Chapter Two

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Ying cheerfully barged in to the room of the Crown Princess. They had been best friends, and the younger lady is always welcome to come in and out of the room.

She saw her lone figure in front of a big mirror, dressed with a light dress and a matching pink hijab she had started using to cover the ugly patching on her once soft skin.

She gave her a low bow, "Good morning, Yaya!"

The princess smiled at her on the mirror, "Good morning, Ying! You came late? What happened?"

"Well, your brother keep on pestering me about weird stuffs." She replied, expression disgusted.

She let out a soft chuckle, "My brother seems to like you."

She agreed, "Yeah. He likes teasing me. Hey, he's a bully!"

She removed her pink hijab exposing her short silky hair and the rough patches on her face, she went near her and gave her another smile, "Thank you for being loyal to me, Ying."

She read the glint of sadness on her brown eyes. The princess was taller than her and she could make out the patching that made her master's skin look different from before.

Queen Yaya was once sought and revered as the most fairest lady on many lands, but it was not long when she was diagnosed to have an unusual skin disease. This made her almost loose the crown, hated by some of the palace administrators, and was told to be cursed. Still, despite the sudden death of her parents, she managed to stand strong and bold despite of the many opposition.

In fact, she had made the kingdom more prosperous and comfortable for her people despite of some rebellions. She never faltered. The weak princess she once knew became the strongest queen she will always look up to.

The younger woman embraced her, unafraid of her rough skin rubbing against her cheek. "I am always here, Yaya!"

Someone knocked on her door, a familiar voice stopping them, "Your Highness. It's time for your check up."

The two women let go from their tight embrace as one pair of blue eyes gave the other pair of brown eyes a knowing look and announced, "I think I should excuse myself, Your Highness."

She gave a low bow to the tall and handsome doctor, "I entrust my beloved Queen to you for awhile, Doctor Boboiboy." And patted his shoulder.

He gave her a sheepish smile, "Thanks, Ying."

Closing the big and heavy door behind, the male gave the queen a deep bow. "Allow me, Your Highness."

The queen gave him a smile and proceeded to sat down on her most comfortable chair, in front of a smaller mirror. Approaching her with his most gentle touch, he smiled, "Her Highness's hair is still soft and silky since the first day I touched them. Hehe."

With wandering brown eyes, she was controlling the giddiness she started feeling. Feeling him brushing her hair and then later tied it securely, she flinched when his fingers landed on her neck, where those rough patches lay.

She saw him getting a small bottle and began rubbing the contents on her face. It instantly gave her an itchy feeling she have to clasp her hands tightly, biting her lips. His hands moved to her neck and she heard him humming, "Her Highness is a strong woman, indeed."

Their eyes were locking on the mirror, and Yaya saw her cheeks glinting in a pink blush.

Her morning ritual, after she took a warm bath, should always include the clumsy doctor on applying his ointment on her bare skin. The queen never regretted him on doing it because she have to admit, it felt nice. Really nice.

She had memorized the route of his warm hands which are filled with familiar enthusiasm, the same as what Ying emitted. But today seems to be different. It felt sad. His eyes also seem sad now that they are staring gently at hers.

"Your Highness... Your skin had improved more than before though, I still fail to bring the original softness and texture of your skin." He said, tracing a certain patch on her neck.

"You have done a big help, Boboiboy. It is enough for me." She patted his hand gently with a smile.

He turned her body gently to him, absentmindedly touching her surprised face. "I will leave tomorrow, Your Highness."

She couldn't understand why she felt sadness washing over her, "But why?" Did he had already gotten tired of her?

Her head dropped. Yes, she was right. Handsome and wealthy kings and princes wouldn't even dare to look at her for once, how much more when he's just a mere palace doctor who has been serving her for years?

She didn't notice that she was already tearing up. Her tears are always for her pity self. Who else is she even kidding? People would always look at the outside appearance. And he's the same as anyone she loathed.

"My Queen..." There he is again, touching her ugly skin. If he would love to leave her, he should've just left without a word and added her anger. But why...

Why is he looking at her with that kind and undiscriminated brown eyes? Why is he still touching at her ugly skin that she always hated?  

"I'll... I'll be going to Utah for awhile." He said. "I heard that they have an unusual water hidden behind the big mountains. It was rumoured that the water there keeps the people young and healthy. I want to study the water there so that one day, I can get your skin cured. This time, it will really help you, Your Majesty."

He is just a really kind man helping an ugly queen like her. She heard him continue, "But before I will go... I, " he paused, voice faltering.

She looked at his blushing cheeks and shy eyes. He continued, "I... Don't want to see you cry for I am only a mere doctor. And..." He heard him sighing as he was holding her hands to his warm ones. "I know that I am not in the right place to confess but Your Majesty... Please wait for me."

She wasn't sure if he was confessing to her but she cried even more. "Tell me, Boboiboy. Tell me why would you do such a big sacrifice for me? Is it because for the fame? Money?"

He paused and stared deeply at her eyes, "I have been in love with a girl ever since she once visited a medical school. I remember her never giving up to a clumsy student who always gets scolded by the Head Principal. And even though her looks had changed, she is still the same kind and loving Yaya I have ever known."

She couldn't control the overflowing feeling that she felt and tackled him into her arms. "Oh, Boboiboy!"

But the hug did not last long for the smiling doctor faced her close to his own forehead. "I may not be a wealthy prince nor a famous king from a bountiful land but... I can be with you until my last breath. Please wait for me a little longer, Your Highness."

She gave him a tearful smile, "Of course I will!"

They nuzzle their noses gently and with a patient moment, the man pulled her near him giving her the most loving and the warmest kiss he can give.

The kiss made her electrified, lips moving deeply and passionately like it doesn't want to say goodbye. When they pulled out, their blushing faces were evident, still catching their breaths.

"Your Majesty..."

"Please call me by my name, Boboiboy."


"Say it again, please."

"Yaya. Please wait for me." And with that, she stood frozen when his lips kissed on her ugly skin.

Pushing the entranced queen on the nearby bed, Boboiboy traced his fingers again on her calloused skin that Yaya shivered. She commanded, embarrassed, "Please stop."

She saw how his misty eyes weakened. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Yaya. At least- just let me touch them."

"But- but you've been touching them for years... Aren't you disgusted or something?" She averted her eyes from his.

She heard a sigh, not a tiring one but a soft and contented one. He inched his face closer to hers and showered it soft and ticklish kisses. "Now listen," she saw his eyes darkened, "I won't stop kissing your skin until I'll be convinced that you will promise to love it as much as how I love this." He blew a hot breath near her neck and planted a warm kiss later on.

Yaya was confused why her body seemed to melt at his touch and kisses. "B-Boboiboy-"

Then her tears exploded when he heard him said, "I have been in love with you, Yaya. I am in love with who you are. I hope you will understand that your situation never changed my love for you- only for you."

She covered her messed up face but Boboiboy kissed her tears away. He repeated, "I love you, Yaya."

She was surprised to hear him say those words. She wrapped her arms around his neck, "Oh, Boboiboy!"

He seemed to love kissing her until Ying's cheerful voice stopped their ecstasy, "Yaya! I forgot to tell you- Oh,"

She blinked, "What are you doing?"

Yaya didn't seem to stand under Boboiboy but just moved her head towards her. "Oh- uh, it's a- uhm- a new treatment method for my skin. It- it makes me feel g-g-g-good." She stuttered.

Boboiboy blinked at her and looked at Ying. The younger woman tilted her head innocently and seemed to buy it, "Oh, I see. Welp, anyway, I forgot to tell you that this afternoon is you and Fang's schedule for a court meeting. I have to remind that arrogant Spikehead, so I'll go."

Boboiboy wiggled his brows at Yaya when they heard her closing the huge doors behind. "Now, where were we again?"

She smiled, "Thank you."

Walking, Ying was thinking hard why the new treatment involves Boboiboy's lips on her Queen's neck? Would it really heal faster if it was like that?

Well, she lost the ability to think for a while.

"Woi," someone pulled one of her pigtails from behind.

A towering figure smiled flamboyantly at her, "You seem to be lost in your thoughts. Were you thinking about me, Royal Guard Dog?"

She gave him a sour face, "If I would be thinking about you, it would be me wiping the the palace floors with that overconfident face of yours, You Royal Pain in the Butt."

He seemed to shiver but not in fear, "Oh! At least my fair lady is thinking about me even if she's abusing me in her thoughts."

She gave him a blank look, "Uuh-"


Slap me with ya mama's chapal!

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