𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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Jungkook rushed into the room Hoseok was staying in to find Hoseok on the bed, eyes closed but they opened the moment Jungkook burst into the room. "You're lying. Tell me you're lying Hoseok because this joke you're playing? Is sick so just-" Jungkook said while walking towards Hoseok who smiled sadly before moving the blanket aside. Looking at Hoseok's legs, Jungkook saw how they were decaying but at a slow pace? From his knees down his legs were gray in color while the veins were blueish but a darker color? The process of decaying slowly huh?

There Jungkook's eyes were kind of widened but he was in shock at the same time. Hoseok gulped before pulling the blanket over him. "The first round of hunters shot a wooden bullet into my chest. I didn't realize until later on and it was slow so I wasn't worried." Hoseok grunted from the bullet seething its way into his heart by the second. "We can take it out. Hoseok it's not that hard. Here look, I'll help." Jungkook reached for Hoseok but Hoseok stopped Jungkook by grabbing his wrist.

Jungkook looked at Hoseok who shook his head. "I know." Is all he needed to say for Jungkook to understand that this is what Hoseok wanted. Though it was hard to process for Jungkook. "...Why?" Jungkook asked in a broken tone. Hoseok looked at his own hands before he looked back at Jungkook. "I miss him." Hoseok started off and that confused Jungkook but soon he understood what Hoseok meant. "I miss him every single day. I try not to think about him but... I can't not think about him." Hoseok looked like he was about to cry. "I've lived a long, long life Jungkook. I'm sick of cheating life. I'm sick of living life without him." Hoseok admitted.

After all these years Hoseok was able to just let everything off his shoulders and that was the best thing right now for Hoseok. "Maybe if I didn't fall in love with Jinsu then I would want to live longer, live for you and Namjoon but I can't anymore." Hoseok watched Jungkook sit at the edge of the bed with a blank expression that was soon turning into a saddened one. "... I just had so much anger that I forgot he was your boyfriend too.." Jungkook gulped as he remembered back.

"You thought Jinsu told on us right?" Hoseok tilted his head while tears filled his eyes. Jungkook nodded at Hoseok's words, a little confused on why Hoseok said 'thought' although he did, wasn't he right? "Jinsu didn't say a word. I did." Hoseok said as the tears escaped his eyes and flowed down his cheek. "I wanted to marry Jinsu so I went to his father to ask for permission but when I just about to finish up, he cut his finger cutting the asparagus. My appearance changed in front of him and he saw... and I thought I erased his memory but somehow he remembered."

"... I was the reason that there was a fire at the house that day. I just... I just wanted to marry the love of my life." Hoseok said with a broken tone but he sucked it up as he watched Jungkook look at the floor that he was staring at for sometime. "Why?.. Why didn't you say anything back then? Why would you let me live?!" Jungkook asked with tears brimming his eyes. He killed Jinsu and he was innocent. Hoseok could have had so much more time with Jinsu if Jungkook's anger didn't get the best of him.

"I couldn't lose you." Hoseok said with a sharp breath from the movement of the bullet. "I lost you before. Don't you remember all the years chasing you? You lost Taesoo because of me. I didn't want you to be alone... I didn't want you turning back to your ways so I went along with it. I just couldn't let you lose yourself." Hoseok told Jungkook the truth and for Jungkook he felt horrible. The truth finally came out but Jungkook couldn't help but feel like the biggest asshole out there.

"That was the least I could do for you. Jungkook I put you through hell. Killing your family, turning you into a vampire. I get why you hated me for so long." Hoseok said while wiping his tears with a light chuckle. "... I resented you." Jungkook finally spoke up with a sniffle. "Hate is a big word. Maybe at the beginning I hated you but I felt resentment more than hatred." Jungkook bit his lip while looking at Hoseok. "...You watched me while I grew up. Took care of me without me even knowing. You turned me and then shaped me into what I am today... and I can't believe I'm saying this but... I think this is more painful than losing my family back in 1914."

Jungkook then finally looked at Hoseok with red eyes from crying but Jungkook was wiping the tears every now and then or just squeezing his eyes to stop the tears. It's been so long since Jungkook cried. It wasn't a full on cry but more like a few tears here and there escaping with a few sniffles. "... How do I live without you now?" Jungkook asked and that's when his tone was broken as his voice was a bit higher than usual from trying not to cry. That caused Hoseok to smile before it turned into a cry.

"You just do Jungkook. You live with Taehyung and Namjoon. Don't, please god don't go back to that lifestyle. You can do anything with your existence but start another war, please Jungkook," Hoseok begged Jungkook who couldn't help but chuckle although he didn't want to be laughing at this moment. "And help Namjoon get with Jimin." Hoseok added on with a smile which shocked Jungkook a bit. "He told me. I had a long talk with Namjoon. He thinks this is because of Jimin." Hoseok managed to laugh a bit.

"I went see Jimin the day you told us you saw Jinsu but in another form? Yeah... I watched him from afar. It was almost relieving in a way to see Jinsu in another form but... it wasn't Jinsu. When I met Jinsu something sparked and when I saw Jimin, I didn't feel anything but amazement at how he looked so much like Jinsu. Though he's not Jinsu and well... my heart belongs to Jinsu. I don't know where I'll go when I die and that scares me but I like to think Jinsu is waiting for me." Hoseok said with a smile.

Jungkook had his head back while he groaned from all the sniffling he was doing. "I'm dead, why am I so snotty?" Jungkook stood up and paced once he got a tissue. Trying to distract himself from the fact that Hoseok was dying. "We're dead but we still have human bodies, just without the working heartbeat." Hoseok laughed out but that only caused him more pain. This time when he lifted the blanket, it had reached below his belly button which explains why he couldn't move as much anymore.

Gulping, Hoseok grabbed the box beside him and pushed it over to Jungkook who stopped pacing to look at the box. "There's a few things I grabbed before we set off the fire. Don't open them until I'm... yeah." Hoseok bit his lip and nodded while he looked at the ceiling. "... Take care of Yoongi too. Don't give up on him Jungkook, even if it gets hard." Hoseok told Jungkook who spoke up, "If I gotta chase him around the world I will, don't worry." Jungkook said with a smile from the memory of Hoseok chasing him which made Hoseok smile.

"Good." Hoseok motioned Jungkook over and they didn't do this a lot but for the first time in forever, Hoseok hugged Jungkook tightly. Jungkook didn't want to let go but eventually he had to do so since Hoseok wanted everyone else to come in which was just Namjoon, Taehyung, and Seokjin. He had a few things to tell Seokjin along with Taehyung but most of all he had to talk to Namjoon one last time. Just to comfort Namjoon before he really did go.

"This isn't goodbye forever okay? I promise you two we'll meet again. I don't know when or how but we will. You two may not be my brothers by blood but you're my brothers by choice. Don't make me regret saying that either." Hoseok pointed at the two with tears. Hoseok could feel the rest of his body go stiff and that meant it was reaching up to his neck now. "Hoseok-" Namjoon started to panic once the color reached Hoseok's neck. "No, no stop- wait no no no I'm not ready- stop!" Namjoon wanted to take out the bullet from Hoseok but Seokjin held Namjoon back.

Hoseok could only smile at the two and before it could reach his mouth, "I love you broth-" and before he could finish, Hoseok turned completely gray and started decaying in front of their eyes. Taehyung forced to look away from Jungkook who was shaking lightly while holding Taehyung. In total disbelief that Hoseok was gone, the echos of Namjoon screaming for Hoseok and for Seokjin to let him go heard in the background. "Please no! no no! please Hoseok- please no!" Namjoon couldn't help but cry at the fact Hoseok was gone.

Though for Hoseok it was like he took a long and deep breath underwater. It first felt like he was drowning in a way? but then memories of his human life started flashing in his head which made him... feel so so happy. Seeing his family and how happy he was but then Hoseok finally came up for air and when he did, Jinsu was right there. "...I've been waiting for you." Jinsu said with tears but had the biggest smile while holding his hand out for Hoseok who took a moment to admire the boy in front of him before taking his hand. They stood in front of each other in awe.

Hoseok cupping Jinsu's face while Jinsu smiled at Hoseok. Just like how it used to be. Jinsu's skin was soft, almost too soft but the energy around them was just perfect. As much as Hoseok was going to be missed... he found his happiness. Something he longed for and although it broke his friends in the end, he was happy. Anywhere Jinsu was he was happy.

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