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(Designs drawn by Betawolf1221
Go follow them. I know where you live.

PrideWings are Lion based dragons. Here are some basic things about them.

Gender Differences:
Like all lions, male PrideWings possess a big mane around their necks. Although both have sabertoothed teeth, the male's are longer and sharper for fights. They are also bulkier and bigger.

Females have a smaller mane and smaller teeth, though they're sharper. They are leaner and more agile.

Both genders have fur on them, running from the top of their head to the puff on their tails.
The male's fur is typically red, golden, orange, dark red, while the female's are blue,golden and light orange.

Scale colours range from teal yellow, yellow, golden, gray, dark gray and black.

Eye colours range from purple, golden, blue on the female's to black, gray, blue at male's.

Typical Behaviour:

Unlike other tribes, they use their wings to run more than fly, basically, they are another set of paws to help them with speed. They are able to fly, but slower(in the case of males), a ND å bit faster in the case of females.

They live in small families, all in the same kingdom with a King And Queen.


Their fur, can be lit aflame by will and become a good source of light, and, when the dragon is enraged, become like a dark cloud with red electricity around it.
When they get enraged, they tend to only see red in their face, and not think clearly.

Their claws on their paws are especially sharp. They hunt, alike normal lions, in prides.


King and Queen are the main ones, with their family. But the King seems to have more of a say in higher matters.

Special Individuals:

There are some odd individuals in their kind... For example, those who cannot muster flame in their fur, but can adapt to any other element. Though that seems to be just a theory.... Wich has yet to be proven.

All old individuals, be they male or female, when the time comes for their 'ascension' to the stars(death :P), they go and fly high into the sky for one last time, their bodies amassing what little energy they have left and start to glow like the sun itself, the light emitted bing bright.... Untill their bodies become energy, and lose shape, exploding into a Supernova, releasing an intense firework show in the sky. During this time, the younger generation pays their respects to the Elders, and look up to them.

Individuals who use their 'Supernova' early on in their life, severely shorten it, make them lose the ability muster flames, even in rage mode.

It is said that those who dø this are power-hungry.... But some do mean good when they do it...

The colour of the supernova depends on the colour of the fur of the individual.

Individuals who use their novas early on, will not join the Elders when they die of age, but are said to descend into the pits of doom......their skeletons are left where they stand.

Family Life:

There are typically 1 to 2 eggs laid, wich have fur on them. Whether the fur burns when fire is blown on them will determine if they can Control it or not.

Continent info and animals coming soon.....

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