Guess who published Bowled Over by the Broken in print?

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My dearest, dearest, dearest readers!

I value you and your support to the extent that you have been the biggest reason why I decided to take the plunge in the sea of published writers.

This is my gift to you (Or should I say your gift to me?) - you can now own a copy of the printed book 'Bowled Over by the Broken'. (Subhan Allah, this sounds so dreamy)

Shamaaz and Anabya feel all the more real now! :)

(First few purchases also get a free signed bookmark from me :)

Extremely sorry for being so inactive, but you know the reason why, this has kept me crazy busy! But I hope you find the reason of my silence worth it.

You can follow the external link to take you to the website:

Sending you so much love, and praying that Allah blesses this new journey! :)

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