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Jungkook was right when it came to staying later than he probably should after investigating the area. Jungkook took a look around for any clues that could help him with this problem on his hands while Taehyung took the people inside the cinema on as in he went talk to them and question a few things. It worked out well for Jungkook since now he was alone and could focus on what was really important but after he was left with nothing important that would relate wit the case. The girl who was found didn't disappear like the other two girls did which was questionable.

Sitting in the car, Jungkook picked at his bottom lip before Taehyung was getting in. "Alright, I think I have a suspect." The boy said excitedly but was quick to dial down his tone and opened up his book that he wrote his things down in. "I asked to talk to the people who worked those nights and also asked for the video footage of who came in and out during those times." Taehyung nodded with his own words which had Jungkook smiling just a bit.

Taking out the pictures he took on his phone, Taehyung gave Jungkook his phone and zoomed in once he leaned more closer to Jungkook who leaned back after Taehyung zoomed in. "Okay so if you swipe to the left two times you can see the same guy in the background near the door. He doesn't completely come inside but instead, he just stands there for minutes and leaves. An hour before the girls would go missing." Taehyung clapped his hands together and hummed.

Jungkook zoomed in a little more with his fingers once he caught eye of the male standing near the door. The camera didn't get the male all that well and his face was half cut out but Jungkook felt like he saw this male before? It was a strange gut feeling Jungkook was having and having Taehyung with him didn't make it any better considering he knew what he was dealing with but Taehyung didn't and so if anything did happen, how was Jungkook supposed to proceed?

"I think we should call it a night." Jungkook suddenly brought it up and let the file fall to his side after giving Taehyung his phone. "What? But we just got a lead. If anything we should stay longer and see if this person shows up don't you think?" Taehyung pushed at staying while Jungkook sighed. There was no arguing with Taehyung was there? That was the annoying thing about Taehyung and it made Jungkook feel better knowing he was disliking some things about Taehyung. It was bad but it helped him understand that Taehyung is not Taesoo.

"Fine, alright but if we do see him, you stay in the car. Okay? The detective gave me this case so it's mine. You're just the help." Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a stern look and Taehyung rolled his eyes and slumped back in his seat. "Gee, a thank you could suffice after getting you that info," Taehyung mumbled underneath his breath which Jungkook heard but decided to ignore it while he sat back in his seat. Turning up the radio that was playing music while they waited.

As Jungkook kept an eye out, Taehyung was busy comparing all the cases he had in his lap about the 'cinema disappearances' as he would call it. Casually talking to himself in which Jungkook noticed but again, ignored since he figured that was how Taehyung worked. Plus it gave Jungkook an idea of where Taehyung's head was at. Though eventually Jungkook was getting uncomfortable in his hoodie and decided to slip it off and throw it in the back.

Adjusting his seat as well, Jungkook let his head rest back while his eyes were glued to the cinema just trying to imagine what could have happened. For Taehyung though... well, as soon as the hoodie came off Jungkook- Taehyung's eyes followed to the tatted-up arm and was in shock. First, because how could anyone just... do that? It was cool as fuck and okay... hot as fuck too but the pain? over and over? on the same arm? It gave Taehyung chills.

"You'd be the worse stalker." Jungkook suddenly spoke while a small smile cracked on his lips. Taehyung though was confused by that as he was still staring at Jungkook. Clearing his throat, Jungkook looked at Taehyung. "I could feel you staring and it's uncomfortable, honestly." Jungkook raised an eyebrow and watched Taehyung's eyes widen as he then looked away. "I was admiring your tattoos, asshole," Taehyung admitted while looking back at his files.

Jungkook looked at his arm and was reminded of his many tattoos. Oh right, he forgot he had those. It's been months since Jungkook added a new tattoo and his right arm was almost completely filled up and in his opinion, he loved his new look. "Which one caught your eye?" Jungkook asked out of curiosity since well.. he only ever talked about his tattoos with Namjoon and Hoseok. Then again all he ever did was talk to Namjoon and Hoseok about his business.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook before he looked at Jungkook's arm and hummed. "The eye. It's really good honestly and the red added? It's cool. Then I look at the rest of the tattoos and see there ain't a specific design that follows up with all of them. So.." Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was actually pretty interested in hearing what Taehyung had to say. "So?" Jungkook repeated after Taehyung. "I'm guessing that all these tattoos you have on yourself mean something to you? In some way, even the eye." Taehyung chuckled a bit and Jungkook smiled.

"I guess you're not that bad of a detective." Jungkook pulled up the rest of his sleeve and that's when Taehyung's eyes widened again. "They all have different meanings. Either it was very important or just something I wanted to remind myself of." Jungkook explained and Taehyung smiled at that. "Well, I think they look great on you." Taehyung complimented Jungkook. The boy cleared his throat and nodded before pulling down his sleeve. Before Jungkook could say anything else though, he had a bad feeling which had his eyes darting towards the cinema.

Nothing he saw out of the ordinary but when he got to actually looking around, he saw a person standing in the shadows. "I'm gonna go check it out once more. Don't leave." Jungkook said quietly as he kept his eyes on the shadow that was starting to back up into the alleyway. Once Jungkook got out, he didn't make a big thing out of it until he got into the alleyway. "Although I know the answer, where are the two other girls you took?" Jungkook asked as he stood still.

Using his hearing, Jungkook could hear the male chuckle airily before he could hear the footsteps coming up from behind him. Turning in a swift movement, Jungkook was able to see the male but was late to react as a metal rod was piercing through Jungkook's stomach. Although he was able to toss the male into the brick wall before he fell onto his knees from the sudden shock wave of the pain although he pulled it out rather quickly after he noticed he had a rod in him.

A cough and broken groan came from the male while Jungkook pushed himself up against the brick wall and cursed himself out for not being better prepared but waited for himself to heal which took a little longer. As the other male recovered from being flung into a fucking brick wall, he lifted his head and as soon as he did that, Jungkook remembered who the male was. "Yoongi..." Jungkook breathed out. "The one and only." Yoongi stood up and cracked his back.

"They weren't lying when they said you were strong." Yoongi then cracked his neck with a groan. Jungkook stared at Yoongi in amazement. Mostly because he couldn't believe Yoongi was still alive after all these years. "They?" Jungkook asked as he stood up after he was healed but now there was a huge bloodstain on his shirt, fucking great. "Oops, let that slip." Yoongi sucked in a breath. "I'm surprised you're still alive. I shouldn't have expected anything less though."

Yoongi smiled at that but it was more devilish. "I was the strongest one out of all your toys. I'd be pretty disappointed if you forgot about me." Yoongi admitted before he tried to attack at Jungkook who took the first attack but had Yoongi in a headlock within seconds. "What did you do to those girls and why." Jungkook held a firm grip, ready to snap Yoongi's head. A laugh came from Yoongi though as he held onto Jungkook's arms. "What do you think? I'm a vampire. I need blood, just like you." Yoongi groaned from the tightening grip.

"You're a vampire but here you are playing what is it? Cop? Detective? Do your coworkers know what you are? How you could drink every single drop of their blood within minutes if you really wanted? I guess not right? Considering you have a duplicate of Taes-" Yoongi couldn't even finish his sentence as Jungkook turned Yoongi and had his hand in Yoongi's chest which had the boy stopping and choking on his own words. "I made you what you are Yoongi. Don't you underestimate me. Anymore added pressure to your heart and it'll burst within you, causing you to drop dead right in front of me." Jungkook warned.

The pressure Jungkook already had on Yoongi's heart made Yoongi get scared for a moment as he started to nod. "Jungkook?" A voice was heard and Yoongi didn't even get the chance as Jungkook removed his hand from Yoongi's chest and snapped his neck.

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