32 - Blowie

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"Shut it, woman!"

A door was kicked opened to my right and I found myself flying to the ground as Draco's old goon roughly threw me inside.

My head was fuzzy and I couldn't work out what was happening. My mouth went very, very dry as he locked the door, and I realised with utmost horror that I was probably about to be raped and there was nothing I could do about it.

What I didn't expect was for Crabbe to lift his mask free from his face as he crouched down beside me, his ugly squashed face softening instantly in a look I could only describe as compassionate.

"Sorry about that," he said, helping me up to a sitting position. "Got ter be seen like I'm actually here ter... well, you know..."

He trailed off; cheeks colouring as his eyes shifted awkwardly away.

"What's happening?" I asked, my voice barely audible through my dry rasps. I clutched at my head which continued to spin under the influence of whatever drugs I'd been given.

"'Ere," Crabbe said, reaching into his cloak and retrieving from it a small silver flask.

Unscrewing the top, he helped me drink from it. The water soothed my dry throat and tasted like heaven.

I drank too fast and ended up gasping and choking for air as Crabbe patted me on the back. "Easy, there," he muttered kindly.

He stood up to inspect the dark dank cell of a room we were in, focusing on the small rectangular window up in the corner, just below the ceiling.

"Gotta send the signal," he explained as I curiously followed his gaze, "they should be outside, waiting."

I looked at him, confused; wondering who and what he was talking about.

"Malfoy an' Pans," he chuckled, his beady eyes dancing in amusement as he removed his wand from his pocket. "We're all 'ere ter rescue you. 'pparently there's a little boy 'oo needs 'is mumma."

If it wasn't for the drugs, I would have sobbed with joy and relief. Draco had come back for me, just like he promised.

And not only that, Pansy and Crabbe were helping us. On our side. For the first time in a long time I felt the first flutterings of hope that this was a war we could win.

"Thank you," I whispered, my voice trembling, realising that Crabbe had literally risked his own life to do this.

"Not a problem," he shrugged as if he'd just simply passed me the gravy at dinner. "Anything fer a mate."

Grinning, he flicked his wand towards the little rectangular window and blasted it away, sending green sparks flying out into the night air after it.

Moments later a familiar face appeared at the small gap where the window once was.

"You beautiful man!" Pansy yelled down. "You're gonna get the biggest blowie for this when we get home!"

"Do you have to?" came a disgruntled reply from somewhere behind her. "And keep it down, we don't want to get caught!"

And through all this dark and horrifying shit, I found my heart lifting upon hearing the familiar and comforting sounds of my fellow Slytherins.

"He just saved your fucking soulmate!" Pansy spat, her face disappearing from the window to presumably scold Draco. "You should be the one rewarding him with your gob, not me!"

"Uh- no one is saved until we get the fuck out of 'ere." Crabbe yelled up, "so if you two don't mind, let's get a move on before they start asking about my amazing stamina."

Draco's face appeared at the gap now, relief flooding in his eyes as they landed on me, quickly replaced by horror as they roamed over the humiliating two piece black leather 'underwear' that I'd been forced into.

I instantly wrapped my arms around me, covering as much of myself as I could with my arms, somehow feeling ashamed that he was seeing me like this.

"Shit," I heard him mutter as I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to curl myself up into a ball. "Help her up here would you, Crabbe?"

The next thing I knew I was being hoisted up and tossed rather unceremoniously over a broad, meaty shoulder. The action made my head spin quite alarmingly and I thought for a horrifying moment I might throw up.

"Careful," I heard Draco hiss, "she's clearly been drugged!"

"I'm fucking doing my best 'ere!" Crabbe's gruff tones muttered beneath me as he heaved me upwards.

Freezing cold air hit me as I was passed through the window, not unlike a piece of mail slotting through a letterbox.

"God, Blaire," Draco shuddered, releasing a huge sigh of relief as he pulled me protectively into his arms. "Thank fuck."

I found myself sobbing, whispering Jack's name as a cloak was draped around my near nakedness, magically warming my shivering body.

"He's fine," Draco murmured in my ear, his long fingers tangling in my hair and cradling my head as I leant heavily against his solid, reassuring chest, "he's with Mother. We'll go back at once-"

"Ginny!" I gasped, looking up fretfully into his eyes, remembering my red haired companion who'd been next to me in the 'waiting room'. "She's in there too. Please, we can't leave her."

At that moment there was a pop rather like a cork being released from a champagne bottle as Pansy pulled Crabbe free from the window.

We all wheeled round to look down at him expectantly as he lay sprawled gracelessly on the ground.

"Fine!" He grumbled, picking himself up. "I'll go back in. But this better mean I get two blowies!"


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