her fingers & twist her hand on her back.

"Dont ever try to touch me" I hissed.

She yelled in pain.

"Now out" I repeated once again.

"What" she asked coyly.

"I wont repeat again. And If you want your fingers intact, then get lost in 10 seconds" i told her dangerously while tighting my hold on her fingers.

She nodded her head.

I instantly leave her hand and picked up some dollar bills from my wallet to give it to her for the services.

She hurriedly picked up her dress from the floor and wore it hastily and leave the room but not before taking the notes.

"Fuck" my mood spoiled due to her touchy moves.

I dont like these girls touch me. I only fuck them for my pleasure and never let them touch me.

I sighed and turn the lock of interconnected room which is my master room. I never let any girl to enter my room even if it is hotel room. I always book a suit where there is always a guest room so that i can enjoy sometime.

I lie down in my bed to get some sleep. I am in london from last week as some urgent work came up in our branch here.

After coming here, i came to know that one of my employee stealing data from my company and selling it to my competitor.

It took me some time to reach that bastard and when i confronted him, that bastard straight forward lied on my face.

I earlier planned to forgave him if he would have accepted his mistake but i can not tolerate anyone who fucking lie to me.

I hate fucking liars.

I gave him severe punishment which was throwing him out of my office and making sure he wont get job anywhere in the city.

I know i was harsh on him but i already said i hate liars.

Well, due to this I was hell busy with my schedule here and got free today only. I thought to enjoy my night having some fun but fuck she was not even worth my time.
I mood spoiled more than it was earlier.

But tomorrow i have a flight back to new delhi in the afternoon. I will be back to my doll tomorrow. Ohh god its been a week since i saw my doll.

A smile emerged on my face while thinking about her. She is like a star in my dark life who enlights my life with her bright smile.

While thinking about her, dont know when my eyes closed and i entered into the world my darkness.

I woke up with the sound of my mobile ringing.

I rubbed my eyes to get away with the sleepiness and picked up the call without checking it.

"Hello" i said

"Where r u kabir" the man on the other side asked.

"In my suite where else" i informed

"You have not wake up yet buddy. U know na u have your flight at 4'o clock. It must be around 12 there" my friend inquired.

I checked the time and yes its 12:05 p.m. I will be late if i won't wake up in 5 mins.

"Thanks rohit, you are my life saver. If you would not have called, i might be late for my flight" i said

"Its okay yara, thats why friends are for, by the way why were you sleeping till late" he enquired

"Vo"...i scratched my neck... I dont want to admit what i was doing coz he wont approve my way of living....

"Kabirrr, when will you stop these nonsense habit of yours....i told you many times to stop these things" he said annoyingly after guessing my last night activities.

"Yeah, i will" i said in a least interested mood.

"Buddy, now you should stop these things and think to settle down in your life. Things would be much better that way" i advised.

"No dont go on that know na why i dont want to settle down. Not now not ever" i announced.

"But you have to think about doll too naa" he said

"For god sake, please stop this nonsense and i am hanging up the phone. I have to get ready for catching the flight" i told him.

"Okay...byee...see you soon" he greeted me while hanging up the phone.

I put my phone on charger and moved to the bathroom to get ready.

After one hour, i checked out from my hotel and reached to the airport to catch my flight.

I have my own jet but to some technical problem i am not able to travel through it.

So, here i am sitting in the business class of a plane...

"Sir, do you need anything" a chirping voice of a girl interrupted my thoughts.

I looked towards the air hostess who is showing me her fake assets with tons of makeup on her face and blinking her eyelashes not so innocently.

I hate these fake women.

"No" i replied rudely "and dont disturb me in rest of my journey" i informed her.

After getting the cue, she left and thankfully did not interrupted me in rest of the journey.

After 9 hrs, plane touched delhi & its early morning in the delhi.

After checkout, i reached outside to see my driver waiting with my car.

Cool, i will thanks Rohit for this lateron.

Now its time to meet my doll.

Pheww, so guys how was it???

Am i making sense with the updates??? Are u guys liking the story so far???

Its really important for me to know your views. As u guys know, i am not a writer. So, i am not able to judge my competence myself.

I will write further only based on the feedback i will get on this chapter.

Now, i am realising it is really hard to write different POV's coz u have to go down in the shoes of the character to think like them. Hats off to all the writers who are doing a very good job here.

Atlast but not the least, guys DO VOTE AND COMMENT.



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