𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

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Jungkook stayed with Taehyung throughout the night. At first, he did leave for a few minutes just to check on the male that was locked up but Hoseok said he was busy with Zelo and so Jungkook just let it be and went back to Taehyung. There he climbed back into bed and had Taehyung closer than ever while the boy slept peacefully in his arms. All these things Jungkook said about how he didn't want anything from Taehyung and only wanted to keep him safe but something changed. Jungkook didn't know what changed but something did.

Maybe it was the way Taehyung was treating him? At first no doubt Taehyung was annoying and Jungkook would surely close the door on Taehyung's face but now Jungkook was used to all the blabbering Taehyung would do. How his brain would function and what kind of stupid words would come out of that pretty mouth. Laying with Taehyung made Jungkook think about a lot. It's been a long long time since Jungkook was actually able to think over all these things he never thought he would actually think over.

Looking at Taehyung, Jungkook brushed his hair back and traced his jawline with his pointing finger before he stopped at his chin and held it softly. Admiring every little feature and every little thing about Taehyung then it hit Jungkook.... he was admiring Taehyung as Taehyung. He was realizing all these things about Taehyung, seeing how beautiful Taehyung could be inside and out. Jungkook realized that... he wasn't seeing Taesoo in Taehyung at all anymore. There was a far difference between the two and Taehyung just...

Gulping, Jungkook looked away from Taehyung once the boy started to move a bit in his sleep. Mumbling words as he would usually do before he ended up moving away from Jungkook. Yes, Taehyung was quite the mover when he slept and Jungkook just came to notice that too. Totally different from Taesoo. Taesoo stayed in one spot most of the time... but seeing that Taehyung liked his space made Jungkook smile. Then again... anything Taehyung did made Jungkook smile, didn't it? Lately, it felt like that. Lately Jungkook has just been happier.

Sitting up, Jungkook looked forward and then at his hands. Lost in his head about all these thoughts about Taehyung. About how he didn't want to be involved with Taehyung and yet here he was. Now that Jungkook was realizing all of this... he knew he wouldn't be able to compel Taehyung. That being because he cared too much now. Looking back at Taehyung, Jungkook saw that Taehyung had kicked off the blanket earlier and was now searching for the blanket again just barely moving his fingers while moaning.

With a dry chuckle, Jungkook reached for the blanket and covered Taehyung up. There the boy became quiet and was back in a deep slumber. "... What are you doing to me?" Jungkook asked in a whisper. Breathing in, Jungkook laid next to Taehyung and wrapped his arm around Taehyung. At first, Taehyung moved a bit but that was just to get comfortable and for the rest of the night, they stayed like that.

Until morning time came around and Taehyung was beginning to wake up. There Jungkook moved to the other side of the bed carefully and cleared his throat. Taehyung on the other hand felt Jungkook move away only because the sudden weight that was wrapped around his torso was now gone. Slowly and eventually, Taehyung pushed himself up from the bed still quite tired but he got himself to sit up for a good amount of time before falling back onto the bed and hugging a blanket.

Jungkook smiled at Taehyung's actions. Wanting to laugh at how lazy Taehyung looked but he didn't want to disturb Taehyung until there was a loud yell coming from the basement. Well, only Jungkook could hear it considering his hearing but it was still pretty loud. Seeing that Taehyung went back to bed, Jungkook got up and left the room to see what all the ruckus was about and when he did get to the basement- he found Hoseok with his hand inside Zelo's chest.

From Jungkook's view, it was like Hoseok had tears in his eyes but in a maddening expression? And Namjoon only stood a few feet back with a shocked expression. Then just like that Zelo's heart was crushed in his chest by Hoseok who slowly did so. "... Well I hope you found something out before killing him." Jungkook looked at Hoseok who broke out of the thoughts that were slowly consuming him. "Zelo didn't name them. He looked afraid to name him just like every single vampire we caught. They're always so scared to say who they are working for."

Hoseok wiped the blood off his hands with a hankerchief. "They heard you've been taking out every vampire that approached you. I think whoever it was sent Zelo to finish you off and he would have Jungkook-" Hoseok started and Jungkook nodded, knowing where Hoseok was heading with this. "If you didn't have Taehyung then who knows what would have happened? If you didn't have us to stall for you, Jungkook you-" Hoseok tried to keep up with his lecture.

"I need blood." Jungkook interrupted Hoseok who stopped talking after hearing Jungkook. "I know that. To be strong I need a daily intake of blood but the daily intake of blood messes with me Hoseok, you two know that. I... I don't want to go back to my old ways. As strong as I was... I was a monster." Jungkook looked saddened at his own words. Remember every single bad thing he did in just mere seconds. "If I let Zelo go he would have informed whoever he was working for about you. Then for sure you'd be dead. I'll do the killing okay? If it leaves your hands clean then I'll do it." Hoseok announced to Jungkook who suddenly felt lost with his words.

"Hoseok..." Jungkook whispered out. Hoseok didn't say anything until Namjoon joined the conversation. "We're a family right?" Namjoon asked the two of them and it took a minute but Hoseok nodded to agree with Namjoon that they are a family then Jungkook did the same thing. "Family protect each other. We're family and for as long as we're alive, I'll do my best to protect you both. I know... I haven't taken this all serious but I think I'm realizing how real this is getting. Vampires want Jungkook dead, Taehyung dead and hell even maybe us next."

Jungkook gulped at that. He really created a big mess didn't he? "But no matter what, you two are my brothers." Namjoon breathed out before ruffling up Jungkook's hair with a smile. "You're not going to be a monster Jungkook." Namjoon suddenly brought up. "You know why I know that?" Namjoon asked Jungkook who tried to think over a reason that Namjoon would think so but he couldn't come up with one so he shrugged. "Because you have Taehyung to watch over."

Those words sparked something within Jungkook. He doesn't know what but the determination to keep Taehyung safe became stronger in a sense. Namjoon... was right wasn't he? Jungkook knew he would do anything for Taehyung... and maybe he wouldn't be a monster. It was risky though... because even when Jungkook was with Taesoo he still had a hard time controlling himself. "And we all know how much you care for him so... I know you wouldn't become the old you."

Hoseok found himself smiling at the two he /practically/ raised before he gulped. "With that... I heard Taehyung yesterday. About drinking his blood when you're weak? You don't necessarily have to drink blood everyday. That would just heighten everything within you each day but..." Hoseok started off and Jungkook shook his head. "I'm not feeding off of Taehyung." Jungkook made it clear and Hoseok nodded. "All I'm saying is if it came down to another fight and we weren't there... what would you do? Tell Taehyung to run? You and I both know that won't work."

Jungkook gulped. "So what? I feed off him for strength? I don't want to do that to him." Jungkook told Hoseok who shrugged. "And yet he was firm on trying to get you to agree with his plan which isn't bad. Once you learn how to control yourself-" Again, Hoseok was stopped by Jungkook. "And if I don't?! I'll kill him Hoseok." Clearly Jungkook was stuck on his opinion of not feeding off Taehyung but Hoseok thought it was a good idea. Only if he was weak though of course. "You won't kill him Jungkook. Just... take it into consideration if he's allowing you to do it."

Looking at Hoseok then Namjoon, he sighed while rubbing his face. After he finished rubbing his face though the first thing he saw was the decayed body on the floor. "Before Taehyung sees the body can you please-" And with a thump coming from above, Jungkook heard a gush of wind and- "Fuck!" Jungkook said as he hurried out of the room and within seconds he was in his room where the window was wide open and Taehyung was no where to be seen.

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