4 - Drowning

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Draco's eyes glazed over as his wife started wittering on about some sort of baby party.

Why the fuck anyone wanted to throw a party for an unborn child was beyond his comprehension. Sounded more like another tedious dinner party where he'd have to nod and smile and pretend his life was all fucking sunshine and roses.

"I was thinking we could ask Cedric to be godfather," she said lightly, casually dabbing a napkin at the corner of her mouth. "And maybe Daph as godmother."

Draco slammed down his knife and fork down noisily onto his plate, causing Astoria to flinch and look up at him in shock.

"Over my dead body," he snarled, anger sparking in his stomach as he pushed the unfinished steak aside and snatched up his goblet; red wine slopping everywhere.

"She's my sister!" Astoria snapped, fire sparking in her eyes as she glared at him from across the ridiculously large dining table where they both had to shout to be heard.

"I was talking about Diggory," Draco spat, feeling his whole body flame with hatred just by saying that cunt's name.

"It'd be an honour to have such a high ranking officer as a godfather to our child." Astoria said defiantly. "Think of the influence he'd be and the added power we'd have. The Dark Lord would surely approve-"

Draco couldn't listen anymore. A loud screeching sound assaulted his ears as he scraped his chair back and stormed out of there.

He had tried, he really had, he thought furiously as he hastily loosened his tie in his attempt to get air to his lungs.

Three months had passed since his wife had announced her pregnancy and every fucking day he had attempted to be the attentive husband that Astoria needed - constantly making sure she was comfortable and enquiring to her needs; even cuddling her in bed on occasion, despite the fact that everything about her felt wrong in his arms.

He tried with everything he had to learn to love her, but he just couldn't. He couldn't force something that simply wasn't there.

"You'll think differently once she gives birth to your child," his mother had tried to assure him when he had broken down in front of her, confessing that he couldn't stop thinking about Blaire and that every single fucking day he felt as though he was drowning in the guilt from somehow letting her down. "When you hold that child in your arms, you'll be able to let go of the past and look to the future. You may even start to love Astoria."

The truth was, he could never see that happening. He felt trapped in a life he didn't want to be in, and if it wasn't for his mother or the child he had on the way, he'd quite happily top himself and just go to sleep forever.

So, on he kept trudging, each day suffocating him that little bit more as the darkness grew darker and the pain grew sharper.

He couldn't understand why he hadn't stopped breathing altogether.


"Hermione's pregnant."

Startled, I looked up as Ron delivered this news quite unexpectedly over our morning cup of coffee.

"That- that's- good...?" I asked tentatively, trying to decipher the grim look upon his abnormally pale face.

"It's not ideal," he shrugged, sighing heavily as he took a noisy slurp of his coffee. "But what's done is done, and I guess it can work. After all, Jack seems happy."

Our eyes simultaneously swivelled to my son who was morosely dunking Mr Dog in his bowl of untouched soggy cornflakes.

"Hey, Jack," I whispered, nudging his elbow as Ron and I exchanged a troubled look, "what's up with Mr Dog today?"

"He can't swim," Jack said flatly. "So he's drowning."

"Well," Ron said with a forced joviality, "let's teach him, eh? Give him the tools he needs to save himself."

"He doesn't want to be saved." Jack muttered, letting go of the silver dog and allowing him to sink to the bottom, unseen.

The act disturbed me so much that, without hesitation, I dove my hand in, scooping the Scottie dog out with my fingers.

"Jack," I breathed, my heart racing with confusion as I looked down upon my sullen looking son, "what's the matter? You usually love Mr Dog."

But Jack just shrugged, scowling down fiercely at his lap and refusing to look at me.

I could feel the anger emanating off of him in waves and it shocked me. I felt panicked, and as I squeezed the Scottie dog in my hand I found myself silently begging for guidance.

"Here," Ron said kindly, beckoning for me to pass Mr Dog to him. "Let me have a try."

Nodding gratefully, I handed over the little silver trinket and observed nervously as Ron moved from his seat to go and crouch down next to my son.

"I tell you what, Jack," Ron said, placing the Monopoly piece down in front of him. "How about a lads adventure day? We can do some exploring. I'm sure Mr Dog would like that, eh?"

"Maybe," Jack whispered raising his little shoulders in a half shrug, his eyes darting dolefully down at the Scottie dog.

"And, if we ask our wonderful women nicely," Ron said, throwing me a small, sheepish wink, "maybe they can sort out a yummy treat for when the explorers return; say... some of that yummy pumpkin cake that they make so well?"

"I'll see what we've got," I said, rolling my eyes, refraining from calling him out on his sexism. "Might have to be carrot, though."

This sparked Jack's interest.

"Fox the Explorer likes carrot," he said in a small voice, "maybe Fox can go exploring?"

"I'm counting on it," Ron said, giving his arm a small jubilant pump. "We won't get far without Fox's excellent adventure skills, after all."

As they made to leave, Jack putting on his Fox the Explorer hat and pocketing Mr Dog, I mouthed my thanks to my red haired friend, feeling a flood of relief wash over me.

There was no doubt about it, Ronald Bilius Weasley was going to make a brilliant father.


"I've lost him!"

Okay, well scrap that.


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